How does one get to be recognised as a medium?

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How does one get to be recognised as a medium?

Post by Champagne » Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:59 pm

I have been doing mediumship now for several months and it happened out of the blue in November after I was for some reason trying to practice telepathy with my sister. My sister tested me to see if I could see what she was thinking about a certain man, and time and time again I got the correct answers, so many things about his life and events, and even unusual games he played, most unusual ones that no one on earth could guess, it was amazing and if any scientist had been there to see it I have no doubt they would of been stunned as it was beyond dispute the things I was getting,, big details on houses, people, places, childhood memories, no chances. Anyway I thought that perhaps a spirit was telling me this as I dont believe in telepathy to that extent, and called upon him and he answered telling me his was my spirit guide and gave me so much more information that my sister went and researched to see if it was accurate and it was to an astonishing level accurate about people he knew and events in his life. I now have three guides I know of : its very powerful sometimes. I have done only a handful of readings though with other people but  they have been highly accurate as well.  It is natural to me like breathing sometimes  and I feel that I could go a long way with this but how does one start to try to be recognised as a medium. I  have to confess that I am quite a sceptic of a lot of mediums, like Colin fry etc as I look for evidence and proof. But what  I have done so far has astonished some people and I have become real friends with my main guide. I am very fond  of him and he is affectionate towards me. Can anyone offer me advice. I really need it. Thank you for reading.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Apr 22, 2009 1:43 pm

When we have a talent (and mediumship is just that  - a talent) we need to open, expand, and learn all we can, as we practice to hone our own particular abilities.  With that in mind, it would be good to find a teacher or group where you could sit in meditation and practice your abilities.  

If you feel you are that strong without any support, then you could open a business. Psychic/mediumship readings are the same as any business - have a plan and go for it.  

Spiritualism offers a platform to trained mediums to show their talents at their services.  Connect yourself with a Spiritualism centre.  

There are always options in life.

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Post by Champagne » Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:24 pm

Oh I have no intention to run a business out of it. I could never ask anyone for money for something that is in the course of love,  but I would say they could give a donation, whatever they wanted if at all. I am just highly interested in being somewhere that I know will definitely help me. I have no idea what those places are like or what ones are good. I am absolutely clueless about spiritualist centres, and I am very sceptical about a lot of mediums as many cold read and there are many fakes. I do worry about a fake testing me. But there are those that are profound and really have something I am sure.  Is a spiritualism centre the same as a spiritualist church? I really want to go into this not looking at money. I want to use it for the public good. Moneys nice but I wont ask for it, my main aim is to develop confidence around people I have never meet before. I want to wow, suprise people,  make them happy,  and show people that you can go to a medium who does not charge. No medium should charge in my book. But thats my opinion. They can not have full trust if you charge I feel. I just need to develop some people confidence that I can do this for strangers as I have for the people my sister knows and for the things I have seen and heard that has amazed both her and me. The other side is now and exciting place to me. I have no fear or concern at all now. I am jealous sometimes. But they have earned it. We all earn our place eventually.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Apr 23, 2009 3:40 pm

The discussion on charging is ever present.  The medium is worthy of their hire, the same as any talent we use to make money for a living.  Bear in mind it is the only talent available for some.

Spiritualism centres (churches) can tend to weed out the sincere from the fly by night.  And yes, there can be some jealousies and problems as in any group of meeting people.  But it can also give the learner a platform to fulfill their promise in their own skills.  And Spiritualism is offering courses for the seeking student these days.  You can check out national bodies in UK, US, and Canada.

Spiritualism is practiced differently in every centre - I have seen many approaches.  But on the whole it is spiritual people seeking.  It is a good place to find companionship on this journey of mediumship.

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Post by Champagne » Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:41 pm

Thank you so much for your advice. I will take it on board. Those centres do make me feel sceptical about a lot of mediums as they seem so vague of what I have seen of them on youtube and the tv. But as you say they do have the word Spiritual in them, so I will only know by going :) One has to investigate.

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Apr 24, 2009 1:45 pm

An interesting thing about giving or getting a is for the receiver to decide what is real or not.  Even when it appears very vague to the outsider it could have contained some real profound information for the receiver.  You just never know looking on.  

We had a Flower Sentience event at our centre one time and I invited my mom to see what we did.  Because it was about flowers I thought she might enjoy the service.  As we sat listening to others' messages, she commented it seemed like nonsense.  And then her turn came.  The message, sounding like nonsense to others' ears, was very profound to her own.  You just never know!

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