Why do some ghosts just show up?

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Why do some ghosts just show up?

Post by mystic67 » Sun Jan 11, 2009 7:24 pm

I have seen 2 spirits in my home. One was a little girl in my daughters
bedroom and one was a middle aged women in my garage. I did not know
these people and I was not able to get a message or communicate with them. I really don't know why they were there. And they both came 2 years ago in the Summer of that year.
I wonder why they show up? I felt they may have needed help crossing, and although I don't feel that I am any more able to do this than anyone else I thought I would try since they appeared only to me.

I am a dowser, so I dowsed that they could be moved on with my help.
I asked that the angels help them find there way to wherever they should
be. I dowsed that they had crossed and haven't seen them since.

Why do you think they showed themselves to me?


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 12, 2009 7:18 pm

Those that are nearest the earth plane and probably 'stuck' in some way by their own thinking, often just appear where there is energy to make their presence felt and known.  You are an open channel of sorts and your light was warming and welcoming.  They don't always have some great message to leave, they just are stuck where they are and you probably showed them the angels that come to help them over.

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Post by mystic67 » Wed Jan 14, 2009 4:46 pm

Well I guess I did the right thing. I always ask for help from the angels and they never let me down. :)


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Post by spiritalk » Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:46 pm

The person whose energy is being used is the best one to help them along.  They are in touch and know when the spirit is there and when they have gone on to the light.  That is the important aspect.  

Stuck spirit will often listen to the earth voice before they acknowledge the angels.  That is how you work together.

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Post by mystic67 » Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:32 pm

Well my kids see some spirits too, and they are only 11 and 12.  My son has seen a spirit of some man who told him his name is Paul
off and on for about 5 or 6 years now. I haven't seen him at all, and I have not been able to contact him. He has told me what he
looks like but has not told my daughter (his sister) about it. Last night my daughter jumped up out of her chair at the kitchedn table
and said OMG! I just saw a man about Dad's size walk from the back door into our library! She was kind of freaked! I asked her to
describe him becuase my husband and I both see the occasional spirit ourselves and neither of us saw him. Her description fit
the one my son described as Paul. So I guess he's back. My son has special needs and I don't think I can reallly get him to try
and help this spirit to the other side, so I'm not sure what to do with  him!

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Re: Why do some ghosts just show up?

Post by Suleiman » Sun Jan 18, 2009 2:30 am

mystic67 wrote:I have seen 2 spirits in my home. One was a little girl in my daughters
bedroom and one was a middle aged women in my garage. I did not know
these people and I was not able to get a message or communicate with them. I really don't know why they were there. And they both came 2 years ago in the Summer of that year.
I wonder why they show up? I felt they may have needed help crossing, and although I don't feel that I am any more able to do this than anyone else I thought I would try since they appeared only to me.

I am a dowser, so I dowsed that they could be moved on with my help.
I asked that the angels help them find there way to wherever they should
be. I dowsed that they had crossed and haven't seen them since.

Why do you think they showed themselves to me?

They are not dead or the spirit of the deceased that they need help crossing over. That is you would fail. Such thing does not exist.
We assum we are the only creatures inhabiting this earth, but their are creatures that exist and they usually remain hidden, they have very long life.

Now why do I think the show themself to you. Their are various possibility.

They might just wan't to show themself to you...maybe they like you, want to scare you.

Other reason can be if you or anyone in your house have been involved in somekind of magic, wheter be ouji board, sommoning, contacting the spirits (as in mediums), spells e.t.c.
It is a way of inviting them and one of the reason for it.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:04 pm

To instill fears of creatures in the night is not productive to good practices and rituals that exist in mediumship.  The people that speak to us from spirit form were once in earth plane form.  To help them into the light is a very worthwhile endeavour as sometimes they just can't find their own way - for various reasons.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:06 pm

mystic:  You can help any spirit that is in your environment.  If your children are present they may encourage him to stay around.  So perhaps you need to do a little discouragement of any spirit contact with the children.  Unfortunately they are just plane open to spirit until it is conditioned out of them.

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Post by Nyteshadecreed » Mon Jan 19, 2009 3:51 pm

Mystic I would have to say that I have been reading this thread for awhile now... and I never felt the need to say any thing, as what I would have said was covered... I would like to point out that, while yes, some things can invite spirits into your home, without you specifically meaning to, that people who can see and help them tend to be like a beacon for them to follow....

So you being able to see them, might be the whole reason they are coming to you, Next, sometimes they don't listen, because as Spiritalk pointed out that they have found companionship with a child, and are content to stay right where they are... If your child is also seeing them, then perhaps you should both encourage them to move on into the light. I would discourage then interaction with spirits with a very small child, and let them know what is going on... but if you feel your child is mature enough to go through this with you. Then teach them to help the spirits find the light and to find peace...

Just wanted to point that out to you, Do what feels like is the best for you and your loved ones... We can only tell you what we think is  best... you have to make the choice on your own. We are here if you would like more suggestions or feedback... *hugz* Just know that you are not alone and that the advice you have gotten is very good advice. Just find your way to make it work.

Light, love, and Blessings,

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Post by mystic67 » Mon Jan 19, 2009 5:26 pm

Thank you for your reply's. I agree that with the spirit my son calls Paul, it has been difficult to move him forward
because he has found this campanionship of sorts with my son. And I can tell you that I don't think my son minds him
coming around. He also lost a friend at school who died in a car accident and he sees this boy too. My son doesn't have
allot of friends, he has autism, and I can tell you he is an open book to the spirit world. That some times scares me,
but he is such a pure sweet kid, he doesn't know to think badly of people if they don't give him reason, and it doesn't sound
at all strange to him that people who have passed still may come around him to visit. I am partly responsible for that
because when he asked me what happened to people when they die, I told him my belief, which is that their soul lives on.
So He thinks of them still as being alive in some way. I have tried to simplify the whole thing about spirits moving on
to another place (I have told him they are now with God and the angels because that is something I thought he would
get) So I think I will try and tell him not to talk allot with these spirits as they need to go to this place of light , and
that is where they belong now. It's hard because of his level of understanding. My daughter doesn't really want to see
them so she doesn't very often. But my son is just so open. And the boy he knew that died was a very kind kid who
sat and listened to music with my son everyday after school. He was so good with my son. He told me the other day
he saw the boy who listened to music with him at school in the line at the cafeteria, there is no way he would be just
saying this. He just doesn't get it to do something like that. I just don't want my son to stop either of these souls to move
on to where they should be. I'll try to do some more in the way of contact myself, I'm open for suggestions on that!
I have not seen either, but have seen others so not sure what to do. I want to help them to move on because thats where
they need to be.
Thank you so much!

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Jan 19, 2009 6:26 pm

mystic, please e-mail me for a ritual to help 'stuck' spirit move on.  jmmevolve@yahoo.com.

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Post by Champagne » Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:11 pm

I have found from the one occassion that I helped a spirit towards the light  that it was as Spiritalk said they sometimes have a clinging to the earth. They are though I believe lovely beings that are trying to go to heaven, for we are reborn over and over until we are good enough to go. People dont just go. Not everyone is worthy right away, theres not a great deal of spiritual people on this planet is there. Sometimes they are almost ready but not quite so are between two spheres of existence. They are the best of souls, and yes calling the angels or guides to help them usually helps, but they find there way on their own eventually anyway once that last bit of negativity has been shed. Spirits are like caterpillars turning into butterflys. That last bit of transition can be hard. The chap I had was deeply upset that he died, he wouldnt believe the spirit world that he was dead it had to come from a human. When I told him he was dead, he accepted this news and then simply went up. He turned into a butterfly as I like to call it. Your house if anything is blessed. Is your home a loving and caring home?

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