Voices before sleep, Part 2

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Voices before sleep, Part 2

Post by Doe » Sun Sep 21, 2008 1:23 am

I just wanted to post something that I just wrote in my journal--just to hear people's thoughts, and see if anyone has similar experiences.  (For those of you who don't "know" me, when I talk to spirits I don't normally hear their voices--no doubt a good thing!--I see what they're saying written out in front of me...kind of a slow method of communication sometimes, but it works...usually!)

David is the spirit who looks out for me, teaches me about talking to spirits, and other things, and got me through a really terrible, confusing time last year when all of this really started to "open up" and I first started to "hear" what seemed to be what every spirit within 100 miles was saying...not all of it pretty.

So hear it is:

For many years (or maybe my whole life), I’ve seemed to hear bits of conversation just as I’m falling asleep.  It’s not like dreaming; I just hear things being said that seem to come from nothing at all in my own life, as if I’m overhearing conversations through the wall in the apartment next door, and they have nothing to do with me.  Lately I’ve also sometimes found myself in what look like scenes from other people’s lives—again, it’s different from dreaming.

It has, of course, been happening more often in the last year or so.  I also almost always wake up feeling as if I’ve been talking to someone almost the whole time I’ve been asleep.  Usually I’m pretty sure it’s David, but I remember very little or nothing of what’s been said—sometimes I get to hear just the last few words as I wake up.  Once, the spirit whose voice I heard saying something like, “Do you think I’m crazy?” (there were other voices in the background, as if I was on the phone with him—maybe doing some kind of counseling like the old days—and they seemed to be taunting him to kill himself) did continue to talk to me when I was awake for a few weeks, but he gradually disappeared.

Last night I was somewhere between being awake and asleep, but I woke up completely when I heard myself (I think) saying something about a “Wilson automatic.”  It seemed that I’d been having a conversation about guns with someone.  Now, I’m clearly not a gun person.  I’ve heard names of guns like Colt, etc., but I really don’t think I’d ever heard of a “Wilson automatic”—or even a Wilson.  I can’t imagine what I could have been talking about, or where that came from.  (I knew it had to be a gun as soon as I woke up, but I Googled it later anyway and saw that there is, in fact, a “combat handgun” called a Wilson semi-automatic…guess I missed the “semi” part.)

Today, of course, I asked David if I’d been talking to him.  I think he said, “You have such sensitivity.”

“So I’m hearing spirits’ voices?”


“Was that you?”

He said something about testing me, so I gather he was trying to see if I could “hear” him in my sleep.  At first I wondered why he’d use the name of a gun, but it makes sense—since guns are something I know nothing about, and I’m not likely to talk about just off the top of my head, it would certainly stick out so that I’d remember it and he’d know that I’d heard him.  (Earlier I think he said, “Only boys know those things.”  I bet Sarah Palin knows.  Ew.)

So that's it...love to hear others' thoughts!


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:18 pm

Perhaps it would get a broader audience in another thread like Psychic where more people are posting?

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Post by Doe » Sun Sep 21, 2008 3:49 pm

Thanks, Spiritalk.  I thought of that, but it does seem that, since I'm talking about hearing spirits' voices, the topic fit in better here in Mediumship.


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:35 pm

As a course in mediumship it is intended to answer questions of method and direction.  Did you wish your entry critiqued?

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Post by Doe » Mon Sep 22, 2008 2:48 pm

I thought that this was just the forum--a place for anyone to share their experiences relating to the spirit world with others of the same interests.  I was under the impression that the course was separate, and run under the two sub-forums.  There are many other posts in the forum that don't seem to have been posted for the sole purpose of getting critiqued by the moderator.   Is the "Psychic" forum only for "critiques" of one's psychic abilities, too, or is it just for open discussion?  I don't quite see the difference.

Yesterday you seemed concerned that my post wouldn't get enough responses here in this forum--was that not the problem?  Can't I post where I wish to post, as long as it's appropriate?

Am I missing something?  I'm not sure that a "critique" is necessary, but I certainly welcome people to respond as they wish.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Sep 23, 2008 4:34 pm

You are in the Mediumship Course.  Good mediumship practices to be discussed - not like an open forum - i.e. Psychic.

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Post by ammo » Tue Dec 30, 2008 6:21 am

I have conversations like those in my dreams as well, but I always just wrote them off as simply just dreams. Considering the frequency I'm starting to reconsider. How are you able to know for certain that you are speaking to spirits in  your dreams?

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Dec 30, 2008 2:06 pm

Confidence comes slowly and sometimes hard won.  We have to express ourselves - have a conversation.  

Spirit does not want to do all the talking - they want a conversation for 2.  Even in dream state you can remember to communicate your own thoughts.  

In that way, you will receive the answers.  Sometimes they are not quite what you expect.  That, too, indicates another entity, not your own mind.

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Post by NAAANEE » Wed Feb 25, 2009 1:19 am

try to put a dairy & note down all the dreams which you have remembered.make sure it is on your bed side and try to decode the things later on.It will be more interesting for you & share those experiences in psychic forum & you may get good response & guidance from all our good friends here.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:20 pm

Journalling is always good.  But remember dreams are mostly about our own unresolved emotions from the conscious state.  The ones you want to know about are the ones where you feel it may be spirit.  

What happens by chance in dreams, can happen by design in meditation.  It may be a good time to sit for regular meditation where you invite your guide to join you.  Some of those techniques are discussed under Spirit Guides.

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Post by yowan » Fri Jun 26, 2009 2:02 pm


Wow... It's just like that. even some years ago, I started hearing voices at night when I was half-awake. They are inaudible, somehow like voices from the wall or like television. I'm wondering if it's the neighbor watching TV but it's about 2-5am in the morning. All those years I just dismissed them at voices from the neighborhood.

Then just last night, I was kinda tired so I lay on my bed to take some nap. I was all comfy and ready to zone off... since our electric fan is off because it's kinda cold, I can hear louder DIFFERENT TONES-BEEPS, my body vibrating... and sometimes I could catch an inaudible voice, then when I concentrate and try to hear what It says... it is like catching a sound in a  speed of light. I can even feel my head turning as if following the sound. It is kinda metallic, a sound like smudged in the end. Then while trying to catch it, I doze off.

I kinda curious as what those voices says, so I've been trying to figure out what it says... Now that I know what they are.. Maybe later I'll try to hear them again.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Jul 04, 2009 3:29 pm

As we are drifting out of our conscious state into a sleep state (alpha) we are in what is also the meditative state.  We are like an open door without any filter on what comes.  To do practices with spirit entities it is much better to be alert to all that is happening and not jsut an open door to anything.  Grounding and protection is good before starting to do this on your own.

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Post by skywatcher55 » Mon Nov 02, 2009 12:52 am

Hi Doe. Been a while. I dont hear voices but I do hear mental thoughts completely not my own when i lay in bed. May of told you that. And me and my wife did hear a whistle once loud coming from our kitchen and no pots on our stove. LOL  :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 02, 2009 6:44 pm

Just as we are falling asleep we go through the alpha state.  This is the same state we use for meditation, but we remain alert instead of ready to sleep.  So this is just not the best time to be open to all and sundry without being alert to how your body, spirit and mind are used.  Choose an alert time to meditate and find your own talents unfolding.

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