I have a question could a coupke people answer it please?

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I have a question could a coupke people answer it please?

Post by johnswifey86 » Wed Sep 16, 2009 6:21 pm

I am looking to open up whatever abilities I have. Are there specific meditations or any specific things I have to do to open up or gain those psychic abilities? I am really desparate for answers so if you don't mind and if you have time can anyone who reads this please help me out? thank you!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Sep 17, 2009 3:42 pm

Read up on how they work, then practice is the most efficient way to do anything.

Have you read any of the lessons attached to this course of action?

All our psychic abilities begin with our 5 senses we use on a material vibration, adding 2 more (intuition from the gut and I know from the heart) as we take them to the sensitivities (psychic) within ourselves.  Understanding the senses is a good step to cover, as all the clair... abilities are attached to and perform through those senses.  

What I have found works for me is....a meditation in my own personal peace centre and then opening my sensitivities to invite my guide in with a seat and a symbol.  To form your own peace centre is important.  Find a place in nature that soothes your own soul and use it as a scene in which you sit to meditate.  

Meditation means to think upon...we are refocusing our mind, not trying to stop it.  When the electrical activities that cross our brain cease, we die in the physical body.  The important aspect is to remain alert and at the same time at peace.  Reading the attached notes on meditation may help you gain some hints in this direction that work for you.  We are all unique.

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Post by johnswifey86 » Fri Sep 18, 2009 8:29 pm

Well I read over the Mediumship tips but i'm not sure where to find the lessons. When I first started meditating I did the peace centre and I also used that place to meet my guide. The peace centre I use is acctually a place i've been before in life, so I do that too :) And when i've tried to contact my guide (several times) I haven't been successful. So what exactly is a seat and symbol? Also where do I find the meditation notes? I have so many questions and I don't want to bombard you w/ a ton of them lol...could you please suggest some great info on this site I could read (such as the notes/lessons) and where to find them. That would be a great help. Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to me Spiritalk, you've been a great help.

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Have you tried self-hypnosis?

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:36 am

Call a couple of your local hypnotherapists and see if they offer instruction in self-hypnosis. You could try getting some books on how to perform self-hypnosis but I think having someone "show you the ropes" would be a quicker route. I am a Certified Hypnotherapist and I use self-hypnosis for psychic development. Once I am in the state of hypnosis I practice "opening the door" to my psychic abilities. I use visualization and self-imagery to strengthen those few abilities I feel I already posses: Pre-cog, remote viewing, and empathy. I used it once to "open the door" for astral projection but it worked so well that it scared me and I nailed the door to A.P. shut.

Hope this helps!

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:04 pm


The mind is the greatest tool or instrument that we have; it is unfortunate that most of us are not aware of the great potential of our minds. We use what is termed our conscious mind in our day to day living to communicate and interpret through five (5) senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch) sometimes never realizing that we are using just a minute part of a greater force or energy. Meditation is 'to think upon'. Training of the consciousness at many levels is the exercise to seek knowledge.

Knowledge is the foundation upon which we build. Meditation will cultivate the understanding so that knowledge is absorbed by us and applied in our every day living.

Through the doors of meditation we learn to open the various levels of consciousness within; to understand the revelations behind each door and to apply them to all our experiences and to 'serve' those with whom we come in contact. We have the opportunity to take garnered knowledge on a personal basis, expand and refine it to our needs individually.

Meditation is a wondrous adventure, an important step in our spiritual awareness. As spirit here and now, everything in the universe is open to us, there is no limitation to what we can learn, only the limitations we impose upon ourselves. This is why contemplation and meditation are so important to us; we can unlock hidden, spiritual potential within our own being.

There is only one (1) spiritual centre for each individual. There are many methods and purposes for meditation. There should, of course, remain only one motive - "Service".

The following meditation is to create your own private inner room at your own, personal, inner spiritual centre:

Seat yourself comfortably in a chair, take a positive position, sitting upright, so that you will be as unconscious of your body as possible. At this stage take a couple of deep breaths to relax the body and put the mind at stillness.

Remember we are not attempting to stop thoughts in the mind, but to refocus them to our visualization. Close your eyes and use your inner forehead as a screen on which you are going to visualize your journey into peace.

You are ready to raise your consciousness and create your own personal spiritual centre for you to use at any time. Begin the journey by seeing a road or path. As this is your own journey it can be of any construction you desire...a dirt road, a paved road, a cement path, etc. As you travel your path, you can be barefoot to get the feel of all that surrounds you, or wearing walking shoes, whatever brings you comfort and peace on your journey.

We come to a gate at the side of the road and it seems to beckon us to examine what it behind the walls. Again, individual visualizations may vary according to your own choosing.

You enter a wonderful garden, where the grass is green and lush, the flowers are laid out in a profusion of color, and there is a little stream running through bringing the sounds, smells and feel of dampness to the environment. Birds sing, insects fly by, the butterflies and bees land on the flowers for nourishment and pollination.

You take your time to take in all the surroundings and to feel deep into your soul the peace that nature supplies. When you are ready, move on to the next step in your journey. There is a bridge across the little stream and a small patch on the other side with a bench. You rest awhile and invite anyone you wish to commune with in this peaceful surroundings to join you (it can be a friend, or a family member or someone you know of who could do with the healing of peace). This area of inviting a friend will be available to you time and again without entering into the center of your spiritual journey every time.

When ready, you move into the next step of the journey. There is a hedge along the side of your garden and you see a hole in the hedge inviting you to explore what is beyond this peaceful place.

As you peek through, you find your path leads through a dense forest of trees. They are so tall you cannot see the tops and they cast your path into shadow and twilight, but you can see your path clearly to follow from the sun peeking through the leaves of every shade of green. The trees seem to pass their patient strength into your being, empowering you with a patient fortitude you have not felt before. While the bark is rough, you feel compelled to touch and embrace this strength and ruggedness into your growth.

Looking forward along the path is a bright spot showing a sunny meadow beyond the forest. Walking along you come out into a meadow of lush, green grass filled with wild flowers of every hue and color. As you walk through this lovely meadow, you come to a pool of clear, blue water beckoning with freshness and rejuvenation. The sun shining on the pool gives it a jewel like appearance.

It is so inviting, you take off your clothes and enter for a swim. When you have refreshed yourself and are ready to leave the pool, you find a robe (the color is of your own choosing) ready for you to don to continue your journey. As you look along your path, you see it leading into a shaded area where there is a small cottage located (again, build this according to your own preferences) and you know you have found your special, spiritual center.

Walk up to the door, open it and enter, remembering to close the door after entering. Visualize a room in which you are going to fill full of and confine the mental qualities of discrimination, strength, the power to concentrate, and truth, for your future and continuous use. You will find yourself standing in a small room; the walls are completely unadorned, the only piece of furniture in this room is a wooden chair placed in the centre. This is your personal room where you can withdraw to anytime you so desire.

We are ready to energize our room with the energy of colour, that will always be there when we need it, whether it be for personal use or to aid someone else. Sit comfortably in the chair in the centre of your room.

Visualize the colour Red. See it cover and be absorbed into every area of your room. The walls, floors, ceiling are just glowing with the colour red. Then follow this exercise with each color in turn: Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and Violet. Your room is now alive with colour, all blending in harmony with each other, all radiating their own special vibrations.

Keep in mind, to draw all colours into itself to the White light. Your room is now energized.

Sit quietly for a few minutes to enjoy and feel uplifted by the energies you have created. Then think if there is someone you would like to commune with in your personal space or someone who you know needs a healing thought. Send out the thought that they come and visit you in your personal space. Open the door and bid them enter (no one can enter unless you invite them), ask them to sit on your chair. You stand in front of them and taking their hands in yours, draw the energy to them to be used by your friend, where it can serve the most good.

When your communion or healing is complete, see your friend to the door with God's blessing. You can give healing to anyone in your room, but you must only invite them one at a time to enter, concentrate on them alone and bid them leave.

When you are completed and ready to leave your sanctuary, take another couple of minutes to send out Love energies to all humanity. Visualize the world as you would see it from space, project all the beautiful energies you have created and finish with the world slowly being enveloped in White, knowing this is God's Love and Peace being projected to the human race. Give thanks for this opportunity to express Love to All.

When you go through the door of your centre, lock it after you leave. You alone contain the key to this glorious experience.

Return as you came along the path until you come to the pool. Take off your robe and again bathe in the water, leaving behind all your accumulated energies for another time.

When ready, come out of the pool and don your every day clothes waiting on the pool's edge. Proceed down the path back to the meadow, back through the strength of the trees, again absorbing this vital energy as you pass through the hole in the hedge, back to your beautiful garden of sweet smells and sights.

Leaving your garden behind, go out through the gate and return along the path to your every day consciousness and surroundings. We need never energize our room again, for every time we help someone, regardless of how we do it, our room will keep re-energizing itself. So the more we serve others, the stronger the energy will become.

What a blessing!

When there is a need for personal quieting of the body, mind, spirit, or healing of the individual, making attunement with our guiding forces will aid these efforts. All attunement is accomplished through meditation. All meditation is altering our consciousness to another, more peaceful place within our being. Not all meditation needs be long, involved or followed by someone else leading the way.

Music, chants, mantras, sounds, smells, sights, etc. are good tools to relax and put us in the right mind set to attune our body, mind, spirit to a peaceful existence. From this, we also realize that tools can have an hypnotic effect and caution in their use should be taken at all times.

A short meditation for finding peace within can be done in 5-10 minutes, no more, and leaves us feeling refreshed from the experience. We are not inviting anyone else to this experience, merely quieting our own body, mind, spirit connection. Visualize a beach on a body of water, it can be a large or small beach and body of water, but it is personal and private to your own, personal use.

While sitting on the beach, we are going to attune to the ebb and flow of the water. Using all your senses attune to the movement and vibration of the flow. Let it sink right into the depths of your being. Feel the warmth of the sun on your body. Feel how it enters into your being and warms your soul, filling every cell with energy and rejuvenation.

When you feel warm and would like to cool the situation, just enter the water and float around the ebb and flow. Feel it enter the body, relaxing and refreshing your being.

When you realize you have generated energy, send it to someone you know who could do with healing or upliftment, picturing them in your mind. As the energy dissipates, return to the consciousness of your surroundings, refreshed and renewed.

When sending out healing or comforting thoughts to another, meditation will carry the energies to this source. Each time we make attunement with our guiding forces, we strengthen that cord of attunement and with each exercise in attunement, and it becomes easier to make the connection we desire.

An absent healing meditation is done as a prayer for wellness and wholeness for the individual who needs help. Visualize them in your mind's eye and see them smiling, well and whole. Then move to the next person you know could use your help. When meditating to make attunement for the purpose of demonstrating communication with spirit, it is not always necessary to commune in the inner spiritual centre.

That attunement can be made on an identification signal (the use of a flower or scene of peace) is used for this purpose. This will bring forward the worker of spirit to allow clairvoyant messages. Communication is a specific method of attuning to the guides and workers who are our partners in our mediumship. We offer them a consistent symbol of our care (using something from nature is a very special vibration and energy) and when the connection is complete, we can use all our senses to attune in harmony of purpose for the skills we are developing.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:07 pm

Actually, CB, the nails didn't stick - hypnosis takes you directly to the astral plane.  It is truly the basest of areas and a mental state.  It will depend so much on your own mental attitude.

JW:  When you open the Mystic Board Forum - Mediumship - you will find a title Lessons and tips.  Those are there to go through and try to understand the development process.

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Post by johnswifey86 » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:09 am

Wow Spiritalk, you gave me so much to work w/...thank you so much. I'm definately going to try those meditations tonight. I really appreciat it.

And C.B. thank you for your help to, I never thought to try self hypnosis for tapping into abilities. I tried once when I was younger to quit smoking but it didnt work so well for me then. Maybe it would now for other things, but now days I dont smoke so...but thank you to for your advice.

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Astral Projection

Post by Celestial Beginnings » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:25 am

Actually, CB, the nails didn't stick - hypnosis takes you directly to the astral plane.

Spirit --> You are right, hypnosis does take you to the plane. I just don't open the door for "leaving" via projection (travel within the realm). The rushing sensation I experienced when I tried to explore scared the crap out of me. So now I just arrive and work from a "fixed" location. That is what I was trying to express with "nailing the door shut".

Johnswifey --> I hope you do pursue hypnosis again. It is a wonderful tool for so many aspects of life!


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Post by johnswifey86 » Sun Sep 20, 2009 3:31 am

Well back then I think I was 16 and w/ friends, school, and a boyfriend...I was not focuesd at all. Teen life was...well teen life lol. But I haven't thought about hypnosis in awhile...but I would be ready and willing to try again. I've heard its good for you, just as meditating and things of that nature. But thank you for suggesting that cause that reminded me that there is self hypnosis for anything, and I can try again.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 20, 2009 1:08 pm

Meditation is the key to psychic/mediumship awareness and opening.  Hypnosis is another purpose entirely.  Meditation and hypnotic suggestion can and do happen.

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Post by sd.sonali2007 » Mon May 31, 2010 5:19 am


nature has empowered us with many latent tolls and powers to control our senses and life for the betterment of humanity and life.

all we need is to have sincerity and faith to invoke those powers that are hidden within us. for that we need to communicate with the universe and build a link with it thru our soul and spirituality. we need to connect with nature and express our love and cooperation  to it and ask for its assistance and help to instill wisdom and knowledge into you.

come closer to yourself and your creator fro unleashing your inner truth and powers.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon May 31, 2010 2:00 pm

One of the first lessons in mediumship development is to TAKE CHARGE of all that you do.  That means an opening and closing of your attention to your lessons in mediumship.  Just sitting in prayer without a protection and grounding can be very daunting for the budding medium.  They are open to energies they have not experienced before, nor know how to use.  

That is when they end up on the astral level (very earthy and earth bound) where they meet up with disembodied spirit of the lowest and basest kind.  Good mediumship lessons are to teach the student how to reach higher in their endeavours.  Invoking God is not enough.  We must live it too.

Hypnosis is NOT a tool of mediumship.  Hypnosis can be a tool of self improvement and change.  Therefore it is of the mind, not the spirit.  When meditating for mediumship we reach the spirit level.

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