
Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Re: Mediums

Post by Christopher0121 » Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:46 pm

believer wrote:This is a question for the Mediums of this board.  Do you see the dead or spirits all the time or only with meditation.  Can you be walking in a Mall and see them following along?
I don't always see spirits.  In fact, when I've done a reading I typically get what I call "still shots" of various things, places, and sometimes people.  Every know and then I'll get a short "video" of an event that is relevant to my client.  I don't have to meditate, I just have to take a deep breath and allow the images to start coming in.  It's not always the spirit the person is looking for.  For example, my girlfriend's mother wanted a reading and I got images and scenes that floored her.  It was a man who put the moves on her way back when she was working as a mover.  He was delighted to see her, wanted to tell her that she made the right decision to be faithful, and he apologized.  He needed that to move on.  Nothing seriously moving.  I saw no image of the man.  However, I felt an impression that he thought he was God's gift to ladies.  

I also did a reading for a woman I know and her grandmother came through.  Again, things I wasn't familiar with clued her in, but she was still uncertain as to who it was.  Then, just as we were closing the spirit began to whisper a children's song.  She began to cry... it was her grandmother.  Very moving.  

Most of the time, I don't see spirits.  I feel them, get impressions, and images.  Sometimes I don't know exactly what anything has to do with anything else.  More often than not, my client puts together everything that I tell them and explains to me who it was.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:00 pm

If you are receiving images unbidden by your efforts, then it is time for protection and grouniding.  Mediums bring loved ones to those who seek.  The medium does not seek out the images without a client to bring them to.  

Here in North America we have a TV show called The Long Island Medium.  This is a woman who is a recipe for disaster.  She has no ethics and is way to open to any and all spirit input.  That is not how 'good' mediumship works.  To see the bad perhaps is good to learn what needs to be done and reach for the heights.

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