
Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Post by kaz22 » Sat Nov 02, 2013 12:15 am

Hi everyone

lately when i go into a deep meditation i have visions i also get them in dreams and waking state to but the ones in meditation have something extra my soler plexers chakra vibrates a lot and what i see has come to pass is it possible that i can get them in meditation as well and if its bad would that explane why my gut does this, its like a black hole but not and can be pain full  at times depending on what im seeing i also got the overs that do the same but not as bad as my gut thankyou for your time
kas love and light to you all  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 02, 2013 2:40 pm

I have found that when going into meditation and opening the chakras is too much energy to work with.  And this might also be particularly without the practice and expertise in place.  When you go into meditation, visualize a flow through your whole body of white light.  Then surround yourself with the white bubble of protection.  In this way you are open to spirit input as well as protected in your openness.

The other thing that comes to mind is...there are many ways and means to meditation.  I find for meditation to open to mediumship, it is best to have a calm attitude, a prayer to God, then visualize a scene from nature (we are human nature after all).  In that scene you can pick a symbol for use between you and your spirit guide.  When the guide comes they will let you know on the symbol as well as an energy change.  We work ONLY with our own spirit guide.  We do not open to any and all random spirit.  

Communication with spirit is two way - we need to be open and attuned for the advent of any means of connection.  The more we open on all senses the more spirit can find the one that works best between you.  The following is part of a much longer article on the Tools of Our Own Consciousness.  Once you have read through it, you can make the whole thing about yourself and do it the way it works for you.


The literal interpretation of Meditation is….To think upon.  Using visualization, sound, music, etc. we can concentrate and retrain our mind upon a single purpose.

Contemplation and meditation are so important to our consciousness.  We can unlock hidden, spiritual potential within our own being.  There is only one spiritual center for each individual.  There are many methods and purposes to reach this spiritual center.  There remains only one motive “Service” to all in spirituality.
Meditation is used for many purposes and in many ways to produce energies and feelings of calm and peace.  When we are in need of personal energy or healing, meditation can bring awareness to our body, mind and spirit connection.  

It is also used for attunement for the gifts of the spirit (spiritual healing, clairvoyance, inspired speaking, inspirations, etc.) bringing enlightenment of the spirit.  Therefore there will be different techniques for different purposes.

For the purpose of stress relief and relaxation, inner peace is found in a simple meditation upon a calm, beautiful place of peace.  It can be a beautiful object such as a flower, or music can set a tone of relaxation.

In a moving meditation we are uniting the body, mind and spirit through such exercises as tai chi, yoga, labyrinth walk or any repetitive activity.  This can also be washing a floor, painting a wall, dusting, jogging or power walking, in fact, any activity that causes all outside thoughts to fall away.  When this puts us in the present moment, we are meditating.

To attune through meditation to spirit guides and teachers for the purpose of mediumship gifts (clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, trance, inspiration, etc.) it is important to reach our guidance with a symbol of our own choosing to personalize the contact. It is effective for the symbols we use to come from nature, as this is such a living, thriving source of energies.  Flowers neither reap nor sow, they offer the beauty and scent of their being for all to be uplifted and enlivened in spirit.  

Each time we make attunement with our guiding forces, we strengthen that partnership of spirit.   With each exercise it becomes easier to make the connection we desire.  The results of this attunement are the manifestation of all mediumship gifts on a spiritual level of our consciousness.

Knowledge is the foundation upon which we build.  Training of the consciousness at many levels is the exercise to seek knowledge.  Meditation will cultivate the understanding so that knowledge is absorbed by us and applied in our everyday living.  We have the opportunity to take knowledge on a personal basis, expand and refine it to our needs individually.

Meditation is a wondrous adventure and can be an important step in our spiritual awareness.  As spirit here and now, everything in this universe is open to our use, there is no limit to what we can learn, only the limitations we impose upon ourselves.

The mind is the greatest tool or instrument that we own.  It is unfortunate that most of us are not aware of the great potential of our minds.  The opening and expanding of our consciousness not only touches our spirit, but also opens a whole new world of spirit for our exploration and growth.

We can form a partnership with the spirit guardians, guides and teachers who touch our lives.  We can work with them to make this experience of a more spiritual nature.  We will be getting in touch with a more complete aspect of which we are as a human being now in this material world of existence.

Once we empower our body, mind, and spirit connection with these tools of strength and balance, we will find our consciousness opening and expanding to another dimension of awareness, generally referred to as the psychic.

We have been using our 5 senses (sight, hearing, taste, touch, smell) in a material world and can take these onto this other level of awareness and add intuition and I know (from the heart…it neither sees nor hears, it just knows).  It is important to be open to all the senses to manifest, not only on the physical level, but also on the spiritual level.  Warm and cold feelings are two of the symptoms from energies that are frequently felt during meditation.

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