scared of my spirit guide.

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri 21 Jun, 2013 1:05 am

Guides, like people, carry a certain aura which sometimes is linked to their past lives as human beings and it connects them to the communities and causes they were working on when alive as human incarnations. Just as our moment of birth serves as a guiding epoch in our lives through natal horoscope, the moment of death can serve as a window into the 'afterlife' of a given entity. I do not have a very large sample size partly because most death epochs do not get recorded accurately (death is a very harrowing and emotional time for the survivors and care-givers and not all dying entities can be followed-up or tracked, unless they visit family members who are also sensitives! There is a lot of imaginations etc involved too because of the very nature of it all. Plus, there is presumably a 'waiting period' after death, etc etc.

Guides get attracted to certain living beings because there is an affinity and also sometimes the guides want someone to continue and raise the issues that remained unfinished while they were living. There is no harm in having a 'conversation' (make sure it is a silent conversation or you will get strange looks!) and asking them how you can help! It is not necessarily a 'one-way' street between the living human and their guide/guides! They have a story to tell and love to tell that when they find a receptive ear/mind!

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Post by spiritalk » Fri 21 Jun, 2013 1:08 pm

Spirit guides are called, just as psychic/mediums are called to work in the spiritual realms.  They train and make themselves available.  There is a lot to learn about spirit guides and their purpose in guidance.  It is very difficult to guide someone without taking over their life decisions and removing personal responsibility from the medium.

There are 3 strata of spirit connection to consider:
Our loved ones return to tell us they love us still and communicate as they once did in their earth life.
Spirit guides are assigned to us and come to give guidance on specific matters.  Any creative endeavour on earth is usually precipitated by a spirit guidance.
Angels are there when we have a real need for comfort or help during a crisis.  They do not hang around like our guides and guardian.

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Post by DinoCrisis » Thu 25 Jul, 2013 1:27 pm

spiritalk wrote:Spirit guides are called, just as psychic/mediums are called to work in the spiritual realms.  They train and make themselves available.  There is a lot to learn about spirit guides and their purpose in guidance.  It is very difficult to guide someone without taking over their life decisions and removing personal responsibility from the medium.

There are 3 strata of spirit connection to consider:
Our loved ones return to tell us they love us still and communicate as they once did in their earth life.
Spirit guides are assigned to us and come to give guidance on specific matters.  Any creative endeavour on earth is usually precipitated by a spirit guidance.
Angels are there when we have a real need for comfort or help during a crisis.  They do not hang around like our guides and guardian.
Terrific. Nicely said!  :smt006

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Post by eyes_and_ears » Fri 16 Aug, 2013 11:33 am


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Post by spiritalk » Sat 31 Aug, 2013 2:41 pm

Having a spirit guide is like having a friend.  You sort out your preferences, likes, dislikes together and then work in the spirit to manifest good.  

We dialogue with our spirit guides, it is never a monologue of dictation to the medium.

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Post by Kalidasa » Tue 19 Nov, 2013 9:10 am

hey barbarian, in my experience spirit guides can and do kick our asses when we are making poor choices lol...i usually commune with them when i visit the deep (the astral)...the ones i meet most often appear to me as a large panther, and a large eagle, although they can also appear to take human form.  One time the panther pounced on me and in my head got a scolding i would not soon forget lol....i definitely learned from that experience.

spirit guides can also act as guardians so if you are ever psychically/physically attacked, they will come to your aid...however i don't believe it's their role to bend the universe for you to manifest what you want, primarily because that is part of our learning...we should be able to do that on our own, you see.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue 19 Nov, 2013 2:36 pm

Lets begin with the afterlife, for that is where our guides and guardians come to us from, in love and light.  Guardians are assigned and come on board in our consciousness from birth (some say before) and guard us through all our choices.

There are 7 levels covering the spectrum of spirit attainment, from the unenlightened to the spiritually astute.  As a general rule, we can only rise to the 3rd level while still in the physical body.  Where we arrive in spirit on our death of the body depends upon our own spirituality and how we learned our lessons.  

The problem is that the psychic energy can open us up to any and all entities out there - the trained and untrained.  We need to learn to rise above the astral level to a more enlightened realm of professional spirit guides.  

Our loving spirit guides do NOT 'kick our asses' at all.  They have to watch us make mistakes and help us pick up the pieces.  They can not and do not interfere in the ability and our choice to choose the mistake.  It is all a learning experience for us and sometimes we just don't get it right.  That is personal choice.  Our guides merely pick up the pieces.  

If someone is getting an ass kicking they may want to re-evaluate who they are listening to in spirit realms.  What have  you learned if you do not make your own mistakes?

For spirit guidance and understanding, I prefer to communicate within species.  After all we speak the same language and the guide will have experience of an earth life from which to draw experience in guiding another.  Animals can give us insight into our personalities, and can be totems that help us feel protected and loved.  They are not the trained spirit guides we need in our lives.

Our guardian signs on for life, from our birth (some say even earlier) and learns and grows through our experiences just as we do.  NO spirit entity is allowed to take on our experiences, nor change them in any way.  The earth life is our own personal learning experience.

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Post by Kalidasa » Wed 20 Nov, 2013 12:35 pm

I agree with you that there are levels in enlightenment in our guides, and some of us are assigned more enlightened guides according to our own development.  

I have had enough experience in the deep to know the difference between guides and random entities, and those that want our power.  what i refer to "ass-kicking" is merely that guides are their own personalities, and therefore have freedom in expression and will tell us off (or remind us) when we have made poor choices.  the learning was done completely by me, my guide was doing his job: guiding me.

Whether a guide appears as an animal or person is not indicative of their level of spiritual attainment, since they can appear as either.  Language is not an issue either since communication is mostly psychic/telepathic.  But I guess that would depend on whether you are clair-sentient or clair-audient.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu 21 Nov, 2013 2:53 pm

As this particular topic is in the Academy of learning on MysticBoard the subject matter is important to those less experienced as well as more experienced mediums.  It is important to try and be a teacher to learn from and teach others in the ways of mediumship.

Language is important to understanding  If the medium is well versed in their own language, the use of another one gives added challenges.  I have also heard foreign languages coming through a medium.  Even when they did not speak the language they were channeling.  

There are many interesting ideas around spirit guides.  And sometimes we have to think it through to understand if we are on the right track in our own knowledge.  I love to hear others' ideas for that reason.  

Our guides, in my experience, do not remind us of our failures and successes, they merely walk with us in the lessons.  We must come to the conclusions in our own growth.

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Re: scared of my spirit guide.

Post by Brahma Mihira » Fri 29 May, 2020 3:48 pm

Spirit guides are like teachers, sometime severe teachers. They don't make easy your path, but rather give opportunities. They help us to learn while they are also leaning in their world. So don't think they are like our descended loving ones. Lot of spirit guides were masters and teachers in human world. Don't hope kind from them. Learn from them.

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