Mediumship: fact or fiction.

Similar to the material in the Mediumship - Questions and Answers forum, but at a more advanced level.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Fri Oct 17, 2008 5:50 pm

ok here`s my thoughts on this issue...first i`d like to say that charging a fee or not charging a fee is an individual choice....if you are led to charge a fee thats ok to do so....if your lead to not charge a fee...then that is ok too....i don`t think there is a right or wrong all depends on each individual and what is right for them...with that being said...i do think some sort of exchange should take place...if not monetary than spiritual...meaning if you give your time and energies to someone...there needs to be a balance...perhaps receiving joy from helping another...or receiving peace of mind from helping another or the feeling of love for helping another...i think if we give give give without anything in return material or spiritual...we run the risk of feeling drained or unappreciated in some way...we use our energies to help another and that is a wonderful thing...i do think we need to keep those energies balanced one way or another.....recently there was another posting discussing to charge or not to charge...and my response was yes   as i do charge fees for my services...perhaps i didn`t articulate myself well or came across as being "my way is the only way"....that was not my intention.....i think if someone can do services for free wow what incredible gifts to give....i have great respect for those who do just that....anyhow in that previous post i received some replies that were negative responses...which i understand as every one is entitled to their own that the same person who had the negative responses made a new post complaining that there was no thank you given for services rendered......i agree a simple thank you is common courtesy and that was what they needed to balance out the time and energies they used to help another for point is that i think there needs to be a balance of energies either monetary, a simple thank you, or a feeling of job well done etc etc....this way no one feels their time talents and energies put forth were not valued or appreciated .....

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Post by Doe » Fri Oct 17, 2008 7:42 pm

"or receiving peace of mind from helping another or the feeling of love for helping another...i think if we give give give without anything in return material or spiritual"

I agree that it can be draining to feel that one is giving and giving with nothing in return.  But, on the other hand, do we need to depend on the people we try to help to make us feel that we're being "compensated" in some way?  Isn't it considered a virtue by some to give without making the fact that you're giving known to others, and without expecting anything in return?  Maybe it's not always possible, but isn't "feeling the peace of mind from helping another" (without any acknowledgement on the other's part) often a reward in itself?

I"ve come to believe that anyone who does a "good deed" selflessly will be rewarded in some fashion at some point--it may not be from the person (or other creature) we've helped, and it may not be right away, and in may not be in any form we'd have anticipated, but it will come.  But, as I try to teach my son, when you're trying to do something good, even that kind of reward shouldn't be considered.

Just my opinion (again! :) )


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Post by TheAlchemist » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:22 pm

oh i agree...the intention to help someone is what is most important...and we shouldn`t necessarily have to depend on the particular  person who is on the receiving end for compensation as they may or may not appreciate our time and energy..kind of like giving a beggar money so he can fill his belly with food and they buy booze instead .. if our intentions are good we are putting out good karma and the return will be more good things....i see nothing wrong with giving from the heart as long as we don`t get to a point where we feel are deeds are unappreciated and in turn we ourselves lose energy.. i think its important to keep balanced. Doe i know you do good have helped me with my personal issues in other posts...i appreciate all your love and will always be abundantly blessed!!  :)

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Post by Doe » Fri Oct 17, 2008 9:52 pm

Thank you--I'm sure that the same is true for you.  (I actually enjoy doing that--not always sure that I'm of any help whatsoever, but it reminds me of the work I used to do.  And I'm usually so ridiculously happy most of the time these days that I just want to at least TRY to spread some of it around :)!)

Just one thought on the beggar (I'm really on a roll here today!). I used to feel that way, too.  But then I finally realized that even if he uses the money to buy alcohol or drugs, maybe it's just what he needs at that time.  Maybe it will either help him pass a cold night alone sleeping outside, or make some pain go temporarily away, or maybe it will be the catalyst that brings him to the point where he realizes that it's time to get some help for the addiction.  I think that, as you say, if the intentions are good and sincere, the rest will be worked out.  We aren't going to end a person's alcoholism by witholding money on one occasion, but maybe an act of kindness and comfort will help--again, in ways we wouldn't expect.

OK, I'll chill out now!


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Post by TheAlchemist » Fri Oct 17, 2008 10:19 pm

i oh so agree with you...kindness has a ripple simple smile could make someones day brighter then that person may smile at someone else and the good feelings carry on further beyond what we ever imagined...peace my friend! :) :) :)

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Post by Crow » Sat Oct 18, 2008 3:47 am


Well said. I get a high from seeing people smile and beam with hope.  That is my exchange.  Ever been moved to talk to a complete stranger, just to say hello, I really like that so and so?  And it is genuine liking. Not fake nice talk.  Just walking minding you own bussiness, and your moved to say something to that person?  Something really nice, sometimes they are baffled, but then you see the guards let down and there is that spirit peeking through, happy but a bit lonely.  It is a beautiful thing to behold.  When I was a waitress, many of my regulars were widdows, for some reason they were always drawn to me.  They would open up and pour out their hearts.  I never recieved a message from their loved ones.  Wish I did, but I was moved to listen, really listen, and this seemed to help them.  Sometimes I did feel the presence of their loved ones, but not always, and although I tried, I couldn't hear any messages being given.  But I did see in some cases where the loved one who was still living was being hugged or had a hand on their shoulder. Hard to explain, the deeper they talked about this parted spouse, the stronger it came through.  Almost like they wished for them to not to hurt anymore, that they were okay.  The strongest feeling I got from these spirits is that they didn't wish for their loved ones to hurt, I just didn't know what to say to make the living spouse to feel better. That bothered me. So I listened.


Responding to an earlier post. Yeah I have been trying to ween myself off the computer but I am really missing human interaction.  Being off of work for a while, it is kinda nice to talk to other grown ups, even if at times one could question my maturity! lol.


To answer a few of your questions:

ST:  As a matter of interest, all writers when accomplishing a book have a muse within.  Who would you consider this to be? if not your spirit guidance?

Crow:  :smt017 I thought that muse was my own spirit.  When I write of my understandings, things I research, trial and errors, etc.  Feelings pertaining to certain matters. That sort of thing.  It is my spirit, it feels different than the spirit guidance.  There is a wave of peace, wholeness, connection, all as it should be kind of thing happening.  One. And then I go and get myself out of wack again.  Balance is harder than it seems.  

Other times when it is comming through there is the energy, often leaving me drained afterwords.  Over and over and over I will write or paint to get it right, then take a step back and like waking up from a dream, I then annalize it. lol That is when it comes through with spirit guidance.  One time I spent 8 hours on a piece of art.  Didn't get any sleep that night.  There is a different feeling. While it is happening I am hopped up on energy, like 10 pots of coffee, and 20 pounds of chocolate. ;)

ST: thanks for the insights.  Perhaps charging for your time would give you and the receiver more exchange for spirit?

Crow: Not sure what is ment by this question.  What exchange do they need?  Could you please explain a little more?


And what are we talking about reguarding the beggar?  

I love the homeless, they always held a place in my heart.  Many are there due to poor choices, others bad luck.  Bad things happen to good people.  Nasty cycle it is, depressed because you are trying to get on your feet, red tape, etc. Hopeless, feeling utterly and completely hopeless.  Darkness and dispair, looking to numb yourself of this pain long enough to just make it through the day.  Booze helps to numb, while others have become addicts.  Sad to see.  Wish there were more programs that helped restore their pride and dignaty, hard to have self respect when you know that everyone else thinks you are nothing but trash.  Reprogram them, teach them, clothe them, love them.  And you will see those broken spirits come back from dispair.  Long journey it is. But I still have faith.  Ultimately it is up to them.  We can love all we want, and help until we cannot help no more, it is their choice to change.  We just provide that life boat so they can once again find solid ground.

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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Sat Oct 18, 2008 4:12 am

Doe wrote:"A good idea:  to attune yourself.  That is excellent advice. "
Idea I think so too!
If you have a moment, could you give us an example of how you go about a tuning your self to the spirit world?  One of my hobbies is collecting different ways people center themselves and meditate.  :)

Doe wrote:" My theory is that some of the people we consider "psychotic" are people who have had those experiences without the benefit of good guidance from either the living, the spirit world, or both.
it is interesting that you say this, because I have often wondered how many people out there are actually in touch with something supernatural...
I remember reading somewhere that a lot of the seers in ancient times would be considered insane by today's standards.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:06 am

yes Crow sometimes I feel a kinship with strangers...just the other day a cashier checking out my groceries was telling me her life story of ups and downs...perhaps she felt a kinship with me as well in order to be so open with her personal information....i gave her some words of encouragement and left the store hoping that in some small way I was able to brighten her day.....

...have you ever felt like your words  of encouragement have been channeled from source?

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Post by Omnicron Solaris » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:18 am

@The Alchemist:
Can I answer that questions too? :)
Yes.  I remember one time when someone I cared for greatly was having trouble with a relationship.  I listened carefuly and when she had finished I started to speak.
The things I said were kind, wise and strong.
After we parted and I went back to my place I could feel the presence of someforce still with me.  I felt, rather that heard "you did good today kid." I smiled and said "thank YOU" as tears started to roll down my face.
I think that was my first step into a larger world.

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Post by TheAlchemist » Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:43 am

Dearest Omnicron Solaris  oh how beautiful...thank you for sharing ....isn`t it a nice feeling to know that you are so deeply connected to divine love and wisdom...peace my friend :) much love to you!

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Post by Doe » Sat Oct 18, 2008 7:17 pm

"I remember reading somewhere that a lot of the seers in ancient times would be considered insane by today's standards."

I'm pretty confident that--at least among some--I'd be considered insane by today's standards, too!  I used to kind of worry about that at first, but then I looked into it more and learned some things that put my mind at rest.  As far as I understand it, psychosis/"madness" usually involves fear, feeling out-of-control or under the control of external forces, etc.  I felt some of that (at least the fear part) when this all started, but after a while and the aforementioned amazing guidance and protection, I started to feel just peaceful, happy, and safe, and I'm learning to see day-to-day "problems" as opportunities and challenges (working on it, anyway!).  The world looks more beautiful to me than it ever has.  And the happiness isn't like a temporary mania--it settles deeper and deeper every day, and is very tranquil (and it's lasted nearly a year at this point).  In other words, if this is "insanity", I'm all for it!

O.S., I'm afraid that your original post got kind of hijacked, and I'm sorry.  You seemed to say that you thought you might have the answer to your own question, but that you just wanted others' opinions.  What were YOUR feelings on the subject?


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Post by spiritalk » Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:45 pm

Crow:  We are each worthy of our hire with whatever talents we possess.  Isn't that a fair bargain for services rendered?  Some people do not respect what is freely given.  If you give it away, does it have any value?

I certainly agree with the comments on beggars and the down and out.  God willing we do not have to walk in those shoes.  But respect for any path helps us see our own good fortune.

Perhaps it is not so much a psychosis as a different way of seeing the world.  

When I found the indigo material, I realized that many people were born with a different viewpoint.  They felt different and out of sorts with their own life and environment.  What a wake up call!  

Of course, it is the individuality of all of us that makes us unique.  We need to be celebrating it, not trying to hide it!  There is no normal in life - only what we use to restrict ourselves.

Spirit work is the best gig in town - they do all the work and we get all the credit....a friend is wont to tell me.  Of course, spirit gives us words, enhances our talents and generally works with us.  How much is a measure of our willingness to attune to the source.

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Post by Crow » Mon Oct 20, 2008 11:32 am


I guess there is still the lack of trust with people.  Nothing is for free.  What's the catch?  Or that phrase, the best that money can buy.  

Long ago I promised myself, in whatever field I choose I will push to be the very best.  Then offer my services to those who are limited by their financial situation.  Back then it was the field of medicine, before  my adult life unfolded.  Might go back one day.   This is my spirit's nature, and isn't that what our guides do? Help us along our spirit's path?

This goes back to the original question left by Omnicron Solaris. How do we know a real medium from a fake?  I guess it all boils down to trust.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 20, 2008 2:43 pm

And not all mediums will be the best for all people.  Some people just won't resonate while others are deeply impressed.  

A psychic, writing a book of her experiences, phrased it as 'for every client, there is the right psychic'.  It kind of goes to we can't all be best for everyone.

As human beings we have many talents - psychic or mediumship is just one of those talents.  How do we decide which we will charge for and which we will give away?  They are all God-given talents.  

Spirit's job is to help you along your spirit path.  But the first focus is our own - if we are caught up in materialism or material thinking that is the focus they will help to make clear to you.  If your own focus is spirit, then they will help you fulfill your spirit's needs.

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Post by bizaree » Sun Mar 15, 2009 12:19 pm

im wondering if the possibility are abilitity abt psychic power isnt a universel think
i mean by that taht everebody can have it whatever it isbut that some are better tahn other in some case
like at school some are really good at math other at bio ect ...

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