What to do when confronted with evil spirits

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What to do when confronted with evil spirits

Post by Crow » Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:07 pm

Okay I have been thinking yet again. lol

There seems to be some who come into contact with these entities and I would like to hear their thoughts on how to banish, or how they guard themselves in these type of encounters with those "evil" spirits.

This is a very rare occurance for me to come into contact with such things that I feel the need to guard myself.  More common when I was married to my ex-hubby, and hightened when we were seperated until I had my best friend Virgo perform a blessing. Don't know what she really does, but she is wonderful at it.  That night we were talking, papers were flying off the refridgerator, there were voices heard in the apartment, she heard these things over the phone and exclaimed that she was comming right over to collect me and my daughter!  When she got there something happened, as we were trying to leave the building the door slammed shut and her husband was trying to force it open so we could get outside.  Finally we were able to get out of the building, her husband jumped over the car to rush into the driver seat, and we all piled into the car as quickly as we could.  Over and over in my mind I tried to explain it. Her husband was a skeptic too, but this terrified him.  There was no wind that night, the door shouldn't have slammed shut like it did.  I too heard the voices comming from another room in our apartment that Virgo was hearing.  The papers shouldn't have flown like they did off the fridge.  It was like someone does when they are angry and just takes their arms and sweeps it across an area.  This was not a good spirit, I knew it ment me harm.  That I could feel.  I felt powerless against it.  Something really rare for me.  I do not spook that easy, that night I was terrified.  

Why do I not encounter all those evil spirits that so many mediums talk about?  I mean if it happens it is rare, very rare.

What do we do when our spirit's natural safe guards in place is not effective enough to counter these entities?  

These are spirits that have pushed me down, or left physical markings on my body.  Something that rarely happens, but when it does, it is a real eye opener. These are the spirits I call evil.  Ones that can cross over and cause physical harm.

Looking forward to everyone's thoughts reguarding this, and how they learned to deal with them.

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Post by Doe » Mon Oct 27, 2008 1:04 pm

Hi, Crow,

I LIKE when you do your thinking!  It always makes for interesting and insightful reading for the rest of us!

There's not much that I actually have to say on this subject, actually, as I'm still trying to figure a lot of it out.  I do think it's important to learn to discern between what, if anything (jury's still out on that for me!), is truly "evil", and what/who is simply scared, confused, or angry about something that may well have nothing to do with us--we just "overhear" things because we CAN...not everything is directed at us (that was a good lesson for me to learn, when I finally learned it).

I think it's best to just think of spirits as we do the living.  Some are kind and sweet and helpful and fun; others, for whatever reason, are the opposite of those things.  So what do we do with the living when they are in the latter category?  First, try to understand WHY they are behaving like that--is there something that others don't see about them that makes them act out (for example, childhood abuse, etc.)?  Can we help them with that by trying to acknowledge their situations and just listen and try to offer love?  Sometimes that helps.

But sometimes it doesn't.  In those cases we do need to protect ourselves.  Things like rituals and incantations and crystals and the like have never done a damn thing for me; my feeling is that they simply alleviate some of the fear.  And I've learned that fear, and weakness, is what those who try to scare us look for more than anything (again, just as with the living--think of a bully in a playground).  Learning to feel strong and fearless (or, when all else fails, to act that way at least) has helped me SO much.  The other thing that's really helped me is a sense of humor.  When things get kinda hairy, I'll find something to just crack myself up.  I can get downright goofy.  Or I'll play loud, silly rock 'n' roll songs and make up my own lyrics, etc.  Seriously--it helps me.

I used to drive the spirits who help me crazy because I'd try to argue or reason with some of the  most vicious spirits who were trying to scare me.  I used to try to make them like me.  But for some, it's just not going to happen (or maybe I'm just not that likeable!)--just as some of the living are not ever going to like me, no matter what I do.  At some point you just need to see that and shrug and move on.

When I'm sick, or under stress for some reason, I try to just lay low and leave it to the spirits who help me to run interference.

Wait--didn't I just say I didn't have much to say on the subject?!!  :smt005


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:03 pm

Doe: As you have been so careful to point out - you don't know much, but then try to answer.  There is something not quite effective in that approach.

"When I'm sick, or under stress for some reason, I try to just lay low and leave it to the spirits who help me to run interference. "

That is sure convenient.  You use them at your own personal convenience.  I wonder they are still available!  Spirit guidance is a partnership to be worked at like any valid relationship.

Metaphysical exercises with crystals and other tools are effective and have worked for many people.  To dismiss them with the wave of a hand does little to help the newcomer know they have protection from unseen sources.

The fact is a good medium NEVER attunes to any and all spirit entities.  They attune to their own spirit guide.  That is their job - protection and guidance.  They keep the medium safe in their exercises when they do not approach spirit as some random thing to be played with as in speaking to those not elevated enough to listen.  That is a dangerous game for anyone.

Crow:  From experience I know there are different realms of the afterlife.  So the secret to our own protection is understanding mediumship and learning how to rise out of those areas where they abound.  Mediumship in my experience and teaching is about spirituality.  Opening your own spirituality to the potential and possibilities of God's great kingdoms keeps us working in the light.  Those who play games or do random messages from all and sundry are not keeping themselves in the light, even when they think they are helping others.

Attune ONLY to your own spirit guide.  Let them do their job of protection.  You can also do the metaphysical exercises that aid the process.  And yes, they work to keep you safe and protected while you open and explore spirit input.

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Post by Doe » Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:38 pm

Spiritalk, your responses to me here and in the other thread astonish me, even at this point.  Clearly, you feel that your "authority" is challenged; it's a natural human instinct to attack when that happens, but not a very spiritual one--strange, considering the high levels of spirituality that you claim to choose over "all and sundry" (as you define it).

I do know very little; I dare say so do you.  The difference is that I lose nothing by admitting that I still have a lot to learn, and will always have a lot to learn.  And I hope that I always remember that.  When I offer "advice", it's with that caveat, and for a good reason--I don't want to mislead anyone by pretending that I have all the answers.  I relate what's happened to me, and the conclusions I've drawn, on a purely personal basis.  Whether someone chooses to do things "my way" or not is of no concern to me, as I know that my way may not work for others, and I have nothing to gain from convincing others that I have all the answers.

You know nothing of the things that I have seen, or learned, or thought about.  You don't know how much I've struggled to move forward spiritually, and what I go through every day to try to discern right from wrong and apply it to all I do.  You don't know 1% of what the spirits I speak to have said to me or taught me; what I've written here barely begins to cover it.  Nor do I know much of what your personal experiences have been, beyond the "tried and true" advice you offer without explanation of how you came by that, and how you know that these "superior" spirits you work with are actually not fooling YOU.

You suggested on the other thread that I start up my own "school" or whatever you choose to call it.  I have no desire to set up a "concession" here.  If I see a post in which someone asks a question that I feel that I can try to help with in some way, I will respond.  They are welcome to take my "advice", or not.  My feelings won't be hurt if they don't, and I won't doubt the validity of my OWN experiences as a result.  My "guides" never TELL me to do things their way--they make gentle suggestions and leave it to me whether or not I should listen.  I try to emulate that here.  To be attacked for that, again, doesn't strike me as entirely "spiritual".


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Post by Crow » Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:22 pm

It is really important that we can come together and learn.  This is a rare thing that happens to me, and from what I hear can happen to others.  I was not playing with things I shouldn't be, or tunning into things I shouldn't.  I understand sometimes spirits will do things to grab my attention, this is normal for me does not freak me out.  I'll tune it out after acknowledgement when it persists.  This situation was different.  It became physical.

I understand there may be angry or upset spirits.  But it is like I am invisible to them.  They just move on by.  

These spirits I talked about are different. I could relate when Doe said that the crystals or things didn't work well.  I used my chanting and wrapping myself in white light from head to toe with reflective outer that I always do when I need to zip up into my cocoon.  This failed miserable.  The lavender, dragon snaps, other things for purification or reversals didn't work.  Then Virgo came back with the Holy Water and blessed my windows, the corners of my doors, etc.  A Christian medium she is.  Whatever she did banished this enity, it hasn't been around since.  I wish I knew exactly what she was thinking when she was sprinkling the water on the four corners of everything.  I guess I could always ask her, but she doesn't really like to talk about it.  So I let it go.  

I don't think Doe was simply telling others to dismiss these methods of using crystals and things. She was saying in her experience it didn't work, which helped me feel a little better. Since in my experience that night the things I normally did didn't work eighter.  That is why I was asking for imput from all people.  Perhaps with certain spirits it take certain banishing methods.  I was like a child in that situation.

I can see both points being made here.

Here is my thoughts though.  Although I wish to release and help in guiding them home, at this time I cannot.  Perhaps in the years to come I will grow strong enough that I could help them go home, at this stage I am too weak.  Look at what happened when I wasn't even trying to talk to a spirit?  I was like a little child lost within.  This was a big eye opener.

If  I am sick I am at an all time alertness.  I too will avoid those things if I can.  The energy is just too much on my body.  The walls come up like a fortress.  

Maybe it's about knowing our limits, and progressing when we are ready?

Spritalk I am confused, how do you know from personal experience reguarding the different levels of the after life since you are not one to believe in reincarnation.  Is it a death and comming back experience in this life you are talking about?  

I tried to only tune into my Guardian at that time while it was happening.  There was something not right when it happened.  I couldn't stop it that way.  My guides couldn't cross over at the time.  I was on my own.  Like a little one taking her first steps.  They couldn't cross to aide me.  At first I was hurt, felt abandoned, then I thought perhaps they were letting me spread my wings a bit.  To this day I am not sure what transpired.  Could've been that I was thinking of doing some rituals again??  My head getting to big for my shoulders?  Sometimes they do this to show me a lesson.  Dunno. That is why I was asking input from anyone.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:35 pm

Doe wrote:Spiritalk, your responses to me here and in the other thread astonish me, even at this point.  Clearly, you feel that your "authority" is challenged; it's a natural human instinct to attack when that happens, but not a very spiritual one--strange, considering the high levels of spirituality that you claim to choose over "all and sundry" (as you define it).

J:  My authority in this case is setting up some good mediumship advice from experience (which you admit you do not have).  Your authority on whatever topic can be opened and advised in an academy course all your own.  I reiterate I have come to share GOOD mediumship advice and have learned to do this through a lot of methods.

I do know very little; I dare say so do you.  The difference is that I lose nothing by admitting that I still have a lot to learn, and will always have a lot to learn.  And I hope that I always remember that.  When I offer "advice", it's with that caveat, and for a good reason--I don't want to mislead anyone by pretending that I have all the answers.  

J:  No one has all the answers nor do I claim that distinction.  I do claim that what I have learned works.  And then to have it dismissed and otherwise talked about is dismissive to me.  Have you considered that aspect?  Do you go into the Tarot course and tell them how to run their course?  

I relate what's happened to me, and the conclusions I've drawn, on a purely personal basis.  Whether someone chooses to do things "my way" or not is of no concern to me, as I know that my way may not work for others, and I have nothing to gain from convincing others that I have all the answers.

J:  No 2 mediums will ever be the same.  But it is entirely irresponsible to give advice and then claim you don't care what happens to anyone who uses it.  Do you have teaching guides that lead you to do such a thing?

You know nothing of the things that I have seen, or learned, or thought about.  You don't know how much I've struggled to move forward spiritually, and what I go through every day to try to discern right from wrong and apply it to all I do.  

J:  NO! I do not.  That is your personal journey, just as mine is my personal journey.  Right from wrong and ethics in mediumship are a topic very dear to my heart.  

You don't know 1% of what the spirits I speak to have said to me or taught me; what I've written here barely begins to cover it.  Nor do I know much of what your personal experiences have been, beyond the "tried and true" advice you offer without explanation of how you came by that, and how you know that these "superior" spirits you work with are actually not fooling YOU.

J:  I have never claimed superiority of spirit or self over anyone else.  I have set up a course of material that is available for those who are new and struggling with their issues.  It comes from experience and spirit guides that teach and enlighten through this method.  It is a life's and lifetime work in progress.  I have spent that lifetime questioning the spirits as I would expect all GOOD mediums to do.

You suggested on the other thread that I start up my own "school" or whatever you choose to call it.  I have no desire to set up a "concession" here.  

J:  I was asked to 'teach' mediumship.  The academy is set up as a teaching place with the methods of the teacher posted.  If you disagree with them you are free to set your own and/or move on to other pursuits as you see fit.  I do not direct your experience.  But you are not entitled to question and/or dismiss all the material taught through 'your personal experience' whether the same or different.  Have you even read the material this particular site was set up for questions?

If I see a post in which someone asks a question that I feel that I can try to help with in some way, I will respond.  They are welcome to take my "advice", or not.  

J:  On all public boards this is more than welcome.

My feelings won't be hurt if they don't, and I won't doubt the validity of my OWN experiences as a result.  My "guides" never TELL me to do things their way--they make gentle suggestions and leave it to me whether or not I should listen.  I try to emulate that here.  

J:  Your methods are suspect when it is given in such a manner - no concern for the receiver and/or their responses or abilities to follow through with your advice.  Our guides - guide, they do not require any acceptance.  And that is fine for our own life.  But when you offer it in a forum, particularly a teaching forum you are setting yourself up as irresponsible for giving advice and not being responsible for it.

To be attacked for that, again, doesn't strike me as entirely "spiritual".

J:  I am not responsible for how you see me.  I am responsible for posting some good material that you are trashing every time you post 'your' experiences as a good method.  Particularly as I don't believe you have even read the mediumship material posted - merely found another platform for your input.

I will check with management if this is not the case and you can also make an objection there.  But I will not be responsible for this whole site and then have it abused.
God bless, J

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 28, 2008 5:55 pm

Crow wrote:It is really important that we can come together and learn.  This is a rare thing that happens to me, and from what I hear can happen to others.  I was not playing with things I shouldn't be, or tunning into things I shouldn't.  I understand sometimes spirits will do things to grab my attention, this is normal for me does not freak me out.  I'll tune it out after acknowledgement when it persists.  This situation was different.  It became physical.

J:  I am so sorry this disagreement has come up over your postings.  You are here to learn and I have many posted messages to help that process.

This may be a stronger situation that requires some stronger methods.  And the reason some people are being attacked (and it is happening more often) is about light and dark in a conflict in our world.  (Good vs Evil sort of stuff).  

The spirit that can create anything physical is that which is uneducated and unelevated - they are close to the earth and in most cases are having problems or ignoring any help to move on in spirit realms.  They are getting some kind of energy charge out of annoying the earth dwellers.  And as more sensitive people are finding the light, there will be more of this activity.  

I understand there may be angry or upset spirits.  But it is like I am invisible to them.  They just move on by.  

These spirits I talked about are different. I could relate when Doe said that the crystals or things didn't work well.  I used my chanting and wrapping myself in white light from head to toe with reflective outer that I always do when I need to zip up into my cocoon.  This failed miserable.  The lavender, dragon snaps, other things for purification or reversals didn't work.  Then Virgo came back with the Holy Water and blessed my windows, the corners of my doors, etc.  A Christian medium she is.  Whatever she did banished this enity, it hasn't been around since.  I wish I knew exactly what she was thinking when she was sprinkling the water on the four corners of everything.  I guess I could always ask her, but she doesn't really like to talk about it.  So I let it go.

J:  It tends to show the strength of the light vs dark.  I am so glad you are able to remove it.  The fact remains that your energy drew the spirit around - and then you must know how to protect self and dismiss this type of energy.  

I don't think Doe was simply telling others to dismiss these methods of using crystals and things. She was saying in her experience it didn't work, which helped me feel a little better. Since in my experience that night the things I normally did didn't work eighter.  That is why I was asking for imput from all people.

J:  No 2 mediums are alike.  We don't often know how much experience people have had with spirits and situations involving them.  Accepting all as a part of your education leaves having to filter the good, the bad, the ugly in all things and as the internet is rife with 'experts' in all things, you are bound to some - but are they for real?  It leaves me wondering....

 Perhaps with certain spirits it take certain banishing methods.  I was like a child in that situation.

I can see both points being made here.

J:  A teacher will move on to other effective methods and not leave it at something not working.

Here is my thoughts though.  Although I wish to release and help in guiding them home, at this time I cannot.  Perhaps in the years to come I will grow strong enough that I could help them go home, at this stage I am too weak.  Look at what happened when I wasn't even trying to talk to a spirit?  I was like a little child lost within.  This was a big eye opener.

J:  This activity is called 'rescue work' by our following (Spiritualism) and is not advised until there is a lot of strength in practice and honing of one's own particular mediumship.  It does not come early in the exercises.

If  I am sick I am at an all time alertness.  I too will avoid those things if I can.  The energy is just too much on my body.  The walls come up like a fortress.  

Maybe it's about knowing our limits, and progressing when we are ready?

J:  That's always a good approach.

Spritalk I am confused, how do you know from personal experience reguarding the different levels of the after life since you are not one to believe in reincarnation.  Is it a death and comming back experience in this life you are talking about?  

J:  It is my communion with spirit that has taught a lot of my knowledge.  There is channeled literature in Spiritualism all about the afterlife.  If you would like some titles that outline a lot of the activities of spirit realms I can advise you on it.  I will look it up.  My mother, along with other loved ones have returned to confirm my understanding.  At the same time, I know that many mysteries still remain.  Life would be dull if I didn't have a challenge to learn in spirit realms when my time comes.

Communication with spirit is called mediumship.  Other aspects of messages are about energies of the psychic.  All information is available to those who commune with spirit realms.

I tried to only tune into my Guardian at that time while it was happening.  There was something not right when it happened.  I couldn't stop it that way.  My guides couldn't cross over at the time.  I was on my own.  Like a little one taking her first steps.  They couldn't cross to aide me.  At first I was hurt, felt abandoned, then I thought perhaps they were letting me spread my wings a bit.  To this day I am not sure what transpired.  Could've been that I was thinking of doing some rituals again??  My head getting to big for my shoulders?  Sometimes they do this to show me a lesson.  Dunno. That is why I was asking input from anyone.

Safe Journey
J:  We do usually walk into some of these experiences very open and uneducated on the process.  Experimentation can be interesting, but it can also be challenging.  Be careful what you ask for, for indeed you shall receive.  

I knew of a medium stepping up to the podium to deliver a talk in her church one evening.  She tuned into spirit and opened her mouth.  Her guide thinking she had been too ego centered said:  You can do it, and stepped away to test her mettle.  She soon learned how much she needed the communion of spirit.

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Post by Rhutobello » Tue Oct 28, 2008 10:54 pm

If you look on the main section for this forum, then you will see it is called "Mystic Academy"....and it is then a more restricted forum...just like any other of the class forums!

It seems that the thread has come a bit out of hand, when we start to go personal on each other....hopefully everything build on misunderstandings.

Be aware that we fast can misinterpret something, and feel attacked when that was not the case or intention.

I agree that there is no "brick road" to the right way to any "belief" or spirituality for that matter.
I always fight for the right to use what talk to me, what my heart tells me.
But I also know in my heart, that I don't know the truth, I can discuss, but try never to attack.

Doe, In this case you are visiting Spiritalk course in Spirituality.

This will then be colored by the way she look at it.
Those who attend might agree or disagree, but in the end it is her task to believe in what she teach, in order to do a good job.

They who disagree have then the option to leave the class, or to follow and see, if anything speaks to them as the discussion progress.

For discussion about spirituality you can also use the other spirituality forum, which are not a part of Spiritalk's course, but more open for all.

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Post by Crow » Wed Oct 29, 2008 12:09 am

In this I offer my appologies. Having posted this in the Mediumship forum since I thought that this topic belonged there.  I didn't post it to the above Mediumships lessons, and questions reguarding the lessons since I thought that this was for Spritalk's course.  Which would be stepping over the lines.  In all these rules I am learning.  I should've posted this in spirituality for open discussion as to not disturb any lessons about mediumship being offered in this part of the forum. For this I appologize again.  I didn't understand.

I have learned so much and have come away with a feeling of hope, understanding, and love for self.  It took a long time to come out of my shell, due to the extremeness of what could happen when a medium starts to awaken.  For all the mediums who have come and gone on this Mystic Board...opening up and showing that rawness that is so human. I thank you.  All showing us how fallible we are, yet we still grow.  I have seen more and more start to show the bravery to begin to openly speak about it, to ask questions, and feel more secure with this.  It is a trend I hope will continue long after.  

I end with this.  

For years I have searched for my own kind.  Loved that comic the X-Men since I felt like a total freak of nature.  Even the good guys were seen by those who didn't share the same talent, gift, whatever you would call it, were sometimes hated.  I have known this hate.  I have felt their fear for people like me.  For it is my own fear of being locked up that has held me from fully showing the world who I truely am.  The fear is justified.  It did transpire.  Please I ask, help those younger ones the way you and those who are no longer members did for me.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 29, 2008 3:52 pm

Crow:  Your post was not misplaced.  Although I probably at some point expected you would have read the mediumship notes to help with your challenges.  

As a working medium I have been challenged both on the internet and in person to find solutions to the difficult phenomena.  It is not misplaced to seek that advice.  

I have to say here - and I checked with management, hence the post from Rhutobello - that the Mystic Academy boards were to be used for the course material discussions, not all and sundry input.  While some people do learn from all random information, what was offered here was a method of Good development of Spiritual Mediumship as practiced by myself through Spiritualism.
God bless, J

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Post by Crow » Wed Oct 29, 2008 4:45 pm

The word Sundry had me all tripped up sideways. I kept on thinking that is a collection of deverse or various ideas right?  Had to go look it up.  So no Sundry in the Mystic Academy.  

Oh heaven's to Bessie, I am too tired to try to figure out all these lines I cannot see.

A while back I had the chance to review the lessons and participate in a few of the other threads that asked questions reguading certain lessons.

Perhaps I overlooked an answer reguarding what to do with these types of spirits.  That could be a real possibility since at that time I wasn't even thinking about them.  Only recently.  

As to me drawing this type of energy, that I would have to disagree with.  Like I said it is physical.  Throughout my life, they come through physically but not all the time. It is a rare thing, but when they do it is the most scarest thing to behold.  They have pushed me down stairs, clawed at me, and harmed me in physical ways. I have yet to see another form of spirit that can touch me in a way such as these entities.  I did not open this door, I did not summon them.  Even I am not that foolish!  Although I be a fool.  :smt003

Go to the white light doesn't work.
Commanding them only makes them meaner.
Fear only makes them grow stronger.
Amulets do nothing to protect.
Wrapping oneself in white light does nothing, they can easily get through.
They are not bound by rules.
Simple magick doesn't work.

This is a different type of spirit that I talk about.  If ever I have to run into one of these again I wished to be prepared.  That was all.

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Oct 29, 2008 10:21 pm

Crow:  I see your point.  But I go back to the fact that nothing enters into our mind without invitation.  So what is an invitation.  Sometimes it is as simple as our interest in the supernatural or reading or opening in various ways to spirit input.  When the door opens we have to be prepared to raise up to the light and not stay anywhere near the dark.  

In the beginning it could be that you opened onto a dark level and didn't have the knowledge or understanding to raise your attention above it.  That does not mean you are dark or evil.  Merely that the understanding of spirit and graduations is a real and functioning activity and you have to be prepared to use all the exercises you know how to ignore the dark and raise to the light.  (See the afterlife notes and the fact of at least 7 spheres graduating into light formed around our earth).

If you do not practice daily with light and good intent in visualizations, meditations and affirmations you can not expect them to work when you call upon them.  In other words, it is a daily practice to keep yourself in the light.  Because you have opened to spirit they can draw near at any time.  And if we invite them by our intent, then we have to be prepared to deal with what comes through.

Now that you are open it is a lifetime of protection and working in the light.  You chose this path.
God bless, J

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Post by Crow » Thu Oct 30, 2008 5:26 am


Then I must've been one mischivious little girl.   No doubt that this happens to one who may have summoned without knowledge, or dabbled in waters unknown.  But for a child to experience this?  Was I not innocent? Wait, take that back. I was never innocent.  :smt003 It is rare to occur, but has taken place long before I dabbled.

That always puzzles me Spiritalk.  I fear not the dark.  For I am light as I am dark.  This is me.  Love and Hate, Good and Bad, and how I choose to walk is somewhere in the middle.  Ever reaching for a balance, deeper understanding of myself.  Hard to explain. Just your grey sock needing bleaching I suppose. And yes this is how it has always been, since I could remember in this life.  Although there was a  time I was a devote Holy Roller speaking in tongue.  Was going to be a missionary to China.  But then I got to seeing another view. Perhaps I didn't know as much as I thought I did. Perhaps what I see as the one true path is just an extension for those other paths leading to the same place.

So this is what is hard for me to understand. I see light and dark the same.  No harvest without spring, no sunrise without sunset kind of thing. Perhaps further along my thoughts will change again. That is my nature, as I grow so does my spirit.

I will review the " afterlife notes and the fact of at least 7 spheres graduating into light formed around our earth" like you suggested.  Perhaps I am overlooking something. Dunno. I am just a youngster with a lot more researching and learning to do.

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Oct 30, 2008 3:26 pm

Yes, we all are made up of the light and dark.  Keeping balance in our life is often a juggling act of who we are at a given moment.  That I can relate to as I grow and change.  We are all a 'work in progress'.  

The answers may not be simple, but they do relate to how we view our lives.  It is our thinking that brings the light and dark around.  And as suggested sometimes we invite others into that light and darkness.  The 'invitation' being unconscious in our wish to grow and be who we are in this life.

That is one of the reasons I always start with self in any exercise in spirit.  Check out also the Tools of Your Own Consciousness.  That is self culture at its peak.  Using these tools helps clear the pathway to light.  And while we will continue to live in both the light and dark (that is human nature) we will balance in all our body, mind, spirit for the best possible outcomes in all situations.
God bless, J

Jolyn Woods
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Post by Jolyn Woods » Fri Oct 31, 2008 4:12 pm

I have never encountered an evil spirit. But my neice claims to have one in her house. I told her that it probably just scares her because she has never had any kind of experience with the spirit world. It is interesting how the spirits appear to some and not others!

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