Some Questions, where do I begin?

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Some Questions, where do I begin?

Post by gjet68 » Fri Dec 07, 2007 6:06 pm

:smt006 First let me say Hello. I am new here. All my life I have been surrounded by something "different" I dont know how to explain myself, it is that I feel like people dont understand me, they dont know the real me. I have recently been researching my family history and I have found a lot of things that may answer some questions about the path my life has taken in general. There is Native American Ancestry in my family, my grandmother was Cherokee, she used to read the Tea Leaves and was very superstitious. My mother also had a gift in her younger years, she could see things before they happened, for instance my father bought her a mothers ring one year and she told him exactly what he bought, how much he paid for it and where he bought it at! She would tell him simple things like what he had in a bag before he opened it and stuff like that. Later in life she got scared and asked God to take this gift from her. My older sister also had the gift at one time, she had a dream one night and in this dream she saw two young men on a railroad track get hit by a train. Well she woke up at 3:00 that morning and sat bolt upright in bed, the next day she saw in the local news that 2 young men had gotten hit on a railroad track just a few blocks from her home at the exact same time she sat up in the bed. Now,  I too have inherited this gift. I know it is there because I tend to predict things and they happen just as Ive stated them. When I was pregnant with my daughter I was very distraught because I thought she would never be born, she was due Jan 11 and wasnt born until Feb 7th I was 43 weeks along! Anyhow, right before she was born I had a dream and in this dream I saw my dead grandmother walking towards me out of a myst of smoke and there was a full moon and she spoke to me and said "That baby will be born on the full of the Moon" and she disapperead and I awoke. Sure enough my daughter was born on the night of a Full Moon! This daughter has inherited the gift as well. She is 17 and is very interested in Wicca and Paganisim. That is what has drew me here, as Ive been reviewing all this and trying to take everything in. This past year it seems as though "something" has been trailing my daughter, she claims to "see things" and "hear things" too. Frankly Im scared, Im interested, I want to know more, Id like to develop the gift (A couple of Psychics have told me that I posses Psychic Abilities) I just dont know where to begin. Have been reading everything I could read here and would like to know more. Thanks for allowing me to be a member here and for taking the time to read this post.


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Post by spiritalk » Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:48 pm

Psychic abilities are definitely inherited to some degree.  The families with psychics perpetuate the skills.  A part of this is an inherent ability (we can all be psychic) and a big part is in taking charge and developing the latent abilities into a talent.

I like the words talent, ability, skill so much more than gift - a gift is given - we take not notice of source or use.  A talent we know we can enhance by our own efforts and thinking.  

Start reading the material here - begin with meditation.  The reason is....meditation is the tool used to open the mind to the 5 senses and in adding 2 more (intuition - from the gut; I know - from the heart) you are well on your way to taking it to the psychic level.  Open the whole being - body, mind, spirit - to the input of the energy you generate in spirit through meditation.  Any and all impressions from the psychic can and do occur on any and all part of what you may consider the physical body (that is because that is where our attention while in the physical remains).

In the meantime learn all you can about your own personal spirituality.  Like will draw to like (law of attraction) with regard to spirit source - and we would like to think we are rising to highest and best.

There is a good starting point.....

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