Medium vs. Psychic

Post your questions here. Have a healthy discussion, and learn to develop your psychic skills as a novice medium.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:07 am

[quote="tourbi"][img] ... s-up22.gif[/img]Oh, very very well done.  That was delightful and I totally enjoyed it  This emote you shouldn't need an explanation for.  But, It's from one friend to another [img] ... /kiss3.gif[/img][/quote]

Thanks ... but, but but ... where did my bathtub go :-{

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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:10 am

Image oh, bath tub.  It's supposed to be 80 degrees here tomorrow, I'm getting prepared. Image

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:29 am

[quote="tourbi"][img] ... on-181.gif[/img] oh, bath tub.  It's supposed to be 80 degrees here tomorrow, I'm getting prepared. [img] ... th-052.gif[/img][/quote]

Okay now you are really teasing the heck out of me, dear!

Where I am currently posited today was like 5 degrees celsius and with windchill it was subfreezing! Tomorrow is going to be warmer but noway near 80!

Hopefully, in the past few exchanges between us none of which was planned or orchestrated but just happened simply, beautifully and spontaneously is what I would characterize and picturize as opening-up.

There is no depth psychology or deep jungian analysis or years of torture on mountains remote and isolated caves involved (interesting concept though! NAH! Scratch that! No bath no TV that cave is not for me!)

The way I look at it is simple and perhaps that is how it was supposed to be for me individually and may not be the cup of tea for any of you.

Many years ago, there was a time when for pragmatic reasons I had to move away from my family for earning a living. The moment when I moved I had NO guarantee when or if ever I will see my barely 5 and barely 2 year old children. When I visited them some eight months later they did a strange thing the day I was returning back to work. They fought to get my attention even when I was all the time hugging them and loving them sincerely.

It was an opening! I immediately spoke back to them and assured them of my equal love for them and that they should never feel that I would ever love one over the other.

Do all FATHERS manage to convey that to their children?

Are all CHILDREN even trying to listen to what their PARENTS are saying?

ACTIVE LISTENING is something that is made a big deal of and about in our worldly reality in business and management and on and on!

When I first was exposed to a class on active listening, I suddenly realized that that is how I discovered being a psychic in the first place!


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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:42 am

No, my father didn't.  

Yes, active listening.  And active seeing.  
A young woman walked up to our booth at a fair.  She asked a question and I personalized it for her by mentioning the college she attended.  She was very impressed with my psychic abilities.  She was actually shocked.  My boss for the first time started laughing.  I told the woman that yes, I'm psychic, but part of being a good psychic is reading all the information and seeing in the moment, as well as listening in the moment.  Being active in the moment, being aware. She was wearing a buffalo necklace.  She went to Colorado University.

You are a good father.  Thank you for sharing!!! Image

As a person who receives messages from loved ones on the other side, from Spirit Guides, from Ascended Masters and other teachers, I think it is important to be in the moment and actively be open to the messages, be it listening, seeing, feeling, or knowing.  

Oh, I think I'm both, psychic and I channel.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 3:49 am

Oh, I think I'm both, psychic and I channel.[/quote]

Yes yes, but you have not told me yetll! WHERE ARE THE TOWELS? ;-)

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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:06 am

I'm sorry, Venus got to them first, the towels are in use. Image

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:12 am

[quote="rohiniranjan"][quote="tourbi"]I clapped, to say I enjoy you.  And then I was using the one with the phone to show waiting for the ring of the phone.

For me, I have worked a lot with symbols.  The emotes for me are a way of showing the symbolism.  The first e-mail I got was an e-card with animation.  I fell in love with it immediately.  I have a huge collection and now easy ways to share.
I think they can speak for me when words aren't enough or I'm concerned about how that words will be interpreted.  I have seen so many arguments started because the person didn't understand the tone of a message. I feel the emotes can help clarify.  It's like a Spirit Guide, or entity on the other side trying to convey a message, it always helps when I understand their symbolism.  
One of the Master teachers I had on the other side for a while, smiles a great deal.  My visual friend would see him as a smiley face.  I could feel the energy.  I wish I could see them, more than just little.  Lights.  
I wrote too much. [img] ... rite22.gif[/img] (that's me, happily lost writing to you)[/quote]

Dear Tourbi,

The path was narrow and embracing a ledge of a mountain where to the left was the granite and to the right was the precipice! Being part of a tour group, the luxury of giving in to one's acrophobia, clinging on to the granite to the left and holding up the traffic was not an option!

I have seen the arguments too, and felt their heat too in my face. Interestingly though, like soap bubbles, they tickle and then pop! When they return as they do, like a hapless moth helplessly drawn to the flame of their discovery -- the bather relaxes as they fulfil their decree and destiny as a soap-bubble must!

Far away from the bath and the bubbles and the water is the electric presence of the electronic reality that pumps in the beautiful and soothing music and I hear in some cases it is the TV (what a decadent being the human being has become!).

Actually, there is nothing wrong with any of this after a hard day of work. As long as we do not forget the soap bubble which shall arise and try to tickle our nose as we laugh at it like we would if a toddler made a face and a menacing gesture at us. A stranger toddler!

Thanks for being there for all of us for what would be heaven without an angel?[/quote]


Way back in early 90s when I was a member of the new age forum on compuserve, the prototype of what many of the folks take for granted on the Internet cyberreality, Sedona (Arizona) had only been recently discovered and there were postings about Energy vortexes (they were *propaahly* called Vortices back then!) and being younger some of us astro-technical types pooh poohed those! We were not biased since we also did not take seriously the coming of the Messiah as the Maitreya and Benjamin Craem from UK! Well, on that latter count we were not wrong it seems, so far? Right??

Recently, I had a chance to visit Sedona and Grand Canyon. I knew quite a bit about those nidii of energy and the myths and rest surrounding those and I read up a bit more and then some.

Somewhere I read that when visiting an energy spot/energy vortex like Sedona is supposed to be, one is brought face to face with one's fears. Fears and Phobias heighten and intensify.

It came to my acute realization during that trip that I had a problem with unprotected heights! Grand Canyon for instance. The parts of it where there were railings right down to the edge of the precipice, I was okay, as I am when flying in an airplane! But an unprotected drop without a railing! Forget it!!

It was such a damper for me. Here I was having travelled thousands of miles to connect to the Sacred energy of Sedona all of which involved a bit of climbing, gentle for most but impossible for me, I was a bit disappointed.

I took a tour when I arrived there just to get the scope and to set my bearings straight. As we were driving by the Airport vortex, the weakest of them all, I felt this absolutely unmistakeable sensation that I first experienced when I was attuned to Reiki for the first time. The tour-guide said, "Wow, if you felt it so strongly here, then at the other vortices you would feel it really strongly". I felt but not quite as 'personally' as I did at the weakest spot, namely the airport vortex.

Later on, I hiked to the airport vortex and realized the kindness of the mountain! Since I could not climb up to meet and greet it, IT came down to me. Like a gracious parent happy to see his son ...

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue Apr 15, 2008 4:14 am

[quote="tourbi"]I'm sorry, Venus got to them first, the towels are in use. [img][/img][/quote]

No problem! I have her hair-dryer in my custody!! It is all in the planning!!

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Post by tourbi » Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:32 am

Image Hmmmmmmm, Looks like her hair is wind dried and the towels are missing.

Thank you for sharing your experience with the energy vortexes.  If we are open the Universe always find a way to meet our needs.  What a wonderful experience you had. I'm glad you were/are open to receiving the gifts/lessons.

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Post by Molissa » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:01 am

this has been such a enlightening, delightful, energetic, loving thread.
thanks, both of you!!

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Post by biyu » Wed Apr 16, 2008 12:51 am

uhh  i  hope  yall  dont  mind  but  it  seems  someones  havin  a  hard  time  with  bbc

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Post by Brekka » Sat Apr 26, 2008 8:25 pm

Hi :0  I was reading thru this thread and the ringing of the ears was mentioned... Kinda hit me like a brick. I have sensed Spirit Most of my life. I have had feelings, knowings?, and visions, all of which have become almost a normal thing for me.  What hit me about the ringing is,,  mine ring for days, weeks, sometimes months and it never even dawned on me to "answer it" (DUH)
I just want ed to say thank you for mentioning it !   Blessings Be :)   Brekka

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Apr 27, 2008 3:54 pm

Sometimes the simplest message is the most profound.

KISS Principle:  Keep It Simple Spiritualist!

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Why am I a better Medium than a Psychic?

Post by Badpesta » Sun May 18, 2008 10:35 am

My Mediumship skills are way up there, but I don't feel that my Psychic skills are equal even though others tell me that I am equally as Psychic as I am a Medium.  Is it because Mediumship works is so easy for me (no real effort) and my Psychic abilities take effort?

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Post by Azure » Tue May 27, 2008 11:54 am

spiritalk wrote:I was in my 40s when I found my way into Spiritualism and knew I was 'home' for what would unfold.  In looking back I realized how much the things in my life led to just such a place.  

Sensitivities were always there - now I knew how to train and open them.  Within a few months time I was working the Sunday service demonstrating mediumship.  

When I think of the early days, I am sure I was maybe wrong as much as right but it was a good place to unfold and try to understand.  Actually I got a lot of feedback on the messages I brought - some even more than 10 years later.

I regularly sat in private circle and also did public circles to open the talents that were ready and strong at that time.  It was sort of an accumulation of life's experiences that got me to that place to unfold in such a good spiritual manner.
But not all mediums believe in Spiritualism though, many follow pagan or other beliefs and also believe in re-incarnation which I think Spiritualism does not?

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