Mediumship and trying not to be AFRAID!

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Seeing spirits

Post by believer » Sun Aug 10, 2008 2:21 am

Do you see the spirits when you just glance in a direction, perhaps distracted and then when you stop and think, "What was that?" Then the image is gone or do you have control of the situation?

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Post by Doe » Sun Aug 10, 2008 3:01 am


You said that beautifully (especially "our society and ideas about spirits are very corrupted"--SO true!).  I came to a realization a little while ago, and mentioned it to another member here recently.  I'm half-asleep at the moment, and getting ready for bed, so I'll just paste in what I wrote to him here (hope he doesn't mind!):
There are certainly some things that might be frightening, or seem counterproductive, but I agree that there's something to be learned from every experience.  Protection, as I see it, isn't so much about "keeping it away" as about learning how to deal with it and incorporate it into the experience as a whole, and grow as a result.
I agree that "protection" will be given to you if you have faith, and act in love rather than in fear and mistrust (not that there aren't spirits out there who will try to trick you and make you afraid, but they have things to teach you as well).  My sense these days is that if I can keep doing that, things will work out as they should--not that it's always easy, but, again, everything happens for a reason, and everyone has a purpose.  Being open to finding out what that purpose is before shutting it down will, I believe, lead you in the right direction--although it can take a long time, and requires patience.

Believer, I can often see spirits under just about any circumstances--not just out of the corner of my eye, etc.  Some circumstances are better than others (it's easier when it's dark, but I can see them in broad daylight quite often as well).  Sometimes it's just a question of calming myself and just looking for a minute or so.  It's sometimes as if I have two different but overlapping ways of seeing, and sometimes I just need to mentally "switch over"...but it doesn't take much effort.  But everyone is different, of course, and as Ana intimated it's all filtered in different ways through our individual consciousnesses (at least that's how it seems).


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Seeing spirits

Post by believer » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:04 pm


I would think that seeing them at night would be way more scary at least at first.  Perhaps it is just all the tv shows that the thought would scare me more.  I posted earlier in the year of hearing a childs voice in my house.  The two images that I have seen recently have been of a boy that was around 4 ft tall.  This last time, it was in daylight and it was a glance towards the staircase.  I saw a side profile and his clothes were not of this era.  Everyone thinks it's my imagination.  But if I would going to just imagine, I would make him a gorgeous, looking body that I would never want to take my eyes off  :smt003


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Post by Doe » Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:25 pm


It all happened very gradually with me, and I also knew right from the start who I was seeing (although I gradually realized that there were others), so--except for a few times when I saw something very vivid that I wasn't expecting, and then I got over it pretty fast--I never really dealt with much fear as to seeing them.  I was really just happy--in the dark or not!

But you're totally right--in this culture (as Ana mentioned) we're totally conditioned by TV, movies, religion, etc. to be afraid of spirits, regardless of who they might be or what their intentions are.  I think that sometimes we actually scare them more than they scare us!  Try to think of your ability to see spirits as a blessing--just an ability to see beyond the veil to nothing more than another aspect of existence, to which we and everyone else who has ever lived will go when it's time.  Do you think that, once you've passed to spirit form, you'll suddenly become malevolent and frightening just by virtue of no longer having a body?  Probably not!  If you're afraid, just try to think of the spirits you see as people, just in somewhat different form.

And keep in mind that there are very good people, with whom you'd like to spend time, and who may be able to help and guide you, and that there are also people whose intentions aren't so good.  With the latter, though, just as with the living, you have the right and the power to make boundaries.

Fear really is your biggest enemy in all of this.  Once you've learned to overcome it and see beyond it to the "bigger picture", you'll be in good shape.


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seeing spirits

Post by believer » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:44 am


You have very poetically describe a great answer, that I shall refer back to many times I am sure.  You first spirit was a loved one correct, who died before his time?  Thank you !


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Post by Doe » Mon Aug 11, 2008 2:00 pm


I don't know how "poetic" it was, but thanks for the nice remark!

Yes, he's someone who passed well beyond his time, and who I loved very much, and who (even though at the time I didn't really believe in an afterlife, etc., at all) I spoke to the day after he passed and asked to come back to me if he ever could (guess he was listening, even though I didn't know it--that's why I always counsel people to speak to the loved ones they've lost, even if they see no sign that they've been heard).

Let us know if you see the boy again!  (Have you done any research/Googling to see if you can find out who he might be?  Sometimes you can be surprised...)


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Post by spiritalk » Mon Aug 11, 2008 4:24 pm

As discussed in the lessons here - our loved ones have a purpose in communication as do our spirit guides and the belief in angels and their manifestations.  When we are first opening to spirit input it is important to be in touch with your own spirit and use tried and true exercises to contact those who love and care about each of us individually to form that wonderful partnership with us in mediumship.

Identifying spirit guides is not so important as knowing their energies when they come to work with us and sometimes through us.  Spirit guides are our trusted partners and nothing to fear - they prove it time and again with their actions with us.

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seeing spirits

Post by believer » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:48 am

So Spiritalk do you think that this boy image could indeed be a spirit guide?  I have not even thought of that as a possibility?  I definately believe in what you are saying about being in touch with your spirit, but can tell you I am not always very good at what I should be doing  :smt002 .

Doe, wish I had found this board and you before when my Mom died.  I did try and pay attention to surroundings before the funeral and right after.  When she was dying, I told her I would see her in my dreams and to come and visit me.  It took her awhile, but she has started coming to my dreams.


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Post by Doe » Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:57 pm

When she was dying, I told her I would see her in my dreams and to come and visit me.  It took her awhile, but she has started coming to my dreams.
That's wonderful!  That's one of the ways "it" started with me, too.  Of course, sometimes dreams can just be dreams, but they also seem to be one of the easiest pathways for loved ones in the spirit world to talk to us--maybe our "defenses" are down more when we're asleep, and we're more open (I guess that's why meditation helps a lot of people too--I just can't get the hang of it, myself!).

I agree with Spiritalk that "identification" isn't always important--it can be a distraction, and become too much of a "game" if you don't think about what you're dealing with (a la the "Ghost Hunter" shows, etc.--which I personally find disgusting and utterly lacking in understanding and respect for spirits, in favor of "entertainment").  But if you suspect that you're in communication with a loved one, or simply want to be for whatever reason, I see nothing wrong with it (it is true that there are those who will try to "impersonate" others, so you do have to be very careful).

Also, if you're new to this (or even if you're not sometimes!) it can sometimes be hard to believe that it's really happening at all, and that those who tell you that it's just your imagination aren't right (again, sometimes it MAY be your imagination).  On a number of occasions I've been able to verify in the "real world" (usually by Googling something) that a spirit I've been talking to was really a specific living person at one point.  When that happens, it helps to affirm that what I THINK I've been seeing is real, and the confidence that results seems to help my ability get stronger.

Believer (and anyone else here who wants to know more about "Mediumship"), let me ask you a question.  Why is this something you're interested in?  What makes you want to have the ability (if you do want it) to be able to communicate with the spirit world?  I'm definitely not singling you out with the question; it's just a question that I've had in general for a while about people's reasons for seeking out the ability (mine, again, just kind of popped up on its own, but I do ask myself whether it's something I would have hoped for under different circumstances).  Just wondering...hope you don't mind!


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seeing spirits

Post by believer » Tue Aug 12, 2008 3:24 pm


What a good question!  It made me stop and think why is it that I want to communicate the other side.  I guess I've always felt like I have had a little bit of the gift and now that I am older I am curious to see where it goes.  The thought of being able to see or communicate with a loved one who has passed on, knowing that death is not the end, is very comforting.
I've always been a very vivid dreamer and perhaps it is the less threatening way to see them.  Only in this past year, have I studied more about the subject and maybe that is why things are opening up.  I feel that I am more aware of my surroundings.  Last night while in the kitchen, it felt like someone yank on my hair.  I actually put my hand on the back of my head like to stop it.  Then I thought to myself - that was weird.  So I wish I had someone with me that could see spirits to tell me if I am getting an over-active imagination  :) .

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Post by Doe » Tue Aug 12, 2008 5:02 pm

The thought of being able to see or communicate with a loved one who has passed on, knowing that death is not the end, is very comforting.
That certainly sounds reasonable (and I agree with you about the knowledge that death isn't the end being very comforting--I no longer fear death itself--just the moment of death and not knowing how it will happen)!

I guess I asked because, for myself, I keep needing to check my ego and make sure that it's not some need to feel "special" that's involved too much.  I kind of don't think it's possible for most people to keep the ego completely out of the picture, but it's worth it to try to keep it in check; it's just my feeling that the whole process of communication and learning from it can go awry when it's about ego, or about seeing it as a way of making a living or getting "famous".  So I was just wondering how others see it.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:55 pm

The ego is a hard and fast complex of being human and it would be foolish to think anything was there without a purpose.  Keeping our ego in balance with the body, mind, spirit helps us put the credit where it is due.  

In doing mediumship work my friend is wont to say:  Its the best gig in town, spirit does all the work, we tend to get all the credit!  That is only because the receiver of the message is in front of us not the spirit and sometimes doesn't even understand the source of the message.

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seeing spirits

Post by believer » Tue Aug 12, 2008 6:57 pm


You ought to post that question by itself out there in a forum, maybe this one.  I am so far from having much talent in this area, that I can only look to others for guidance.  That is one reason that I really like this board because I feel there is real talent and the opportunity to learn and grow what little ability I do have.  I think there is nothing wrong with a little bit gets too large, then abilities will not develop further and things become stagnant, so you are smart for keeping it in check.  

I look forward to further discussions from all the  "EXPERT'S"!


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Post by jmtrk1 » Sat Aug 16, 2008 4:24 am

Hi! I have found that there is no reason for fear. Even tnhe things that seem scary have meaning. My recently deceased nephew scared me by looking like a dead rotted child after touching my back to get my attention. I realized the next day that it was a Halloween trick.  :)

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trying not to be afraid

Post by believer » Sun Aug 17, 2008 2:42 pm


I am afraid that trick would have freaked me out so bad, that I would probably block any further contacts.  Did your nephew play a lot of tricks on you before his passing?


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