working with your spirit guides

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working with your spirit guides

Post by beleever » Sat Apr 05, 2008 6:30 am

This may seem like a silly question but I was wondering how you really know if you are communicating with your guide. Do you hear there voice or see them? If not how do you know when it is your ego or your guide? I am not doubting anything just seriously interested and I don't think I am at that level just yet as I am only just trying to piece things together.

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Re: working with your spirit guides

Post by ~storry~ » Sat Apr 05, 2008 1:43 pm

beleever wrote:This may seem like a silly question but I was wondering how you really know if you are communicating with your guide. Do you hear there voice or see them? If not how do you know when it is your ego or your guide? I am not doubting anything just seriously interested and I don't think I am at that level just yet as I am only just trying to piece things together.

Well, no I personally don't think its a silly question at all seeing as how for the longest time I would question my own sanity when it came to the matter of, "Am I really having this conversation with my spirit guide?" Lol When I go to my "level" lets call it, like a meditative state, I can see and (sometimes) hear my guide. When I am out, I will speak and recieve and answer back (in my head) with practice though, I think you can "tune" yourself in better, little by little. A few days ago, I was doing a "practice" reading for someone (I am still in my learning state myself) and I was afraid to be wrong or misinterpret something important, so I said to my guide, "I need you to help me..." but I couldn't finish my thought because the response I got was, "I am helping you."  
Try practicing talking out loud and in your head as well, and I am sure that in time you will suceed.

Love and Light

~storry~ :smt006

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Apr 05, 2008 2:44 pm

The tool for mediumship is meditation.  Practice attuning to your own spirit guide through good working exercises.  In my practice I use a meditation for peace on a peaceful place then invite my spirit guide to come by a symbol of connection and placing a seat for them in my scene that I am meditating upon.  This works well.  When the symbol is touched by spirit the energies change.  We can be sensitive to these energies and work with them in all that we do in attunement.  This is a good attunement exercise.

When doing material work, it is important to not be connected and attuned to spirit work.  'Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's (material) and unto God (spiritual) what is God's'.  The more you protect and focus your own energies to receive spirit energies in an attuned manner, the strong the energies become between you and your own personal spirit guide.  Give them a time and place in consistency and constancy and they will recipricate.

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Post by beleever » Sat Apr 05, 2008 10:38 pm

Thank you both very much for taking the time to reply, your responses have been very helpful.

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Re: Contacting you Spirit Guides

Post by ForEverLoving » Sun Apr 27, 2008 5:07 pm

Everything that is said above is true. I will add that myself, I have been meditating and have felt the same way as you.

Do not doubt that when you meditate, something is happening. Because on a higher level there is communication going on.

Let intuition be you guide. If you think you felt something, a feeling, a vision or a thought. DO NOT DOUBT it. It important to know that your FIRST thought or feeling is usually the right one.

Have no expectations as to what will happen during meditation.

The KEY to success in contacting your spirit guides is meditating daily.

You can achieve inner guidance through PRACTICE. Optimum results will
come with daily practice.

Meditation in the beginning should be 10 to 15 minutes once a day.
Then you can increase it to 20 minutes once a day.
You can even do it twice a day for 10 minutes each time.

The more you Practice, I promise the more comfortable you will feel and the more you will begin to know and learn to contact your inner self and your spirit guides.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Apr 28, 2008 2:32 pm

Exercises and techniques that specifically attune you to your own personal spirit guide are an important aspect of reaching your spirit guide.  As it is energy work, the change of energies is important.  This is done on a sensitive level and can only be felt through the spirit.

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Post by Mystique4me2 » Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:29 am

What or who are are spirit guides?  Are they departed souls from our life or are they angels.  Are they from a different plane...sorry for being so naive  but I always wanted to ask that question and never had anywhere to ask it.

I went to a reading once where this person claimed that she could see and speak with our spirit guides....with the other people in the room she would really ask a lot of questions or receive confirmations from what she said and she would continue by exchanging with the other in order to say what the guide wanted to say --- almost like a therapist who will ask a lot of questions and say what you want to hear....However, when she came to was almost as if she didn't want to say anything...for my part I didn't give her any additional maybe she didn't know what to go with... At one point she just said that I had a lot of different guides but couldn't add anymore.

Another time someone came into the place where I was working when I was 16.. Out of the blue he asked me to give him my hand...He held it for a second than told me that I could become a very powerful (inner power not controlling power) person than he handed me a ring and asked what I felt...Welll, it was hot and it actually hurt to hold it in my hand....Was it just his suggestion that made me more aware ...anyway when I explained my feeling to him he said that it was because it came from his divorced wife.  Also when I was younger (now only sometimes)  I could feel negative energy so strong that there were some places that I could not even walk into as I would feel sweaty and feel like throwing up.  I later found out that most of the places I couldn't enter were mob owned ---is this part of my gift or just me hoping that it could be.

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:56 pm

Mystique4me2 wrote:What or who are are spirit guides?  Are they departed souls from our life or are they angels.  Are they from a different plane...sorry for being so naive  but I always wanted to ask that question and never had anywhere to ask it.

J:  First I would suggest you read up on the spirit guides in the notes posted.  There is a lot of explanations there for your consideration.  

Spirit guides come from a spirit realm that is occupied by all those who have had an earth life - it is the continuity of life we are all promised.  They will have good advice as they have walked this way before.  See the notes on the afterlife as well.

As a matter of interest...I am a firm believer in connection to species - this would include animals, angels or any other matter as a guide.  As to other things there can be a purpose for these things (stars, galactic energies, etc.)

People we have known in this lifetime do NOT come back as our guides.  It is just not done and they have not had time to acclimatize themselves to spirit conditions before returning as a guide.  There is a process in place and those that do come interfere in that process.

I went to a reading once where this person claimed that she could see and speak with our spirit guides....with the other people in the room she would really ask a lot of questions or receive confirmations from what she said and she would continue by exchanging with the other in order to say what the guide wanted to say --- almost like a therapist who will ask a lot of questions and say what you want to hear....However, when she came to was almost as if she didn't want to say anything...for my part I didn't give her any additional maybe she didn't know what to go with... At one point she just said that I had a lot of different guides but couldn't add anymore.

J:  A message from a psychic or medium that addresses only your spirit guides is like someone doing past lives - anyone can tell a good story.  It is up to the receiver to believe - or not.  It would appear this one was irresponsible as she knew you were discerning enough to see through her act.

Another time someone came into the place where I was working when I was 16.. Out of the blue he asked me to give him my hand...He held it for a second than told me that I could become a very powerful (inner power not controlling power) person than he handed me a ring and asked what I felt...Welll, it was hot and it actually hurt to hold it in my hand....Was it just his suggestion that made me more aware ...anyway when I explained my feeling to him he said that it was because it came from his divorced wife.  Also when I was younger (now only sometimes)  I could feel negative energy so strong that there were some places that I could not even walk into as I would feel sweaty and feel like throwing up.  I later found out that most of the places I couldn't enter were mob owned ---is this part of my gift or just me hoping that it could be.

J:  Holding an article in your hand is called Psychometry.  The burning sensation is the first of the reading - you are connecting to its energies.  Actually when it has belonged to someone already deceased, I would get cold rather than hot - but that can be an individual response and yours may be quite different.  (Isn't it fun - we are all unique!)

Atmospheres (as in entering buildings) has been strong with me as well.  I get a whole sense of the building from past, present, future all rolled into one on entering any place.  What a sensation!  Being sensitive to it helps you address your own spirit which is what works with the spirit realms in mediumship.  It is just a part of who you are.

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Post by coloratura » Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:36 pm

Have any of you gotten actual names for your spirt guides, and do any of you talk to them outside of your medative times?

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Post by RoseRed » Sun Nov 02, 2008 4:09 pm

Just two quick questions:
spiritalk wrote:In my practice I use a meditation for peace on a peaceful place then invite my spirit guide to come by a symbol of connection and placing a seat for them in my scene that I am meditating upon.  This works well.  When the symbol is touched by spirit the energies change.  We can be sensitive to these energies and work with them in all that we do in attunement.  This is a good attunement exercise.
What kind of thing would/could the symbol be?
Would it be a symbol that means something to you?
Or is it a recognized symbol of connection with higher realms?
Kinda like under the Rules of the Universal Spiritual Conversation Act kinda thing  :smt005 heehee!
Fun aside - when the spirit touches the symbol do you recognize its feel? And then allow communication?
Sorry I do get a little technical sometimes.  :smt002
spiritalk wrote:Atmospheres (as in entering buildings) has been strong with me as well.  I get a whole sense of the building from past, present, future all rolled into one on entering any place.  What a sensation!  Being sensitive to it helps you address your own spirit which is what works with the spirit realms in mediumship.  It is just a part of who you are.
Okay advice/help needed: How have you gone about coping with what you feel?
You seem to have gotten to grips with the whole thing...I need some help.
I don't get the past, present, future but I get the same as Mystique4me2. I just can't bare to be in certain areas or places.
The problem is, is that its most places.

I don't know for anyone else, I only know for myself, and that is that I am pretty finely attuned to energies out there, which I used to hate and resent for a large portion of my 'aware' life but that made me very unhappy as I knew it was apart of me and I was denying a part of myself.
So now I listen - but jees - ya know!? I can't have an 'issue' every place I go esp places where there are large movements of ppl???
I don't want to be a hermit and only venture out when I have to!
Getting rather unhappy again about it all.

I have been trying very hard to figure out ways to cope with it - and its gotten a whole bunch better and now I just grin and bare it for as long as I can until I need to go outside or the bathrooms to settle myself in solitude for a breath of a moment. Then head on out. But I am under such huge amount of stress then I pretty much either give myself a super duper migraine or get nauseous or look as if I'm not paying the ppl any attention so I look like I'm being rude when all I am trying to do is cope with the current situation. It really feels like life and death - i know its not but I get so worked up over it.

Does it get any better?
I have not started yet - but my next plan of action was to start some serious meditation. Thought that maybe somehow I might be able to receive the missing puzzle piece that will allow me to also be apart of this worlds festive moments or even the quiet ones such as going to the cinema etc.
Soz, I'm having a bit of a 'down' day today.

@ coloratura: I do know friends who know their spirit guides names.

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Post by Crow » Sun Nov 02, 2008 6:49 pm

Mystique4me2, Rosered

Sounds like you both are hypersensitive.  If I am overstepping the line, I'm sorry. Just do not like to see other hypersensitives struggle.  Not trying to take away from the teacher here.  Just adding what helped me, might help others.  K just a suggestion. Have you tried to find your stone yet?  Example: Moonstone is like cat nip for me.  I wear it all the time, this seemed to help. Something about the properties within that stone.  I like the rainbow moonstone the best, not sure if that makes a differance.  When I start to feel overwhelmed I will without thought start to rub the stone.  My breathing will calm down.  Feel inner peace.  Hard to explain.  I have tried other stones through the years, just found that this stone works best for this type of energy for me.  I think it might be different for others.  That is why I added that maybe you might try to find your stone.   Have to go out there in that world, and at times it can be sooooo overwhelming, all those energies.  I have also begun to try Eucaluptus oil, this seems to help me.   I apply a little bit every time I leave the house.  Not sure why it helps, but it seems to do the job. ;)  It was one of those things one of my guides told me about when I was out shopping, moving me, pulling me to buy this oil.  Not my favorite smell!  But I said okay, I'll try it.  

Hope you have a better day Rosered.


To answer your question. Yes I do have a name, but I keep that to myself.  Do they talk to me outside of meditation?  Yes, sometimes those boogers just do that.  Adding their 2 cents is common place for me.  Why?  Not sure, just how they choose to talk to me.  With others this might be different.  I also struggle to get to that meditation state.  My mind will not quite down long enough to meditate the normal way.


I have a question. Is it like when you place that chair for the communication it helps with your focus to see it happen?  Kinda like rituals help one to focus their energy on what they are about to do?  Help get us in that state of mind sort of thing happening?

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Post by coloratura » Sun Nov 02, 2008 7:54 pm

Well, to minimize/eliminate the effects of feeling every place's vibes, you could do some form of shielding or grounding prior to entering buildings or just at the beginning of the day. For the longest time, I could not watch films that depicted the horors of the genocide in Africa in the early 90's because I'd get these horrible vibes, and even though I'm blind and can only see shadows, I still had to cover my face. Mummy exhibitions at museums are fun too...*sarcasm*...

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:05 pm

coloratura wrote:Have any of you gotten actual names for your spirt guides, and do any of you talk to them outside of your medative times?
Many people do their attunement with names.  The one caution here is...our spirit guides can change over time (our guardian stays for our lifetime) and we may impede the progress of the change if we get too caught up on one particular guide or name.

While meditation is the key to practicing mediumship, the fact is we are a body, mind, spirit all the time and some of the quick, inspired thoughts we get throughout our day can be our spirit guide as well.

It is nice to know we are so protected from all harm on all levels.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:17 pm

RoseRed wrote:Just two quick questions:
spiritalk wrote:In my practice I use a meditation for peace on a peaceful place then invite my spirit guide to come by a symbol of connection and placing a seat for them in my scene that I am meditating upon.  This works well.  When the symbol is touched by spirit the energies change.  We can be sensitive to these energies and work with them in all that we do in attunement.  This is a good attunement exercise.
What kind of thing would/could the symbol be?
Would it be a symbol that means something to you?
Or is it a recognized symbol of connection with higher realms?
Kinda like under the Rules of the Universal Spiritual Conversation Act kinda thing  :smt005 heehee!
Fun aside - when the spirit touches the symbol do you recognize its feel? And then allow communication?
Sorry I do get a little technical sometimes.  :smt002

J:  Nature is our best source of inspiration for all things.  To find my peace centre I have a special garden I visit.  When ready to connect to my guide I use a flower.  I know of someone who always used a waterfall and another who had a cardinal land when the guide was there.  All in all it is the energy we seek to attune to and enjoy in our partnership with spirit guides.  (I love a questioning mind!)
spiritalk wrote:Atmospheres (as in entering buildings) has been strong with me as well.  I get a whole sense of the building from past, present, future all rolled into one on entering any place.  What a sensation!  Being sensitive to it helps you address your own spirit which is what works with the spirit realms in mediumship.  It is just a part of who you are.
Okay advice/help needed: How have you gone about coping with what you feel?
You seem to have gotten to grips with the whole thing...I need some help.
I don't get the past, present, future but I get the same as Mystique4me2. I just can't bare to be in certain areas or places.
The problem is, is that its most places.

J:  For the most part I have come to terms with the feelings on entering a building.  What is important here is knowing what is the material vibration and what is a spirit vibration on body, mind, spirit of your own being.  To do this takes some practice.  But be conscious of all things as you enter any and all buildings - then put them into perspective.  The spirit energies can be dissipated into the spirit and the material ones addressed.  i.e. if you entered a building where something specific was going on - like a robbery to make an example - you would feel tension, fear, and furtive glances would mark the way.  Note the difference between material energies and spirit energies and learn to address them as such.  Practice makes perfect they say - but all good things take some time to learn as you practice to hone your own talents.

I don't know for anyone else, I only know for myself, and that is that I am pretty finely attuned to energies out there, which I used to hate and resent for a large portion of my 'aware' life but that made me very unhappy as I knew it was apart of me and I was denying a part of myself.
So now I listen - but jees - ya know!? I can't have an 'issue' every place I go esp places where there are large movements of ppl???
I don't want to be a hermit and only venture out when I have to!
Getting rather unhappy again about it all.

I have been trying very hard to figure out ways to cope with it - and its gotten a whole bunch better and now I just grin and bare it for as long as I can until I need to go outside or the bathrooms to settle myself in solitude for a breath of a moment. Then head on out. But I am under such huge amount of stress then I pretty much either give myself a super duper migraine or get nauseous or look as if I'm not paying the ppl any attention so I look like I'm being rude when all I am trying to do is cope with the current situation. It really feels like life and death - i know its not but I get so worked up over it.

Does it get any better?

J:  Of course all things get better.  It is a lot of work when the sensitivities are open to all those energies.  Work with them - stop fighting them and you will find what you need to know coming and what you don't being handled by your own spirit guidance.

The best protections we have are our own spiritual growth and then using metaphysical exercises to protect us on a daily basis.  If they are so strong for you that you are being kept a hostage to their vibration, you need to replenish all the protection exercises regularly during your day.  They do work when you give them a chance to envelop you.

I have not started yet - but my next plan of action was to start some serious meditation. Thought that maybe somehow I might be able to receive the missing puzzle piece that will allow me to also be apart of this worlds festive moments or even the quiet ones such as going to the cinema etc.
Soz, I'm having a bit of a 'down' day today.

J:  Meditation is a wonderful tool to find our own peace centre.  And then to connect regularly with our spirit guidance for protection and love.  Use those energies that are so strong with you and identify and work with spirit energies too.

@ coloratura: I do know friends who know their spirit guides names.
J:  Its always a wonderful journey - and we are all unique in our mediumship.  Some of the techniques have worked to help others, and can do the same for you.

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 03, 2008 3:21 pm

Crow wrote:Mystique4me2, Rosered

Sounds like you both are hypersensitive.  If I am overstepping the line, I'm sorry. Just do not like to see other hypersensitives struggle.  Not trying to take away from the teacher here.  Just adding what helped me, might help others.  K just a suggestion. Have you tried to find your stone yet?  Example: Moonstone is like cat nip for me.  I wear it all the time, this seemed to help. Something about the properties within that stone.  I like the rainbow moonstone the best, not sure if that makes a differance.  When I start to feel overwhelmed I will without thought start to rub the stone.  My breathing will calm down.  Feel inner peace.  Hard to explain.  I have tried other stones through the years, just found that this stone works best for this type of energy for me.  I think it might be different for others.  That is why I added that maybe you might try to find your stone.   Have to go out there in that world, and at times it can be sooooo overwhelming, all those energies.  I have also begun to try Eucaluptus oil, this seems to help me.   I apply a little bit every time I leave the house.  Not sure why it helps, but it seems to do the job. ;)  It was one of those things one of my guides told me about when I was out shopping, moving me, pulling me to buy this oil.  Not my favorite smell!  But I said okay, I'll try it.  

J:  I know little about stones except I like their energies.  Thank you for some information that just may be a source of comfort for others.

Hope you have a better day Rosered.


To answer your question. Yes I do have a name, but I keep that to myself.  Do they talk to me outside of meditation?  Yes, sometimes those boogers just do that.  Adding their 2 cents is common place for me.  Why?  Not sure, just how they choose to talk to me.  With others this might be different.  I also struggle to get to that meditation state.  My mind will not quite down long enough to meditate the normal way.

J:  I was recently talking to someone about the subject of their spirit guides and how they come.  There was a line in a spiritual course that stated they come side or back nor full face.  And she objected strenuously and taught her students to look right into their eyes.  The reasoning behind both approaches is valid - there is humility in spirit guides that do not want to be identified and they come less on their identity and more on their demeanour and energy.  When you look into someone's eyes you see the measure of their soul - this could be the other rational.  Each is valid in its own right.


I have a question. Is it like when you place that chair for the communication it helps with your focus to see it happen?  Kinda like rituals help one to focus their energy on what they are about to do?  Help get us in that state of mind sort of thing happening?

Safe Journey
J:  The whole exercise of contacting our guide with a symbol and seat is a welcoming ritual.  How each person does it in their thoughts is up to them and as individual as their meditation experience.  I find consistencies are very important - same time, same place, same symbols, etc. for meditation works best in my experience.

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