Is it possible for this ability to be fully brought out by a child?

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Is it possible for this ability to be fully brought out by a child?

Post by luisa8195 » Tue Apr 07, 2009 12:31 am

Hi All!!  Being a Cancer, I'm "built" with these abilities;  however, being taught by society they don't exist, I just waved them off as mere passing thoughts.  Now, in 1999, my  daughter, Esperanza was born on a Sunday Morning with the crystal-clear blue eyes of a "seer."  Over the years, she's done peculiar things that piqued my curiosity as to her "talks" with "friends."  Since moving here, she's talked to many "friends" I've never asked about.  Then, one day, she was talking while cleaning her room, and I asked who she's talking to;  whereas she replied, "the lady who looks like you."  I've been told i look like my mother (who's been passed for the past 8 years).  She was only 2 when my mom died, so her memory of my mom is scarce.  Then, one day we're sitting on my bed and she looks into the hallway toward her bedroom, sighs and shakes her head.  I asked her what was wrong and she tells me how she doesn't understand why "they're" always going in and out of her room.  She proceeds to tell me what "they" look like (IN DETAIL, DOWN TO CLOTHING, MOLES ON FACES, ETC).  I've always instilled in her to not be afraid, and welcome them.  
Then, one night we (Esperanza and I), along with another tuned in friend were sitting around talking about seeing spirits when a friend of Gwen's came in.  There is too much detail to post, however he could not relate his messages through my daughter, so for the next hour and a half, I was his words.  I never met him, but managed to describe how, where, and when he was killed.  I was also able to describe his car, what he did, and what he was wearing when he died.  For that time, I gave her details I couldn't have known.  Since then, I've been able to feel, hear, and see more than ever.  Is it possible to have the ability enhanced through this one night with my daughter? I've since managed to have them show up in photos, as well as write messages through the practice of free-writing.  Like I asked earlier, is this possible?  Thanks for reading.  Many Blessing!!

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Post by landofshadows » Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:11 am


From what you are saying it seems it is possible and happening.  Children often have stronger connections and are more open for things of this nature... I suppose if you feel spirits are energy, the same energy as we have flowing through us and our souls, then perhaps having your daughter present sort of works like an antena (Ariel) for picking up messages and energy around you... All of this is maybe's and opinions... It is so hard to say for sure without seeing what you have seen.

I would say, follow your own heart and mind on this, and go with it.


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Post by spiritalk » Tue Apr 07, 2009 1:18 pm

Everyone has a talent or ability with psychic sensitivities.  It was not your daughter that opened your abilities, but yourself.  While your daughter is sensitive and needs some support and help, you would be well to get some good information and open your own abilities.  This will help you to help her.  

Look at Tools of your own Consciousness in the notes.  They may help you see where you can begin on yourself to develop and open to spirit realms.

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