Medium / Clairyovance Question

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Dianne Blom
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Medium / Clairyovance Question

Post by Dianne Blom » Wed Aug 12, 2009 10:30 am

Good Afternoon, I was wondering if someone could help me to understand a question that has been bothering me for a while.

I recently was asked to give clairvoyance readings at our spiritual church in Shelly Beach, South Africa. I am very new to doing group demonstrations. My question is this, when I am working with a person at church and I can feel that they are feeling grief or heartache and then explain / validate what the problem is and then give them a possible guide to a solution, I often query within myself if I am reading the persons energy or if the answers are from the guides.

As I said I am new to this and question myself all the time. So if anyone is able to help me to understand, I would greatly appreciate it. Blessings!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Aug 12, 2009 9:37 pm

The confidence of working with guides and not your own mind comes with practice and experience.  We all gain confidence the more we work with spirit.  

Do you have an attunement process with your guides?
Do you feel the energy change within your mind when your guide comes in?

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Post by Lady_Seeta » Fri Sep 03, 2010 5:21 pm

I agree with spirit talk the more practice you do you will learn to diferentiate between spirit guides and the individuals energy/reading.
I tend to see my spirit guide before I ask him a question

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Clairvoyance and clairaudience

Post by Raymond » Fri May 09, 2014 12:42 am

I have a question. I have been attending a shcol for mediumship and have done many readings for people. But there is a catch. I know I am clairvoyant. I can see spirits as clear as if they are standing in fron of me. But thye are almost always talking non stop to me but I do not hear a word of it. Very irritating! But a few moments later it is as if there is a delayed reaction and I suddenly think I know what thye are saying but I have to analyze it and sometme over analyze it. Do you know how I can change what is happening?

Also, as I am giving the reading. It does not matter if I ask a question with an inner thought. It never gets answered. I just gets bursts of info that I automatically say aloud and it is always correct information. I get their name, profession, geographical area where they lived, stuff like that but never a question I want to ask. It is as if soemone, thing is pushing words and ideas into my head and making me say it.

Do you have an suggestion of how I can improve?

I really would appreciate any help. I am thankful for the class I am attending but not many of my hard questions get answered. But it is all for free so have no reason to coplain. I am proud for what I have learned!

Thank you in advance!

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:23 pm

The clairvoyance used in attunement is with your spirit guide only.  Do not try to attune to any and every spirit available - you will end up in total confusion.  Make a ritual of attunement and only with your own personal spirit guide.  There will be an energy shift when you know you are attuned.  

In the beginning we often set up our 'druthers'  with regard to spirit contact.  I want this, they want that - now we can learn to work together.  Its like forming a lasting, real friendship.

If you have something to ask, you will be given opportunity by spirit to ask.  If the guide wishes to guide, then they may feel a little taking over type of energies.  Like any friendship it is give and take.  

As you are setting up this working relationship, it may be important to just attune to you guide and suggest that they catch up with your questions.  Delay is sometimes us and sometimes them. Do not analyze or over analyze.  Spirit is in the now energies.

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