Your first contact with your spirit guide? What was it like??

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Your first contact with your spirit guide? What was it like??

Post by weezerwall » Thu Aug 30, 2007 5:01 pm

It would be really interesting for me to hear about your first encounter with your spirit guide. (Hope my question isn't too "personal")

Thanks to all who are willing to share and to those who read this post.

Weezer :)

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:42 pm

My mediumship has manifested all my life as an energy of things when they are right or wrong for me.  I did not have a personal connection with my guide at my younger life.  

When I entered Spiritualism (over 20 years ago - so memory has to serve lol) I found my meditations were filled with all kinds of voice and I did not feel encouraged by the teacher to learn and do this connection.  I realized very early for myself that they needed to come one voice at a time.  So I told them to line up and talk one at a time.  It was like I took charge at my end.

Then I learned about a symbol (mine was a flower) and I had a very intriguing experience where I was flying right through the stem into the ground.  It was fascinating.  Still I don't 'see' spirit.  I just know they are there....a sensing.

A lot of my journey has been led by the spirit guides.  The earth teachers just didn't cut it.  But through my education in Spiritualism I learned to pass along what I had found that worked and use it to encourage my own students of mediumship.

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Post by weezerwall » Fri Aug 31, 2007 7:57 pm

Dear J,

Thanks so much for sharing your story and your energy!  I just felt warm waves of love while reading your post!

Hearing your story is particularly comforting at this time since I'm feeling confused and somewhat frightened on this issue.  

Many blessings back to you!!


Weezer  :)

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Post by spiritalk » Sat Sep 01, 2007 12:45 pm

As my journey of developing and unfolding took place in a Spiritualism church - bringing spirituality to the exercise - I highly recommend both Spiritualism as well as a group setting to get energy for the purpose.  

While some of the earth teachers didn't seem to cut stated...the fact is everyone enters our lives for a reason.  And I certainly gained...and perverse as I am....mostly from those that challenged me and my big ideas.

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Post by weezerwall » Sat Sep 01, 2007 5:55 pm

spiritalk wrote:As my journey of developing and unfolding took place in a Spiritualism church - bringing spirituality to the exercise - I highly recommend both Spiritualism as well as a group setting to get energy for the purpose.  

While some of the earth teachers didn't seem to cut stated...the fact is everyone enters our lives for a reason.  And I certainly gained...and perverse as I am....mostly from those that challenged me and my big ideas.
Hi again, J.  :smt006

I'm not sure I completely understand what Spiritualism is, but I definitely  AGREE that walking along the spiritual path in the company of others is VERY IMPORTANT and we always find those "earthly" teachers that offer us something valuable when we are ready. (Even if we don't understand or appreciate their "lessons" at the time.)

If you look "behind" me, J, you'll see a long, rich path filled with countless blessings, insights and love that were probably only accessible to me because I was "connected" with others. Together we energy and intention and opened ourselves. Through meditation, devotion, humility and prayer, I think I discovered what "grace" really is - I got a glimpse of "All That Is" and it was truly wonderful.  Of course, experiencing this did not come without tears and RELENTLESS self-examination, great trust and willingness to "let go". (I suppose some would call this "sacrifice".)  

The bonds of our circle began to "disintegrate" - (there can only be true life when things change) and since then I've been walking alone - sometimes feeling lonely, sometimes not.  Walking this way has taught me how to "STAND UP" and "KNEEL DOWN" at the same time - if you know what I mean - AND THERE'S STILL A LOT MORE TO LEARN!!    :)  :)  

At this point I think a spirit guide is reaching out to me. Because I'm not used to having "these types" of experiences outside of a group or community - I'm afraid to "trust" my feelings and impressions.  This is the full story behind my question.  I'm hoping to hear and learn about other peoples' experiences and perhaps get some insight from our psychics.

Writing here is also a way for me to start reaching  out again  - at least become part of a "community".

Warmest and blessings!

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Sep 02, 2007 1:03 pm

Spiritualism is a religion, philosophy, science of continuous life.  There are centres and churches in many places.  They offer tried and true methods to mediumship development, as well as a spiritual approach for individual growth.  As I said - I highly recommend their approach.  A caring circle can be found in Spiritualism.

When we try to develop on our own, it leaves us with questions and sometimes no where to turn for answers.

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how to get intouch with spirit guides

Post by BASSTONYA » Tue Oct 09, 2007 6:16 am

I read the forum on mediumship, but didn't really get much info. I was wondering if you could tell me a little more about mediumship and how to develop it. How do you get in touch with your spirit guiide?

spiritalk wrote:My mediumship has manifested all my life as an energy of things when they are right or wrong for me.  I did not have a personal connection with my guide at my younger life.  

When I entered Spiritualism (over 20 years ago - so memory has to serve lol) I found my meditations were filled with all kinds of voice and I did not feel encouraged by the teacher to learn and do this connection.  I realized very early for myself that they needed to come one voice at a time.  So I told them to line up and talk one at a time.  It was like I took charge at my end.

Then I learned about a symbol (mine was a flower) and I had a very intriguing experience where I was flying right through the stem into the ground.  It was fascinating.  Still I don't 'see' spirit.  I just know they are there....a sensing.

A lot of my journey has been led by the spirit guides.  The earth teachers just didn't cut it.  But through my education in Spiritualism I learned to pass along what I had found that worked and use it to encourage my own students of mediumship.

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Post by spiritalk » Tue Oct 09, 2007 3:21 pm

May I suggest there is a lot of information under many topics.  Have you read about spirit guide if that is your interest?  If so, it may have arisen some questions?  What did you find missing?

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Mediumship / Contacting Spirit

Post by MsPiddy » Thu Nov 29, 2007 1:16 pm

I too have had troulbe here, maintaining a constance thought or clearing of the mind.  I've only been practicing for about two months now, and understand it takes time to retrain the brain.  I just need to keep with the persistance and daily training.  My mind wonders but I have had a few good meditations.  On a few occassions I was able to smell scents my spirit guide sent me.  One we were in a park with a carnival going on and I smelt cotton candy.  Another sessions I asked to smell his environment from his village where he used to live and I smelt the campfire smoke.  Once during a meditation experience i started crying because I felt so blessed with their guidance and my wonderful family.  It was really moving. :smt059

I would really like to know what he/she looks like, their names and about them.  what they did on the earth plane, etc.

I have had two really good psychics/mediums tell me thier names - but they don't match.

I'm just waiting for the day when I can really hear, see or feel them as well as see them - that will be an exciting day for me.

Thanks for your inputs.

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Post by Raymond » Thu Nov 29, 2007 3:27 pm

I hope you do not take offense to this spiritalk but finally, someone a little older than i who I can look up to!  Most I have come across on these forums have been quite young!

My very first experience with my guides happened in a dream. I was sitting on the floor in a small, meagerly furnished, wood paneled room waiting for something. I did not know what. The light in the room was rather dim, no windows, and I could not see where the light was coming from. There was just light.

As I sat there a door opened and an attractive lady, possibly in her 30's, black hair, and modestly dressed walked in. Behind her was a group of, i believe, 5 other people, one was a lady and I believe the rest were men. I did not pay much attention to them for some reason.  I seemed to be locked onto the group leader.

There was a big, overstuffed recliner in the room and they had to go around that chair to get to me. I watched as they circled the chair and stood directly in front of me.

They were all standing directly in front of me but the only one I really saw was the first lady as she was smiling at me and my eyes were glued to her. She had a very inviting smile as if she had known me forever.

And then, sadly, I awoke. For some unknown reason hardly anyone ever talks in my dreams and I cannot ever remember me talking to anyone.  So, there were no words passed between us but that whole scene was more than enough to tell me all that I needed to know.

I have since learned that her name is Mary but I have not, as of now, progressed enough to actually talk to them. My communications have been very sparse.

But then, even though I have not talked directly with them I have had a ton of experiences that would have convinced anyone that there really is an afterlife. They have gone overboard to show me the truth.

I have only been introduced to the world of spirit for about 5 years now and only been trying to communicate with my guides for about three. I guess some of us take longer than others although I am working on my clairaudience now and have had some interesting break throughs with that.

One last thing. As I am sitting here at my computer a thought popped into my head. One of the other people in that dream was a very old friend of mine named Bruce, who I grew up with. He died a few years back. As I was sitting here it is as if that whole scene came back to me and I can see him standing there smiling at me.. He is back to guide me as I did him during WWI.

The way that story goes, I was visiting a psychic one day and I asked her who Griffin was. She closed her eyes and then frowned. She said that he was a man that had died during WWI and I was there for him when he died. I was his guide. She had never had that happen before. But then she had never met me before either. It seems I am always the special case!

Since meeting with her I have come to realize that Griffin is my dear friend Bruce. He has come to pay me back for what I did for him.

That is what I call friendship!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Nov 29, 2007 5:31 pm

Some interesting experiences to be sure.  I tend to look at time and space as a bit more linear than that experience.  And our spirit guides are those that are unrelated to us (even friends) who care enough to love us through this experience we call our life.  

Identifying our guides is an exercise in belief rather than reality.  It is the same with past lives.  The reason....the ultimate proof is when we pass to spirit.  And frequently those who call out names are of the lower echelon in spirit - the higher spirit of the light have developed humility and their life on earth has lost any luster of accomplishment or status.  Kings and Queens will be just a human being to be spiritually challenged like the rest.

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