LESSON 2 Discussion - Metaphysics and Music -- Harmonics of the Universe

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LESSON 2 Discussion - Metaphysics and Music -- Harmonics of the Universe

Post by Youdah » Mon Oct 20, 2008 7:35 am

**This thread is open to all, not just those interested in astrology.**

During each astrology lesson, we are going to talk about interesting things that are relevant to that class topic.  

In the astrology class, Lesson 2 is about the Sun, Leo, and the 5th House.  These are the astrological symbols for entertainment, MUSIC, enjoyment.  So, it seemed appropriate to talk about MUSIC and metaphysics.

I seemed to remember, a long time ago, during a class I took on astrology that there were musical notes that corresponded to different sun signs.  So, after awhile of digging through my file cabinet, I finally found the class handout.  These are according to the Golden Dawn:

C  -  Mars
D  -  Sun
E  -  Mercury
F# -  Venus
G# -  Moon
A  -  Saturn
A# -  Jupiter

Sun Signs of the Zodiac

C  -  Aries
C# -  Taurus
D  -  Gemini
D# -  Cancer
E  -  Leo
F  -  Virgo
F# -  Libra
G  -  Scorpio
G# -  Sagittarius
A  -  Capricorn
A# -  Aquarius
B  -  Pisces

As I thought about these musical notes and how they applied to astrology, it struck another familiar chord from a recent class I took in Chakra Meditation.  During that class, we talked about the musical notes that correspond to each chakra.  The idea was that if a chakra was imbalanced, playing music or the certain note associated with that chakra, then that musical note would help to balance that chakra.  Each chakra resonated with a particular note.

According to the Qabbalah, there are also musical notes associated with the Major Arcana of the Tarot.

The Fool                  E
The Magus               E
High Preistess          G#
Empress                  F#
Emperor                  C
Hierophant               C#
Lovers                     D
Chariot                    D#
Strength                  E
The Hermit               F
Wheel of Fortune      A#
Justice                     F#
The Hanged Man      G#
Death                      G
Temperance             G#
The Devil                  A
The Tower                C
The Star                  A#
The Moon                 B
The Sun                   D
Judgment                 C
The Universe            A

Music seems to ring through all of metaphysics, if you'll excuse the pun.  Music is often used in healing and meditations.  

Has anyone else seen or heard of these correspondences with musical notes?  Do you use any specific notes for healing or balancing or meditation?  Do you know of other metaphysical arts that have musical notes associated with them, such as the Runes or crystal healing?  Or aromatherapy...are there musical notes associated with specific plants or scents?  

In the movie, "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," the aliens communicated with those from earth at Devil's Tower in Wyoming by the use of musical notes...a song.  Is music an universal language?

Are the musical notes associated with astrology, Tarot, chakras, etc., just something that somebody "made up?"  Or do you think that the universe resonates to certain musical notes and HARMONICS???

And what about individuals!  If certain musical notes correspond to each astrological sign and planet, then would combining those notes into a song according to their natal chart resonate uniquely for that individual?

I'd appreciate your comments, insights, experiences!

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Post by Castitatis Lilium » Fri Nov 07, 2008 7:04 pm

Well, a beethoven still is a beethoven, everywhere in the word. I do think that music connects people, like with the VMA or Domino Day. But I'm not quite sure about the aliens. It is, and still stays, a movie :)

Actually, I have never heard of music notes corresponding with anything, but I guess that you could easily correspond with anything, like the tarot & astrology, tarot & kaballah, etc. etc. I do think you can coöperate music into anything. Like, a church choir or so.

And, I have never heard about the music and natal chart. But interesting, though.

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Post by Naomiel » Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:11 pm

Whilst on the topic of crystal healing.... I used to wonder if the minerals in crystals had a frequency/ vibration... is it a musical frequency that we cant hear? Is that how it strikes a 'chord' and opens up blockages in a patients body?

Interesting topic.... definitely food for though! :)

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Post by RoseRed » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:03 pm

"Is music an universal language? " I would def say so!
Its kinda like mathematics is also a universal language.
Why I agree with the music as being an universal language, one I have found that when you listen to ppl sing they all have the same to similar accent. Where ever you were born disappears and you just become this one race of voices.

When I was in thailand earlier this year the singing of the monks got me into tears and I could feel my throat chakra aching. Then in school we had this kinda out there subject and the teacher took us to this little tea house and they had the Tibetan singing bowls.
WOW!!! that was an AMAZING experience!

"Or do you think that the universe resonates to certain musical notes and HARMONICS??? " Also def agree with that!
Vibration vibration vibration - could also relate it to the water crystals that Dr Emoto did he's research on.
Declaration of Water

As children of water,
we raise our voices in solidarity to speak for all waters.

Water, the breath of all life, water the sustainer of all life,
water the voice of our ancestors, water pristine
and powerful.

Today we join hands, determined to honor,
trust and follow the ancient wisdom of our ancestors
whose teachings and messages continue to
live through us.

The message is clear: Honor and respect water
as a sacred and life-giving gift from the Creator of Life.
Water, the first living spirit on Earth.

All living beings come from water,
all is sustained by water,
all will return to water to begin life anew.

We are of water, and the water is of us.
When water is threatened, all living things are

What we do to water, We do to ourselves.

Adopted at the Hopi Hisot Navoti Gathering
October 23, 2003 Second Mesa, Arizona

"And what about individuals!  If certain musical notes correspond to each astrological sign and planet, then would combining those notes into a song according to their natal chart resonate uniquely for that individual? "
I def agree with this too!
I'm thinking that this would be great when doing "progressions."(you are born a certain sign but in actual fact you are all signs in one and so to truly be a balanced and well rounded person one needs to integrate all the signs)
As this could help get you in touch with the other signs easily.

Sound is such an amazing tool!
I mean even the words we speak are sounds and carry their own vibrations!

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Post by Crow » Fri Nov 14, 2008 4:26 pm

Wow, thanks to all who posted all the info here. There is a lot to read. :)

I never thought much of the astrological aspect, this is very interesting.

A while back I shared this tid bit but thought perhaps it might fit here too. Or maybe someone might have the answers.

With all my children I used to hum notes.  I would hum one, stop, go to the next, etc. Until I found one that was the note that made them stop crying, look at me and seem a little more soothed.  Now if there was tummy pains this would only work for a few seconds. But when there was just a need for comfort, by humming their one note they seemed to calm down as if I had sung a lullaby.  Is there anyone else who tried this approach with their newborn?  Now I wish I could recall the exact note.  Bummer!  I could check it along with the notes provided here.  

Safe Journey

Oh forgot to add that certain notes made them scream like crazy.  So I remembered not to repeat those ones real quick! lol.  This helped since I am not a singer, believe me I wouldn't torture them like that.  It was just softly humming into their ear.

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Post by Youdah » Sat Nov 15, 2008 3:25 am

Rosered, I had forgotten about the water crystals.  Thank you for mentioning that.  If I recall, there were photographs taken of growing crystals.  They were subjected to different musical notes.  The notes changed the growth pattern so that they looked like kaleidoscope pictures...each with a unique and distinctive pattern depending on the note that was played.  The patterns were not random or unattractive, but beautiful crystalline pictures and configurations.  Beautiful.  Do you remember the name of the guy who did those experiments?  

Another comment.  I've seen places on the internet that will, for a price, compose a song based on your astrology data.  Well, I know astrology, and I know music.  So, I checked each planet's position in my natal chart, from Sun to Pluto.  Wrote the corresponding musical note of the sun sign for each planet, and played them.  I doubt it will ever be high the Top 40 playlist anywhere, but it FELT balancing...especially felt it in the heart chakra.  So, maybe the notes you found for your children, Crow, balanced or soothed a Chakra for them.  ??

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Post by RoseRed » Mon Nov 17, 2008 11:28 am

Ummmm Youdah I thought it was Dr Emoto, but I could be incorrect on that one!
Yeah its seriously amazing! They also used pictures to see what kind of crystal structure it would form, I think they used a pic of The Nuclear Bomb and then used a pic of Jesus. Amazing stuff.

WOW crow! That is amazing about the children - makes perfect sense! Just so wonderful that they were able to notice it and connect the dots. Wonderful.
Youdah wrote:I doubt it will ever be high the Top 40 playlist
That is so kewl that you can do that! I must say I'm pretty interested in it, when I saw it advertised on the web.

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Post by Crow » Tue Nov 18, 2008 5:39 pm

Youdah, and Rosered, thank you for sharing your thoughts reguarding this.  This is really fasinating as a musician.  

This connecting to the chakras through the music note. I wonder if that is why some music by using a particular key all the time is the reason I am drawn in. Since my love of artists and groups vary so much.  Sorry that might not make a lot of sense, kinda out of it right at the moment.

That is really creative Youdah, that you found the notes that balanced your heart chalkra.  Not sure if I was doing this for my children when they were fussing.  But it does make a lot of sense now.  They would stop and look at me like...hard to describe. Surprised yet soothed.  Like mom had said a word that was familar to them.

I didn't know that there were composers who will write a song based on a person's chart. That is very interesting.  Thanks for sharing, something worth checking into.

Safe Journey

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