From.."For Vrishab lagna, Venus a functional malefic

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Post by RishiRahul » Fri Mar 28, 2008 6:17 am

rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Some points coming from my mind is given:

1a)For gamblers one should check the 5th. house, which has Mars. With 5th. house Mars opposing Saturn, denoted aggression/aggressive attitudes, internal or external. Mars is the 8th. from Arudha Lagna=showing effects frustrated.

1b) The houses of Mars is influenced strongly by Ketu and Venus= dispositors of Mars sign.

1c) Jupiter is debilitated in Bhagyasthan= wisdom not o.k. This Jupiter is debilitated in the 12th.=aggravation. From lagna and Arudha, Jupiter does not have any cancellation.

1d) Venus is also important for gambling or negative qualities being in Scorpio..... which is the 10th. from Arudha.

2) The Mars in 10th(karma) from moon lagna(mental perspective) adds to aggressive or agression in Karma.

Regarding political activist:

3)Saturn in the 10th. from Ghati Lagna in opposion to Mars.

4) Frustrations and delay aggravated by the 10th. Saturn aspecting(square) the moon in the 7th. =from Ghati Lagna.

5)In regards to the ben/mal of Venus for Vrisha Lagna=Though Venus, though not having full aspects, has its moolatrikona sign posited with Rahu, Mercury, Sun.... therefore this case would not be a perfect one to guage point beneficity or maleficity.

Another point, though out of context here..but interesting.

Atmakaraka as per Lahiri ayanamsa is Jupiter in the 9th. debilitated.
If we shift to lesser degree ayanamsas than Lahiri then atmakaraka becomes Mercury.

If this person was famous or infamous to the point of being well known/much discussed, then Jupiter as atmakaraka probably stands out.



I will try, Rishi:

As told to me, the source of this birthdatum was from a personal client collection of an astrologer who was approached by the individual's mother for a reading. That in my opinion does not make this person notable in the typical way.

While venus has been called a functional malefic for taurus by virtue of its lordship over the 6th, its role as lagnesh would supervene and it will not cause harm directly (own period, dasha, transit etc). It can be negative though through a malefic that is primed and placed in its nakshatra.

Without going into ayanamsha uha-poha etc I would just comment on jupiter if it were in capricorn instead of aquarius. Indeed such a jupiter would have received a powerful and malefic cancellation since saturn and mars would have been in a kendra from moon. It would have made him a prominent leader since such a jupiter would have been on labh-pada in 9th and in kendra from the 7th pada which would have made him a leader of the malefic gang of red-necks as opposed to just being a member, and a bookkeeper.

In an article written recently, I have explored the dual lordship of scorpio and aquarius (kujavada ketu sanivada rahu adage elaborated). In this chart scorpio is ruled by mars and it is interesting to note that venus the indicator of money and luxuries etc is placed on the 5th pada in the 7th house and its dispositor mars is placed in the fifth house. Both of these planets mars and venus are associated with each other in navamsha very strongly. Mars is in the 9th house and its lord jupiter is placed in the 4th navamsha (tula) with venus. Venus also rules 11th navamsha where exalted moon and rahu are located. Rahu can therefore give income through activities that are semi-legal or illegal (remember that the individual was a bookie!).

Now let us look for the situation of rahu in the natal chart. Note that it is in the 6th house which is a house of income and an upachaya. Who else is there? Sun, the weakest planet in the chart who is debilitated with a certain extent of cancellation (venus in kendra from lagna and mars in kendra from moon), however its weakness, association with rahu and forming a distorted budha aditya will mean that his intellect will be expressed in a distorted manner. The presence of moon the indicator of mind in the 8th is not very helpful in stabilizing the mind either.

So what has rahu got to do with his profession and earnings and life's mission, despite it being associated with gambling and illegal activities and the red-necked activities? I propose that rahu in this case is the ruler of the tenth and not saturn. While saturn is placed in a dual sign, rahu is placed with two other planets and as per the chara rulership rules it is the stronger contender for aquarius. By virtue of that it is the dispositor of jupiter (in 10th) which is also aspecting rahu, sun and mercury and represents the distorted ideals of jupitarian values. Thus we get the leaning towards mistaken sense of racial purity and all that kind of nonsense. Note also that jupiter is in kendra from gulika (in 4th) and that is another factor that would distort the inner mind.

The fourth house is significant in one's developing inner kindness and tolerance and patience, virtues that exemplify a mother and lead to mental peace.

In this chart, the fourth holds gulika and its lord sun also happens to be chara matrikarka and is afflicted in more ways than one as earlier described. Moon the natural karaka is furthermore placed in the 8th house, the randhra where the planet's natural karakattwa remains unexpressed, unfathomable. The aspect of saturn and mars on the moon further make it difficult for the moon to achieve its natural mien. The exalted state but association with rahu in the navamsha in a badhaksthana (11th house for chara navamsha) additionally ensures that the distorted egoistic mind-set without which convictions such as racial supremacy and racial purity  do not take hold of one's life -- are indeed experienced in this individual's lifetime and such was indeed the case.

rohiniranjan……………………………………………….Quote by RohiniRanjanji

First, I must apologise for overlooking the cancellation of debilitation bit= there is cancellation.

Secondly, Read "dispositors of Mars sign" as "occupants of Mars sign".


Dear Dada,

I bring up this topic of discussion, again, which I did propose to earlier, but needed time to be less busy.

Somewhere, you had mentioned that the political activist and the red necked gambler, whose birthchart was discussed, were your clients son. To make the old references simpler in understanding :=

R.R=“Without going into ayanamsha uha-poha etc I would just comment on jupiter if it were in capricorn instead of aquarius. Indeed such a jupiter would have received a powerful and malefic cancellation since saturn and mars would have been in a kendra from moon. It would have made him a prominent leader since such a jupiter would have been on labh-pada in 9th and in kendra from the 7th pada which would have made him a leader of the malefic gang of red-necks as opposed to just being a member, and a bookkeeper

RishiRahul= Jupiter’s best position is known to be Aquarius. Here it would be the 2nd And 11th Lord in Arudha Lagna, giving the native the mighty blessings of Jupiter.

If Jupiter in Capricorn, in this case would have the power to lift a native from rags to riches; but being the 2nd. And 11th. Lord in 12th. From Arudha lagna, giving very heavy expenses and the native could be religious in the last part of his life.

From the Arudha Lagna- The postion of Saturn in the 2nd. And Mars in the 8th indicates tremendous aggression in regard to the health and financial sector… the 2nd. house being the main house of financial balance. This is not indicative of good financial health in totality or finally.
Jupiter in Capricorn would be more appropriate here as he did rise from ‘rags to riches’. Since you came to here of him from his mother, it is presumed that we are not aware of his later life, ultimate financial health; but we are aware that he rose from rags to riches thing. Again Jupiter in 10th from natal lagna in Aquarius would not be befit his type of profession.

In Capricorn Jupiter, in Labhapada is in a Kendra from saptampada, if we consider Jupiter inCapricorn so the analysis could be different. Hope I am not getting mixed up. The ayanamsa you follow puts Jupiter in Aquarius and saptampada is Kanya.

A discussion to the above is desired as this points needs t be cleared. Problem is that we are not aware of his last life, but we can guess.

"an astrologer", Rishi, not I :-)

At one point in time I was fortunate to have much sharing with serious astrologers (including jyotishis) and gained much from their collective wisdom. Hopefully gave back some to them as well.

I will see what I can do but discussion is a scary term! Sounds like a compound word made out of DIScord + conCUSSION!

Like two BULLS locking their horns or something!

As you may have noticed where 'BULL' or anything related is concerned, I keep my distance! ;-)

Why should discussion be a scary term, if it does not go out of bounds? A discussion is incomplete if there is no difference in ideas.

Two buuls locking horns, as you imply in discussion is a discussion going out of bounds. I guess the difference is also in the viewing/feeling.

This chart under discussion needs to be complete to complete this thread, and I brought it up as I felt something is not yet correct in the explaining/viewing/understanding for the Vrishabha lagna instance to be better completed... and we can take yp the chart of Joseph Mengel then.

Dont you understand that this should be completed?


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Astrological Discussions <REBOOT>

Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Mar 29, 2008 3:19 am

[quote="RishiRahul"]Why should discussion be a scary term, if it does not go out of bounds? A discussion is incomplete if there is no difference in ideas...
Dont you understand that this should be completed?



Taking the liberty to focus on one aspect of a very complex and winding thread, if you young fellas allow this "senior citizen" ;-)

Discussion and debate are not scary but wonderful exercises for learning. However, answer to yourself honestly how many discussions have you seen on the internet that have led to much learning or clarifications, particularly in Jyotish? Some of the reasons that come to my ant's little brain that get in the way of a healthy and meaningful discussion and learning -- include:

Rigidity: No one can learn as long as they do not open their minds. If they have already figured out that their ayanamsha or other factors are the right one, then it becomes a futile exercise because essentially they are saying that the other people are mistaken and sometimes this brings in the 'jesuit' mentality! Namely, Let us enlighten the naked natives and civilize them! A bit harsh perhaps but the core motivation is similar!

Lack of Time or interest: We all are busy and if we cannot commit full attention and time then it is best not to engage in discussion of an item right away or later and expect people to jump in and comply! Desperate and unsure individuals may but those who have nothing to prove or 'gain' in a worldly or any other sense -- why would they care?

Last but not least: One can only discuss meaningfully when much of the groundwork and body of knowledge has been worked out already and is relatively stable. The explosion of new techniques that jyotish has seen in the last ten or twenty years gives me the impression that the craft is still trying to gel! The snowflake has not formed yet and applying heat at this point will just reduce its chances of ever forming (borrowed from a Pure Basic Science: Physics!).

If we discuss on any of the jyotish forums, we find that there is still a lot of emotionality and devotional residues remaining. Serious and Sincere practitioners maintain that there is a HOLY GRAIL which must not be approached or touched. All that is ancient is sacred and must be accepted lock stock and barrel without need for questioning and evidence. Or the statements made by some modern teacher even!

When many in jyotish are still in that religious, devotional mode, as world is seeing now and has for millennia, sane discussions are a pipe dream! All that will happen is sabres will come out and I do not want this forum and my sanctum sanctorum to turn into a crusade or some holy war!

I have seen many of those, but I have not seen any progress coming out of those, either for an individual or a group.

Anyone wants to learn and advance jyotish, instead of discussions and one-upman ships, my advice would be to contemplate on Jyotish and charts privately or publicly and to do this with true openess and sincerity for a few lifetimes. That is all the ambition that this ant ever had or has for the remaining time...

Of course this is my perspective which may not match with yours because we have after all different karmas, different life plans and very different way of looking at life and jyotish and what serving it means for us, being the individuals that we are ;-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Sat Mar 29, 2008 7:56 am

Well dada,

Let it lay still then.
But I &nbsp;was not trying for one up manship, but that I felt that your view here was not correct in my understanding, and I wanted to be sure if it was so.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sat Mar 29, 2008 4:07 pm

[quote="RishiRahul"]Well dada,

Let it lay still then.
But I  was not trying for one up manship, but that I felt that your view here was not correct in my understanding, and I wanted to be sure if it was so.


My response was a very general one and I was not thinking of all those things about you, Rishi! You have always been kind and respectful and even tolerant towards me and all other members. We all silently appreciate the amount of time and effort you and other moderators spend to keep this board clean. I don't think you would even have the time for "one upmanship" even if you wanted to ;-) Believe me I speak from experience. I have moderated similar forums.

However, on some of the forums I have distinctly seen that tendency when some 'jyotishis' feel the need to do that possibly to drum up their business. Interestingly, the real professionals (whose livelihood depends upon jyotish) generally are not seen on these boards. For a good reason, I am sure :-)

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Post by RishiRahul » Thu Apr 03, 2008 3:01 pm

rohiniranjan wrote:
RishiRahul wrote:Well dada,

Let it lay still then.
But I  was not trying for one up manship, but that I felt that your view here was not correct in my understanding, and I wanted to be sure if it was so.


My response was a very general one and I was not thinking of all those things about you, Rishi! You have always been kind and respectful and even tolerant towards me and all other members. We all silently appreciate the amount of time and effort you and other moderators spend to keep this board clean. I don't think you would even have the time for "one upmanship" even if you wanted to ;-) Believe me I speak from experience. I have moderated similar forums.

However, on some of the forums I have distinctly seen that tendency when some 'jyotishis' feel the need to do that possibly to drum up their business. Interestingly, the real professionals (whose livelihood depends upon jyotish) generally are not seen on these boards. For a good reason, I am sure :-)

:smt005  :),


P.S: The words of appreciation leaves me dumbfounded. and thank you for that. It inflates my Ego. But it still reminds me that one should not turn away from finding/searching the TRUTH.
Last edited by RishiRahul on Thu Apr 03, 2008 6:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Thu Apr 03, 2008 10:41 pm

P.S: The words of appreciation leaves me dumbfounded. and thank you for that. It inflates my Ego. But it still reminds me that one should not turn away from finding/searching the TRUTH.[/quote]

Rishi ji,

Please do not treat this as a "play on words", but I think Ego (the bad kind, not the one that indicates integrity used by psychiatrists) is what makes us think we are searching for the TRUTH. Whereas, the fact is that TRUTH is searching us! That is why when we stop and sit down quietly as if in TAO, TRUTH finds us and vice versa!

Dear Dada,

Rightly and very rightly said: Tuth is always searching us, and we have to search the truth. It is like developing a good friendship with truth.

No play of words above. I was just too emotional while writing. :)


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri Apr 04, 2008 10:33 pm

P.S: The words of appreciation leaves me dumbfounded. and thank you for that. It inflates my Ego. But it still reminds me that one should not turn away from finding/searching the TRUTH.[/quote]

Rishi ji,

Please do not treat this as a "play on words", but I think Ego (the bad kind, not the one that indicates integrity used by psychiatrists) is what makes us think we are searching for the TRUTH. Whereas, the fact is that TRUTH is searching us! That is why when we stop and sit down quietly as if in TAO, TRUTH finds us and vice versa!

Dear Dada,

Rightly and very rightly said: Tuth is always searching us, and we have to search the truth. It is like developing a good friendship with truth.

No play of words above. I was just too emotional while writing. :)


No no Rishi :-) I was writing about 'my' posting being misunderstood as a play on words! If truth is searching for us and we are searching for truth, there could be a problem if we are not tuned to the same Global positioning system service ;-)

When children are small, parents sometimes remind them,"If you are lost in a store, find the cashier lady and stay close to her. Do not keep searching for me (parent)! That way you will be found faster"

Sage advice!

I see lot of eager beaver students searching for truth and God and jyotish and what not. They jump from one school to another and keep on looking and not finding! If they sat down in peaceful meditation in TAO, God, Truth or Jyotish would find them!

REPEAT ADVICE: These kids who are lost and want to find God, Truth or Jyotish MUST NOT look for the CASHIER LADY! That was a different example!


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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Apr 06, 2008 6:53 pm

Dear Dada,

You are as usual speaking great sense. But 2/3 pages of this thread has made us go away from the main topic of this thread, and we seem to be deviating from the actual topic, and going to other wisdom factors.

We should continue, or stop increasing the topic out of the main. Dont you think so?


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:12 pm

[quote="RishiRahul"]Dear Dada,

You are as usual speaking great sense. But 2/3 pages of this thread has made us go away from the main topic of this thread, and we seem to be deviating from the actual topic, and going to other wisdom factors.

We should continue, or stop increasing the topic out of the main. Dont you think so?


As fas as I am concerned, the answer was given by me in the third post on this thread already. It is too bad that the original querent lost interest in the thread or perhaps did not want to take my advice. Now how was I to figure that out! El Torr might be psychic but I am not!

To reiterate, people with such questions should study laghu parashari bhashya without which BPHS will always remain confusing ...

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Post by RishiRahul » Sun Apr 06, 2008 7:44 pm

Dear Dada,

Considering that your third post is the final meaning/reply in this thread, as said by you; I beg to state that I am stopping in &nbsp;participating in futher discussions in this thread.

Laghu Parashari etc has their part as always as BPHS too has.


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Post by Rohiniranjan » Sun Apr 06, 2008 11:28 pm

[quote="RishiRahul"]Dear Dada,

Considering that your third post is the final meaning/reply in this thread, as said by you; I beg to state that I am stopping in  participating in futher discussions in this thread.

Laghu Parashari etc has their part as always as BPHS too has.


Rishi: I am glad you edited your original post! For this is neither a competition, nor a game! At least to me!!

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:34 am

Dear Dada,

Yes, I did. With a remark why I did it, for people to see that I accept my error, as a human can err; which is difficult for many to accept..... Spontaneity is a big lesson I have learnt in my life and follow. Karma maybe !

I learnt from my Father, who is one of my best friends; that not accepting mistakes could be a roadblock to learning.

Again we are departing from the main topic! Why do you again mention and remind that 'For this is neither a competition, nor a game!'?

Last edited by RishiRahul on Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:44 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Rohiniranjan » Mon Apr 07, 2008 1:41 am

[quote="RishiRahul"]Dear Dada,

Yes, I did. With a remark why I did it, for people to see that I accept my error, as a human can err; which is difficult for many to accept..... Spontaneity is a big lesson I have learnt and follow. Karma maybe.

Again we are departing from the main topic. Why do you mention and remind that 'For this is neither a competition, nor a game!'?


Since you asked candidly Rishi, I will respond honestly. Your original posting had a statement which you removed in the edited version, "I will be the loser". That statement of yours offended my sensibility, to be very candid.

Hence I wrote dear brother, "This is neither a competition, nor a game!"

Where else are there "losers"?

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Post by RishiRahul » Mon Apr 07, 2008 6:28 am

Since this thread is about "For Vrishab lagna, Venus a functional malefic", and RishiRahul and RohiniRanjani is seen departing to other sentimental areas, I am splitting the topic in order to refresh the main topic.

The split portion can be viewed in spam/inappropriate posts nder the heading "For Vrishab lagna, Venus a functional malefic"

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