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Moderator: eye_of_tiger

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Joined: Sat Aug 30, 2014 1:51 pm

Hi all!

Post by DarkSun89 » Thu Sep 04, 2014 8:47 pm

Hey all,

So recently I started looking into astrology and got completely saturated in it. But I'm confused by my own chart!

I only knew about Sun signs and ended up finding out about moon signs and rising signs so my interest was piqued lol.

I'm a Leo born 8th August 1989, found my moon sign is Scorpio and my rising is Virgo. I know what they stand for separately but together is where I get lost. I can only find computer generated explanations of each separately, but not how all 3 effect each-other to make....well me? Leo is too "centre stage" and "me me me" to describe me, Scorpio is too harsh, and Virgo seems to backwards?  

Any info or explanations are greatly appreciated  

P.s I first posted this to the western forum but think it should have been here so apologies if you have read this before :)


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