May I have a picture reading please

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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May I have a picture reading please

Post by Fharris » Wed Apr 16, 2008 1:06 pm

Hi there,

I never even knew picture reading existed! Wow, how interesting, would you mind reading mine?

- Francois
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Post by RishiRahul » Wed Apr 16, 2008 5:06 pm

Hey Francois,

You are very athletic, which meas you have outdoor interests..enjoy outings like excursions etc. Or maybe games like soccer/rugby/horse racing.

You are also very sharp in hearing, even others whispers.

You have a very lucky forehead, which show success in life, good living. You have good intelligence, probably a reasonably high I.Q.

A romantic disposition too. A good person.


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Post by Fharris » Thu Apr 17, 2008 8:42 am

Hey RishiRahul

Thanks so much, this is very interesting!

I wouldnt put myself down as very athletic, but I do try to have a morning run a few times a week, this is when I am good at getting myself out of bed! I have played soccer and rugby in the past, loooong ago, but now prefer to watch the big games than play. Having said that, if I had friends who were more willing to play, I would.

I have been known to have sharp hearing lol, it has helped a few times in the past!
I suppose I also think I am clever sometimes, maybe a bit too clever for my own good :P, have burned my fingers a few times taking risks, so now am way more cautious, can also be a little sneaky at times.
I like to think I am slightly romantic, but havent had vast experience actually being very romantic :(

I consider myself a good person, but so do most people, so....I know I do have a darker side, but normally I am nice :)
Most of the time I try to do the 'right' thing, where everyone 'wins'.

Thanks again!

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Apr 17, 2008 4:43 pm

are you or anyone else in the family a smoker? you have a angel that looks out for you and he is telling you not to smoke because in the long run it will be bad for your health! your a sweet caring man but you also have a really bad temper and when your angry you tend to throw things around the room and start cussing like crazy, on the left side of you i see someone else watching you so you might have a few angels that watch you, to relax sometimes you have a glass of wine or two but you dont go overboard with it, if your feeling overly stressed you like to take a walk into nature and just hike around looking at the scenery

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Post by Fharris » Fri Apr 18, 2008 8:21 am

Thanks WLBG,

I am an ex smoker, and have not smoked for around 2 years, but recently have been sneaking a puff here and there from friends, so that is quite on the money!
The bad temper thing is quite off, I hardly ever get angry enough even to raise my voice, and have never cussed and thrown things around....I usually dont let things affect me personally... maybe thats what will happen if I 'snap' one day, and 'lose it'!?
I usually have at least one glass of wine a night, normally around 2 or 3 (is that bad!?), and dont go overboard. I do however, go a quite bit overboard when out on the town with my mates.
I do love nature, and used to go hiking around in the forest near where I stay. I havent been for about a year, but have been thinking of going again quite recently.

Thanks so much! Am very interested in the whole angels and people watching me idea, thats fascinating...

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Fri Apr 18, 2008 1:07 pm

your welcome, no more puffing on cigs!! bad for your health!!

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Post by Naravyn » Tue May 27, 2008 3:26 pm

from what i see, you have tension built up, perhaps when you get upset, you just keep it inside instead of expressing it. perhaps that is what WLB was seeing, the tension is there, but i also see that you are caring. i would only suggest that you perhaps find some way to vent your frustrations, perhaps in keeping a journal or maybe painting if you are feeling artistic. though seeing as you enjoy sports, perhaps try to find some other people who play something you like and use the physical activity to vent your frustrations. i'm getting a feeling as i'm writing this that you maybe did that before when you played.. used your sports involvement to vent your emotions. perhaps try doing it again.

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