Wondering what people may see...

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Wondering what people may see...

Post by Naravyn » Sun May 25, 2008 4:19 pm

Hello, I am interested in getting a reading on my picture.
This is the most recent I have, about a month old. Only cropped for size and minor complexion fixes.


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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun May 25, 2008 4:35 pm

You are a hard working mom with maybe 2-3 kids? Are you wanting to become a pyschotrist at some point? or anybody in your family one or are you seeing one? You have a male angel that watches over you, your a sweet, caring kind woman who looks out for others more then yourself. Are you divorced as well?

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Post by Naravyn » Sun May 25, 2008 4:54 pm

i have 2 daughters.. i am not a psychatrist, though i do like to help people with their problems.. i am not divorced, but i have had a few serious relationships that didn't work out. a male angel hmm? can you give me any details on this? like possibly age? i have heard this before but from a rather novice person, so wasn't sure what to think on it.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun May 25, 2008 4:55 pm

from what i'm seeing hes got a mustache, maybe in his 40's or 50's. sound like anybody you know?

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Post by Naravyn » Sun May 25, 2008 4:57 pm

hmm no.. but doesn't mean its not someone whom may know my family..  i've been told before that my greatgrandmother watches over me, and also that a childhood friend who died in a car accident did as well.. dunno how accurate it is though..

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun May 25, 2008 4:59 pm

they dont watch over you all the time, your grandmother and your friend come to visit you to see how your doing, but they dont do it 24/7 like this angel does. *shrugs* just what i pick up

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Post by Naravyn » Sun May 25, 2008 5:04 pm

*nods* thank you

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sun May 25, 2008 5:13 pm

your welcome :)   i hope someone else can pick up more stuff then i can

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Post by squeaky » Wed May 28, 2008 12:40 am


there is a lovely purple radiating from the left of your head(your left) it is very deep in colour tending toward the blue vibration. this is usually indicative of the moment before enlightenment, you may have spent a lot of time on introspection in recent times and be developing a greater sense of what is needed within yourself to create the life you want.

there is the beginning of communication with subtle energies and you may be experiencing disturbing or many dreams, if you do not remember your dreams you would wake up with the sense you had a busy night. this is wonderful energy and heralds a period of personal and spiritual growth which is always challenging, fascinating and at the same time uncertain. transformation is rarely straight forward and the struggle between change for enhancement and holding that which is familiar determines the speed and elegance of the shift.

there is an unassuming quality to your energy which is sage green that rolls quite clearly into a pale blue, watch what you eat, this is more about the type of food not the quanitity. you may always wait for others, not state your needs and then feel dissatisfaction at your needs not being met. how can they be if they remain unspoken.

you have almost no strength in the aura at your solar plexus and to the right, this indicates giving way to others, so this is probably the origin of discord in relationships and being treated without the respect you deserve, take time to affirm your needs and desires. the wisp of colour detectible here is a murky grey, this chakra is off centre and really could use looking at. to aid you in manifesting a future that reflects your beautiful qualities.

there is a lot going on in your mind in particular the word why pops up.

the creative aspect is strong in you and keeping busy is a pleasure if at times it puts you under pressure, and perhaps baking is something you enjoy.

the energy coming in to your shoulder at the left is radiating pink into your throat area, this is compassion for self in the area of speech, perhaps you are a little self critical and may need to learn to moderate the internal dialogue. all mistakes are just that, a mis take. you always get the chance to try again with the new found knowledge you have of yourself and your responses, where they need tuning up, do so, look forward not back. the past is to guide not dictate.

i hope you enjoy this little something, practice being happy...

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Post by Naravyn » Wed May 28, 2008 1:13 am

I have been dreaming alot lately, but even if i remember it first thing, i don't later, it sometimes leaves me feeling unrefreshed. should i maybe try to start keeping a dream journal to see what they are about? watch i eat? do you mean litterally or metaphorically? and if literally, does this indicate a possible so far unknown allergy or something else? there are times that i don't say things so as to not cause an argument or hurt feelings, but i have been doing it less lately. i do put some people first, namely my two little girls. i do whatever they need before i do things for myself. there is one why question that stays on my mind a bit, but i kind of know the answer to the question. but that doesn't stop me from thinking it still. i do enjoy cooking and baking and actually plan on baking the birthday cake for my daughters' birthday party this summer. i also work with graphics alot. i can at times be very self critical, its something i've been trying to lessen over the years.

thank you very much for your reading, it is very inciteful.

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Psychic Chef
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Post by Psychic Chef » Wed May 28, 2008 3:40 am

Hi Naravyn
You are a bright and pratical lady who is normaly introverted around people or in groups. You have a slightly wicked sense of humour and are very good at nailing a comment when the time is right.
You are a selfless person who would put others first over yourself, this endears you to others and your close friends love you for it.
Confidence isnt something in abundence and this is something you need to work on, as you tend to hold off when challenged in issues. You should stand your ground because you are very good at what you do.
You are low on the realationship ladder at present and this will improve as the next 12 months progresses. The same with finances and there is a possibility of a  modest winfall later in the year. You tend to wrap your kids up in bubble wrap lately, be careful it will possibly back fire in the next month and they are quite capable of taking the knocks and bumps of life.
Ok thats all i got
Cheers Pete

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Post by Naravyn » Fri May 30, 2008 4:27 pm

I do tend to be "shy" around new people, but once I get to know them, i am rather talkative. i do have a wiked sense of humor, and there are times i may find something truly very funny and other people think i am demented or something. i do tend to put othrs first, especially those who are close to me. i do stand my ground on things i know i am good at, especially when someone else makes me feel as though they don't believe i can do it, i'm proud of the things i know how to do. I'm not that overprotective of my daughters though, mostly just keep the 3yr old from climbing on something that will lead to her falling and hurting herself, she's as much a klutz as i am. yay.. maybe i'll be able to get out of the financial slump we are in. that would be great, right now we are scraping to make ends meet. as for the relationship comment, i believe that is referring to the newness of my current relationship, we've only been together nearly a year, and this is the longest relationship he has been in, so i think he is still a bit scared at times.

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Post by squeaky » Mon Jun 02, 2008 1:47 am

hi Naravyn,

the food is actual not metaphorical, think about food sugars perhaps,

dreams can leave you with a wonderful sense of rightness or deeper understanding of self, so learning to remember them will always deepen your life experience.

your children are and outflowing of your own life force, they should not come first, they are very important it is true, but they will learn how to value themselves based on how you value yourself. something to think about.


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Post by Naravyn » Mon Jun 02, 2008 2:09 am

hmm.. well, i don't really eat much sugary stuff as i used to, i've always tried to keep an eye out since my grandmother was diabetic, and i know it can easily pass down in family. perhaps it will  be a food allergy that shows up, so far nothing i have eaten has given me problems, but my mother is allergic to a few different food items. i will keep your words in mind, and pay attention to see if there is something i am ingesting too much of. thank you for your advice, it is greatly appreciated.

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