I'd really like a reading :D

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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I'd really like a reading :D

Post by Marquitta » Sat Aug 02, 2008 5:31 am

Hii I am pretty sure I'm okay to get a reading done now! :) So I'll try this again because I was so interested in it :D I figured I'd put up a more recent pic. For some reason I can't embed it in the post so I'll just put up a link!! I appreciate everybody's time who looks or has any insight to share!! :)

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v307/ ... 18copy.jpg

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Sat Aug 02, 2008 2:51 pm

first off i love your eyes!! very pretty! your worried about your future and your worried you wont ever meet mister right, dont worry he will come to you when the time is right.  you love the ocean and you try to go as often as possible, do you also surf as well while your at the ocean? you worry alot and have many fears, your afraid of your own Psychic abilities which have started popping up awhile ago, dont be afraid just let it flow. Are you afraid of bees? I suddenly picked that up, you were attacked by a whole swarm of bees one time when you were younger? "is he gonna hurt me?" is running through your mind with this picture, sound like something you were thinking right then? and according to guys your a good kisser at least thats what they have told you

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Post by Marquitta » Mon Aug 04, 2008 8:43 am

Thank you! Yeah I'm definitely worried about the mister right thing, except I'm trying to just enojy all other areas of life and not have to worry too much about that right now, because I think that will come when the time is right! :D

And I love the ocean and have this obsession with it (and surfing too), but I have never even visited one! :D It's crazy.

Hmm psychic abilities.... it seems like I have this ability to send my thoughts out to people, like having people read my thoughts instead of read theirs, even though I do that too, but the opposite way around leaves me feeling uneasy haha. :D

Thank you very much for your reading that was really sweet of you. :)

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Mon Aug 04, 2008 2:37 pm

your welcome :)

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Post by squeaky » Tue Aug 05, 2008 5:26 am

Hi Marquitta,

you radiate a lovely green from the base of your spine all the way to the top and above your head, you may currently be indulging in some learning or it is coming your way soon, as it involves most of your torso and head it is likely a long held desire and will be involving some years.

the rose around your eyes allows you to see the best in things whenever possible but i see clarity can kick in and you can be amazingly perceptive at these times. it seems that it varies only because of how you place your attention which can be all over the place. lol in a nice way, one minute here the next there. this would perhaps make it difficult for you to feel settled and you may feel that things are not consolidating as you would like.

no rush though and life is yet to unfold before you in wonderful ways. anxiety in general is evidenced by a slight shakey quality to the heart region which indicates a lack of confidence that others may not believe exists. you do well to mask it but it may lend to an attitude that sometimes takes you a bit over the top.

watch out for substances that are not beneficial. there is a lovely purple radiating from the solar plexus in waves almost you would interact with others honestly if not bluntly. you would also cherish loyalty, and the higher intentions of others. mistakes are ok as long as they are honest mistakes and you may spot a dishonest person a mile away from this chakra alone. so it is intentions you would feel, if they are good or self serving or even not so good.

you would know when someone is lying to you which can create difficulties in some relationships, the plus side is of course you are less likely to be convinced of anothers purpose if it is not true. you would have a high expectation of your self and others so in relationships you may find the potential out there is a little lacking. boys are human too lol.

you bring a beautiful quality of passive non judgement in most areas of your life. you would rage at injustices, but understand there is a better way of dealing with them than anger or battles. you would not like but would manage conflict this could be because it has been evident in your home life. you would be a very equal and balanced person and as time goes by this will have a calming and beneficial affect on others in a practical way. you may need to watch impatience though.

there may be a medical facility around you in the future. nice

warm regards

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Post by Marquitta » Tue Aug 05, 2008 6:21 am

Wow thank you that was really insightful! I am currently interning at a photography studio and I'm trying to get into a photography class at school for my photog. degree this year, so hopefully I will get into that!

And when you said, "You do well to mask it but it may lend to an attitude that sometimes takes you a bit over the top." That couldn't be more true! It leads me to feel like I have two different sides and can be frustrating at times.

Also, it's interesting that you said there may be a medical facility around me in the future, do you mean vocation wise? Because people have told me several times they see me working in the medical field....I'm just curious, is there any way you could tell me what you see that gives this impression? :D

Thank you so so much for your reading it was awesome and I appreciate your time!! :D

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