please can you look at my picture and tell me what you get from it

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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please can you look at my picture and tell me what you get from it

Post by chantil121980 » Fri Sep 12, 2008 1:45 pm

hello my names chantelle im 27yrs old please could you have a look at my photo and tell me if you see anything for me thank you
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Last edited by chantil121980 on Sat Sep 13, 2008 2:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Lady of Avalon
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Post by Lady of Avalon » Fri Sep 12, 2008 5:09 pm


Do you have a clearer picture please? Its indistinct and the mistiness makes you feel very distant.

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Post by Serpentia » Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:22 am

Hmmm, firstly, you're a pretty girl who looks far younger than 27!
You look like a soft spoken girl who bottles up and would rather walk away. But as soon as you've had enough, I'm sure you let everybody know.
The rings under your eyes represent you might be going through a bad patch, but you're trying to stay strong. My first instinct of you would be that you are insecure about yourself, you probably excel in some type of project or activity to overcompensate.
You don't have to, you look like you can be the centre of attention at a party or get together, and there's nothing to worry about. I know that if I met you, we'd immediately hit it off to have great conversations. You look like a best friend to many.

Gena Loraina
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Post by Gena Loraina » Tue Sep 16, 2008 4:14 am

Hello Chantelle, What I am seeing in your picture is a bundle of energy. You have confidence on the outside and this carries you far in your work. You must remember to be adaptable and not to always go full steam ahead. There are situations in your life at this moment that call for gentle manipulation for success.   Because you are familiar with the successes of life, understand that your life goes in cycles, there is a new cycle coming, an ending and then a beginning. Embrace this change as growth.

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Post by Xia » Wed Sep 17, 2008 12:14 pm

In response to your request for an aura reading I would like to offer the following :) Hope that is ok :)

The two pictures were obviously taken a time apart as the energy from each is so very different. I will concentrate on the second which has a very large voluminous aura attached, you were obviously bubbling and excited at the time with high spritis and a lot of hope going forward. Even in the picture I am sure everyone can see the slight blur or sheen around your body which is indicative of a very high energy etheric layer. You protect yourself very well but you also lay yourself open to experiences and challenges.

Base chakra, Very deep rooted here, lots of heavy reads showing me that you are trying to satisfy a need within yourself. You would do well to work on balancing your chakras as they are all swooping and changing and this may be experienced as changing levels of energy and enthusiasm through the day and months. One side is slightly stronger that the other and I wonder if you are very one footed, could you kick a football with either foot with equal strength? Work on symmetry and strengthening that contact to the earth so that both sides can draw the same amount of chi through from the ground.

Sacral chakra, Hot and fiery well formed and buzzing with life force and chi. You draw people to you but  you are not always happy with the attention, sometimes you prefer the gentle approach and slow and simply honest.

Solar Plexus is bright orangey yellow, there may be tension here, do you eat properly I wonder, or is food an issue. Sometimes this centre can show that we are feeling stressed but unwilling to show it so we have a subdued emotional state that manifests through our digestion and intestines. Relaxation is the key here, relax and breath deeply and allow stress to wash away.

Heart, two sides to the coin as shown by your choice of two pictures, you want to be loved and have a lot of love to give back too, you are aware of your blonde good looks but seek sincerity rather than mutual attraction, You want to be loved for you and not for your looks. The fun side of life is shown here too with a very strong swirling vortex that comes through the aura from front and back, you love to laugh and tease and flirt, are you an outrageous flirt that loves to play I wonder.

Throat, Holding back tension here too, do you want to be taken seriously but sometimes you bite your tongue and don't say what you feel and think, why bother springs to mind, well do bother. Things can change you will be taken seriously, be polite and talk slowly and clearly, make them listen as you do have somthing to say.

Third Eye is very active glowing and casting a bright silvery white glow to the top half of your aura, you don;t use your gifts very well and keep them hidden from most, you are more open online though and that will help to develop confidence in this area. But be careful, not all are what they seem, some will befriend you for reasons that you do not want or perceive at first. So stick to well regulated and monitored sites that will help you coordinate your online life with your physical one.

Crown, Open and slightyly underactive though this is shown by a lack of bloom across the top of the head, there is a slowing down of energy here and I am not sure why. Perhaps you are worried or thinking hard at the moment, perhaps working or concentrating on serious matters. A temporary blip I think.

Overall your aura is one that feels happy and bright and full of life, slightly worn around the edges, but you know that and you are working hard to resolve this,

Thanks  Xia :o)

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