I know I am new but I find this so interesting

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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I know I am new but I find this so interesting

Post by Angeleyez » Mon Feb 16, 2009 2:56 am

I would love to have my picture read. It's funny because me and my Dad were reading photos the other night and as I browsed this forum this post stuck out to me so much...Also I'm new here but I think I'll be around for a while because it's so helpful and positive....Thanks
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Post by landofshadows » Tue Feb 24, 2009 5:23 pm


I have never done this before... So this could go really badly... but as nobody has given a responce, here goes...LOL

I would say you love to express yourself, you like to stand out but not massively, within a group of peolpe you can bring the mood up or down with your own, you would never however bring the mood down intentionally.  You love to dance and like music, smiling comes without trying, your positive and look at things with in the same way. Work is important but not as much as family and your interests.

Why I say this...

Your Hair has a dyed patch, this move is risky, it could have goe wrong... Hence the expressing yourself and standing out.
Your face has a good muscle structure, your expressions can be read easy so your mood if expressed can affect others.
Something about you reminds me of a friend of mine who loves music and dancing, not sure why I wrote that...
You look young and fresh faced (Younger than 23), your eyes seem alert and awake, no stress, so perhaps a positive person.
Your sitting at work, yet your taking photos of yourself and thinking of your Dad, so your hobbies and family come before work... LOL

I hope that was OK...

Any of it ring true... Am I any good ?


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Post by Angeleyez » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:19 am

That was really good!!! I do like to express myself and my moods do affect people so I do my best to stay positive...I do LOVE to sing and dance however I'm not the best singer, but I do it anywayz...You are so right about work b/c if I had it my way my job would be to have fun allday...but its not so I sometimes have to find other way to entertain myself.....Overall Great job... Thanks so much..

Thanks for saying I look younger than 23, because most people always think I'm older...lol
landofshadows wrote:Angeleyez,

I have never done this before... So this could go really badly... but as nobody has given a responce, here goes...LOL

I would say you love to express yourself, you like to stand out but not massively, within a group of peolpe you can bring the mood up or down with your own, you would never however bring the mood down intentionally.  You love to dance and like music, smiling comes without trying, your positive and look at things with in the same way. Work is important but not as much as family and your interests.

Why I say this...

Your Hair has a dyed patch, this move is risky, it could have goe wrong... Hence the expressing yourself and standing out.
Your face has a good muscle structure, your expressions can be read easy so your mood if expressed can affect others.
Something about you reminds me of a friend of mine who loves music and dancing, not sure why I wrote that...
You look young and fresh faced (Younger than 23), your eyes seem alert and awake, no stress, so perhaps a positive person.
Your sitting at work, yet your taking photos of yourself and thinking of your Dad, so your hobbies and family come before work... LOL

I hope that was OK...

Any of it ring true... Am I any good ?


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Post by firetopaz » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:14 am

I agree you look young but your eyes show an older soul.  You tend  to brush off  negative feelings with humor cuz you refuse to let other's negativity bring you down.  You "know" a lot more than you let on.  You show a lot of intelligence with a no-nonsense type of attitude but this doesn't conflict with your fun side....you are so nice about it.  You are confidant and feel safe in your life...you know who you are.  

I have done objects, not usually pictures...hope I wasn't too far off...thanks for letting us try and for the feedback.

Is there something you wanted to know besides general feedback?

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Post by Angeleyez » Fri Mar 06, 2009 2:28 am

Firetopez thank you so much!!! I can definately agree with everything you said.  I've never done this before either so I didn't expect people to actually be able to read my personality like you guys did....I don't know what else I wanna know but can you see anything about my love life ...lol...

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Post by firetopaz » Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:19 am

I see a very tall  dark man...very handsome...little stubble on his face...wearing a smile......he takes things in stride..well dressed, confidant.  If you don't already know him you will soon.  My husband keeps talking to me so I keep getting distracted.  Guess I better give him some attention...and try back another time..but before I go I think you DO know him...possibly someone you consider a friend...be sure he isn't already involved with someone else.  He is...I guess the word 'suave" would describe him.

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Post by Angeleyez » Sat Mar 07, 2009 4:45 am

OMG....I do know exactly who you are talking about...I been dealing with a guy that fits the desciption to a tee...lol...I just moved but we still keep in contact regularly....I'm actually on the phone with him right now... We've been best friends for a while now, but I really have no idea where this relationship is going. Its funny you said be careful that he already is invovled with somebody, I've been wondering what has really been going on with him since I've been gone. We talk about a future together but it's been kinda up in the air. I can't believe you got that from a photo of me, you did really well, I am shocked!!!! Would you by any chance be able to tell me what's in store for the future of our relationship because at this point I need to know what's real not just wishful thinking...

P.S.- How do you do a photo reading? Is it more like intution when you see the photo and you feel out the vibe or what?! This is too cool!!!!!

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 4:22 am

I really can't say what the outcome of your relationship will be  there are too many twists and turns on the road of life.  I do feel it getting "heavy".  Whether that is good or bad is for you to interpret.  I do want to caution you to take it slow....but I don't think you will.   Follow you heart, see where it leads you....if you knew the outcome of everything you would never take chances and life would be boring.

As to how I do it....I see you...even if you don't have a picture....I can connect to you by reading something you wrote.  I usually ask my guides and any angels who care to help me and I feel energy...or they tell me what to say...like they said to ask if you wanted to know something specific...I don't know how the pictures get in my mind, but I "see" too.   Ugh...not good at explaining it.  

Matter of fact I knew then what it was you wanted to know but they told me to ask...I think they want you to realize how important this man is to you.  It's too big for me to understand....they are trying to show me how your lives have been entwined in past lives and how the future could unravel but they are showing me ...too! much.... too! fast...When I asked them to slow it down so i could make some sense of it they show you embracing..and no more.  That could be interpreted SO many ways....let me know how it goes.  LOL

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Post by Angeleyez » Sun Mar 08, 2009 2:53 pm

That is amazing how you are able to pick up on things like that...I definatly needed to hear that....I know I should take it slow, the problem is I don't even know how to do that LOL...I have always felt like there was a deeper connection and I have been almost certain that its from a past life so you just gave me confirmation on that note...So I guess I must take the wait-and-see approach which is fine. I think I've been worrying too much and trying to figure out to much too soon. Your words have definatley been comforting, thank you so much for taking the time out to do this for me. It's very kind of you.

I did my first "photo reading" yesterday, turns out I'm not that bad LOL....I think it's a fun excerise esspecially when you get feedback. It's showing me how to trust my intution.

Again, thanks for eveything, and I'll keep you posted (SMILES)

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 5:34 pm

Thank you, it is nice to have feedback, I do feel that you are surrounded  by a lot of love in the future.  You will find Mr. Right and have a loving family.  Of course you will have ups and downs like everyone else, but when you are older you will look back and be thankful for all the love  brought into your life.  I know this is a generalization...we all have love in our lives, but the word is repeated over and over in regards to you.  I see you surrounded by a lot of family and you absolutely radiate happiness and contentment.

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Post by Angeleyez » Sun Mar 08, 2009 6:14 pm

That is wonderful to hear....It's actually how I always imagined it..lol...I take it from the way you said I will find Mr. Right that this guy is not him. The thought of that kinda sucks but then again I'm grateful to know that in the end I will be loved, happy, and content and thats whats most important to me... You're so awesome and I feel drawn to your energy for some reason, maybe it's because we are both Sag's lol....Anyway thanks for all your insight, it's been very helpful

firetopaz wrote:Thank you, it is nice to have feedback, I do feel that you are surrounded  by a lot of love in the future.  You will find Mr. Right and have a loving family.  Of course you will have ups and downs like everyone else, but when you are older you will look back and be thankful for all the love  brought into your life.  I know this is a generalization...we all have love in our lives, but the word is repeated over and over in regards to you.  I see you surrounded by a lot of family and you absolutely radiate happiness and contentment.

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Post by firetopaz » Sun Mar 08, 2009 7:48 pm

It could be this man....I am not sure....there are a lot of twists and turns with him...I had asked to see you in the future and if you would be happy and that is when I got the picture of you with family all around.  I do feel a strong bond between the two of you and think he will be in your life one way or another...as a friend or lover...or both.

I also feel a  strong  attachment to you...you have  a very soothing energy...it is comfortable for me....I always feel refreshed after connecting to you...thanks! LOL

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Post by Angeleyez » Sun Mar 08, 2009 8:01 pm

Honey twist and turns ain't got nothing on him...lol...But he does keep life interesting, never a dull moment....I love that you saw me with family all around b/c I don't have a large family but I always wanted one. He on the other hand has a big loving family who I adore so IDK....It's feels good to have confirmation that at the end of the day everything is gonna be sweet that made me smile:)

BTW you mentioned past lives earlier and I put a post in the past life regression section feel free to go check it out...I'd like to hear your opinion on it....

Peace, Love, & Hairgrease...lol

I'm so bored at work that I'm starting to get that silly itch....lol

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