Me :]

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Me :]

Post by IStareAtGoats » Wed Dec 09, 2009 7:19 am

Hello :] Just wanted any readings anyone could give me.

Thanks so much and may earth bless you with everything you desire :]


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Post by happyme » Wed Dec 09, 2009 9:10 am

You might unintentionally attract a lot of material based relationships and situations to your life but your eyes speek to a craving for something much deeper. You have a very pleasing personality. You always seek to make everyone around you in your life feel good and comfortable even at the expense of your own needs and comforts. You internalize how you truly feel  often at the fear of displeasing or hurting others, or losing them even. Something in your life and about it is making you sad. The smile is a beautiful cover presented to the world assuring everyone that you are ok because you rather not upset them or make them feel dis-ease at any point, because you couldn't bare the thought of them feeling this way. You are a not a weak person but rather tentative and cautious in your approach to people. Quite shy and sensitive. You have certainly had your disappointments. You are definitely an empath and clairvoyant. You are also very creative, perhaps this creativity is being stifled, and your inability to express it more is stifling you. You are also radiating a lot of positive energy I believe this is why you attract persons who become heavily dependent on you at some level. Be careful they don't drain you. Children and animals love you. For a 16 year old you are going through a lot. :)

Seek career(s) or hobbies that are related to working with children, animals, and healing or something that allows you to express your creativity. Paediatrician or vet, social worker, child daycare supervisor, music, painting or graphics are some good examples.

Between seeking out these compatibilities and learning to put more worth in yourself by catering more to your needs you will gain fulfillment from your life. Remember in order to heal others you have to take care of yourself first. All the best and peace and love. :)

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Post by IStareAtGoats » Wed Dec 09, 2009 1:35 pm

Wow that hit that nail right on the freakin head with the pleasing others but forgetting myself thing, and my creativtity being stifled. Also, My dream career is graphics design :]

Thank you that was amazingly insightful and assured me of the strength of mind and spirit :]

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Post by spiritalk » Wed Dec 09, 2009 3:14 pm

Your eyes appear to be wide open and innocent.  But there is no naitivity to it.  Behind your eyes is a world of wisdom.  You just don't take the time to exercise the wisdom you have already accumulated when dealing with others.

There appears to be a ring in your nose.  You are allowing others to lead you around rather than stand firm in your own worth.  Be proactive in finding yourself and your own interests and not copying the lead of others.

You have the ability to look at all situations with the innocence of a child.  At the same time, you can evaluate and put it into proper perspective.  Do not forget to continue into the second phase so that all things begin to make sense for you.  This is the direction you are seeking - it is right there - just be open to yourself to allow your own dreams and not those of others to lead the way.

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Post by happyme » Thu Dec 10, 2009 4:48 pm

Glad to be of assistance, IStareaAtGoats. :)

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Post by sunmystic » Sun Dec 13, 2009 6:08 pm

Well you do photograph well. Which in Hollywood means the camera likes you :) !



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