Picture reading, please

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Picture reading, please

Post by dinha » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:26 pm


I would love if someone could do a picture reading for me! if I may ask a question, besides what you can pick up on my picture could also tell me something about love life, is that possible ?

thanks much in advance !!
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Post by Stephys_cool » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:10 am

I can see you with a much older man, but he's very "fancy" I guess you can say.

I see a lot of scars, but hope.
You are very private, making it very difficult to read.
You seem very busy, but also not really spending your free time on things that can make you happy.
I just see a lot of sadness really.
Your eyes in the picture make it look like you want someone to save you.
I see a lot of love and support though. You love to see people succeed.
You seem very gentle, and you are totally a mom, no doubt about it. A darn tootin good one too.
You are very humorous, and love to laugh. Drinking wine at a fancy party with the ladies seems like something you enjoy.
I could also see you enjoying a date at a sports game.
Your personality is very different, making it hard to word.
You are very very independent and strong willed.
You would sacrifice so much for the ones you love. Even taking a bullet for them.
You know where your heart stands and you will not let anybody get in the way of that, you will speak your mind and stick up for the ones you love.
You can't stand to put up with the bad mouthing comments people give to those you love. Or at all in general.
You are very caring, and sad movies make you cry, and you love that about them. You love people with a soft heart.
I believe you find down-syndrome cute :P
Alng with puppies, and birds, and kitties haha
you are just all around a super loving person with a hugee heart with sooo much love, that you are meant to give it to people, or else you'd blow up hearts!
Yup alright bye!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu Mar 04, 2010 4:08 pm

It may be the picture quality, but there is definitely a lot of pink/rose around you.  You look at life through rose colored glasses.  But you are also a very inner person.  So you just choose to see life and all its foibles through these rose colored glasses and things are so much simpler.  

When events or people enter into this reverie the glasses come off and there is a very practical, pragmatic person.  You do not suffer fools gladly, but have a high tolerance for most people.  

Relationships have been hard to enter and then maintain.  It has to do with the sharing of all that inner energy of seeing the good in all people.  Why not share it with someone special?  Of course, you can be hurt by being vulnerable.  But we haven't lived and loved until we have seen the good, the bad, the ugly.  

There are some job situations (people) that need some practical approaches.  Be careful to not be too blunt, but do tell it like it is.  You have the words and knack to keep it simple, but honest, without hurting others too much.

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Post by Stephys_cool » Fri Mar 05, 2010 12:21 am

Wow, spiritalk, I must say I am very impressed. You have obviously a lot of talent in this.
I got everything you said while I was reading her picture, but I don't know how to word anything, that's my struggle.
I just had to say that to you because wow, you're good. hah (:

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Post by StarQ1 » Sun Mar 07, 2010 12:44 am

I see a nice mother of 2 sons and you're some times too nice, you're big family person, i bet you even own a van once.... I could be wrong, please tell me. it helps..

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Thank you all!!

Post by dinha » Mon Mar 08, 2010 5:14 pm

I would like to thank each one of you for giving me a reading.I have to say that I am trutly impressed!! It´s amazing how you could pick so much about me as if you have knowm me for a long time!! It is really amazing!!
I just want to say StarQ1 that I am single and have no children, maybe it will happen in the future, but I am a big family person, right on spot!

thank you so much again!!

hugs to all

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