reading, please

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Post by enumero123 » Wed Oct 26, 2011 2:04 pm

my opinion all readings could benefit from a picture of the one asking the question  regardless of the forum it is being addressed in    blessings to all

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Post by caithiggs » Tue Nov 01, 2011 12:09 am

Your eyes and cheekbones are your most prominent features, and I feel that these features reveal the characteristics in your personality which hold you up. I get a sense of you being extremely strong willed, like you have a deep desire to always hold your head up and not let the world get you down. I feel a sense of stoicism, but also there is a playfulness in your mouth and your eyes. You are probably witty and well humored, whether or not that is always exposed to the world, there is always a playfulness underneath.

But there seems to be a lot of tension in your jaw line, to the point it looks like you may even clench your teeth. So perhaps verbalization has been a problem for you in your life or self expression through the mouth. Like I get a feeling almost like you were literally told to shut up and that idea was stored in your jaw. Actually I get a sense you love to surround yourself with conversation. But you are likely the most willing to be the listener in any group. I feel like your energy is on a high plane and you have a sense of belonging to a higher purpose.

I feel like if you do have a lot of burden holding you back, it is likely not without a purpose for your life to have these experiences, because you look like someone who is receptive to a lot of self growth, which can develop for a long time in the realm of hidden potentials. Often the more there is holding you back, the farther along you will get when you are able to launch out.

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Post by MidnightSun » Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:12 pm

caithiggs wrote:Your eyes and cheekbones are your most prominent features, and I feel that these features reveal the characteristics in your personality which hold you up. I get a sense of you being extremely strong willed, like you have a deep desire to always hold your head up and not let the world get you down. I feel a sense of stoicism, but also there is a playfulness in your mouth and your eyes. You are probably witty and well humored, whether or not that is always exposed to the world, there is always a playfulness underneath.

But there seems to be a lot of tension in your jaw line, to the point it looks like you may even clench your teeth. So perhaps verbalization has been a problem for you in your life or self expression through the mouth. Like I get a feeling almost like you were literally told to shut up and that idea was stored in your jaw. Actually I get a sense you love to surround yourself with conversation. But you are likely the most willing to be the listener in any group. I feel like your energy is on a high plane and you have a sense of belonging to a higher purpose.

I feel like if you do have a lot of burden holding you back, it is likely not without a purpose for your life to have these experiences, because you look like someone who is receptive to a lot of self growth, which can develop for a long time in the realm of hidden potentials. Often the more there is holding you back, the farther along you will get when you are able to launch out.
I think you are very spot on.

I am somewhat strong willed. I like my ways :D
While I do not show it to everyone I do have a distorted sense of humor and wit that surprises even myself.

I am a HUGE jaw clencher (to the point where I have cracked a lot of teeth). For some reason I feel like my input to the convo wont be taken serious or will just be over looked. That thought hurts my feelings as I hold value to my words..
When I do include myself in a convo I articulately select my words. I have found I have a different way of speaking and sometimes I even find myself repeating the same words over and over, like its somewhat out of control
'I know, I know, I know, I know how to do that'

As a child I grew up in a house where 'Childer and ment to be seen, not heard' kind of deal. If something dumb was said youd get a nasty comment or look. Dont get me wrong, I loved most of my childhood but my mom was a alcoholic and would snap at anytime if she was drunk..
I learned to just shut my mouth and go hide in another room.

I do feel like I have a higher purpose in life.. to the point I want to explode.
Honestly Im not sure what it is... Everything I get from my astrology charts, numerology, etc says writer or natural healer.
I hate to be this way but I hate drs and I dont really care for taking care of people (is that horrible?)
Maybe I am suppose to heal people through my writing. Idk..
I dont even know what to write during this part of my life.

But I do have the feeling of exploding because I feel like Im being held back by unseen forces. I feel like I have so much potential to do something great and Im ready to get started on it now but Im not sure what it all means and Im not ready for it...
Its kind of frustraiting...

Oh well, I guess in the meantime I will work on my spirituality and tuning into my higher self...

Thanks for the reading! :)

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Location: Canada

Post by caithiggs » Tue Nov 08, 2011 1:30 am

Hey, thanks for your feedback! I'm especially happy to hear I can accurately pinpoint fellow teeth clenchers like myself! Really sorry to hear about the broken teeth (I have dreams about breaking my teeth and it scares the hell out of me). Haha I think I'm a little hyper sympathetic to the feeling of teeth clenching. I'm getting chills right now. lol.

When I saw your picture I felt like I could relate to you in a lot of ways, and when I read what you said I definitely can.

I get a sense that you don't really need to make an ultimate plan for yourself like right now totally accurate. You don't need to say "I want to write for people" or "I want to heal or help people" right now, mostly because it seems like you are rather in a phase of life where you could really benefit yourself by maybe writing for yourself, or going and seeking out healing for yourself. I don't consider this a selfish thing either, I consider it a really really huge and important step on the path of achieving your higher purpose. Like it doesn't sound to me that you need to be writing a book. You may find it beneficial simply to write your thoughts in a journal, or find your way into poetry or some other hobby (not necessarily a career). Who knows what it could turn into down the road? But the important part is that it may be used as a therapeutic tool for yourself to learn with.

Haha, I kind of don't see myself taking care of people either, but I have always had a strong deep desire to heal people. I don't think you have to "take care of people" to heal them ... like you don't need to be with them every foot of the way. You don't really want to burden yourself with other peoples' energies. At least that is how I think of taking care of people. But I think healing is a more broad concept. I believe the best way to heal others is by healing yourself. Guiltily, my major motivation behind why I want to become a healer is that I really want to heal myself. I just hope that healing myself can become such a big part of my life it can spill over into the lives of others. Like if I could just share my own healing, rather than trying to produce somebody else's healing, that would be my dream. I don't know if this makes sense to you or is relevant to you, but it is a thought I wanted to share because I feel some parallels with the kind of path you seem to be envisioning yourself on with my own.

Anyway, don't try to become a writer or healer. Just do whatever appeals to you, follow your inner voice. I find myself always intuitively led through lessons that seemingly have nothing to do with anything at all, but end up giving me a great foundation for what I want to do (though nobody else sees the connections between what I choose and what I wish for). Who knows where any of our choices will lead us? I think the point is to just let ourself become whoever we are, never forcing it or burdening it with too many supposed tos.

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