Would Love To Have A Photo Reading If Anyone Is Interested.

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Would Love To Have A Photo Reading If Anyone Is Interested.

Post by southernrain55 » Wed May 16, 2012 5:06 am

Thank you in advance.
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Post by Celestial » Thu May 17, 2012 4:24 am

Hello southernrain55!

I am Celestial and will attempt to do a psychic/intuitive reading from your photo as requested.

As I tune into your personal vibration, the first thing that I am being made aware of is that there is something about a connection to France or the French. I see waters and boats and terrain and something to do with an area that is French-speaking or that is now showing up in this picture reading.

I see that you have three angels including your guardian angel with you at all times. Two show themselves as male and one as female. They have specific purposes in your life and wish to show you areas that you have not yet explored. There appears to be an interest in travel or in visiting lands of interest I am being told. Also, there has been a lonely time in your life when you felt truly alone and by yourself. That time was difficult but was a time of great learning and you have surpassed that with your endeavor to be a free and happy person. With the energy you have created for yourself, you should be able to lift up high above such occurrences in the future so long as you maintain a positive attitude with a goal in mind to guide your direction.

You have been well liked by many but there appears to be a person with a name that appears to start with an "O" that could be problematic. If that person is someone you don't currently remember, this could be an indication that they may show in your life at some point and to be aware of.

There is something about a car I'm being told by Spirit. It appears to be blue in color and like an older model with something that appears like a fin-like structure that appears here. This may have some significance and is why it is showing up though no further details are being given at this time.

Your career appears to be in an up and down situation where there are high points and then lower points. There needs to be more energy and a sunny disposition, Spirit says, to attract those who can help move you professionally into a better situation as they observe your talent for work.

Spirit is telling me that a good stone to wear is Amethyst. Amethyst carries a high vibration and is a beautiful calming stone that can also help you develop a greater sense of intuition that can help you with decision-making as you go introspectively to inquire as to the personal things you wish to be apprised about.

I am going to have to conclude now as there is some recurring interference that makes it difficult to continue at this time.

Hope this helps. It was my pleasure to psychically read from your picture.

May you have a beautiful day with many blessings and plenty of air and wonderful sunshine!

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Post by southernrain55 » Thu May 17, 2012 12:10 pm

Celestial, I am so very pleased that you took the time to read my photo! It is much appreciated and I will indeed keep a lookout for the things you mentioned.
I am truly interested in your reference with the french. I have never been to France or even given France much though. Exciting.

I will most definitely give you an update should anything occur that was mentioned.

Thank you again and have a most wonderful day!

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Post by Celestial » Thu May 17, 2012 2:35 pm

Hi Southernrain55! You're welcome! This psychic reading, of course, is merely a picture reading but showed things that felt like present conditions were now creating opportunities for exciting things to happen in your life! There are times when things first show up in the aura of a person to represent what is up and coming but not yet there. This is what appeared and what Spirit has informed me of.

May you have a blessed day and I'm glad you enjoyed this particular type of reading!

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Post by spiritalk » Thu May 17, 2012 2:53 pm

The eyes are windows to the soul, and yours are wide open for all to see.  This means that the soul can take a beating in life's challenges if you do not learn
to filter out the negativity.  

You do not suffer fools gladly, nor can you stand negative people for very long periods of time.  You feel drained when people around
you are negative and biting.  

You have lost a few friends over the years and most particularly in 2011 through this aversion to negativity.  You might think
'thank goodness' rather than beating yourself up.  You need your space and time for your own pursuits of soul quality.

2011 was a very clearing time for the challenges that have arisen in 2012.  Do not dwell on past mistakes or happenings.  That will only
keep dragging you into the past instead of welcoming the future.  

The future is a challenge right now with fulfilling your dreams and goals.  But it is also an adventure.  There are opportunities for many
situations to unfold - allow them to unfold, don't rush the joys or sorrows.  Relax all is in order!

Wearing your heart on your sleeve as you do means you get challenged a lot.  People want to bring you down a notch and swipe your
heart right off the sleeve.  Be calm, be loving, be at peace, this is your time and it will work out in the end.

One quote I like from the Bible:  This too will pass!  As long as we hold our own councel and don't get caught up in gossip or inuendo, we
can learn and grow at our own pace.  Again I say, be calm, be loving, be at peace!  Make all challenges lessons and the adventures the fun
and joy to fulfil those lessons!  It is up to you!

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Post by southernrain55 » Thu May 17, 2012 3:52 pm

Again, thank you ever so much for your taking the time to do a reading for me.

What a joy it was to read your response. I am so grateful to you for sharing what you saw/felt/interpreted while viewing my photo. You are exactly correct in what you saw while looking upon my photo. I do not tolerate fools well and I certainly do feel drained around negative persons. I have had my fair share of negativity in the last few years and have aimed at wiping free from my life in 2012. Amazing that you see this. I feel excited and hopeful that this is indeed my year to shine and experience life as I have meant to!

It has been enlightening to read your responses and its amazing the talent you each possess. What a wonderful gift to have and it boggles my mind at such an amazing gift to possess and that you have felt inclined to share it with everyone here.

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