Hi. :)

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Hi. :)

Post by kailin » Wed Nov 20, 2019 7:02 am

Hello, it's me again. Was wondering if I could possibly get another reading? I just turned 27 November 2nd. Please and thank you. It is much appreciated.

Love and light.
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Re: Hi. :)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:24 am

Dear Kailin,

This is just to let you know that I have seen your reading request.

Please (manually) watch this space over the next couple of days, as I do not know if the email notifications system is working.

A link to your 2018 reading.


Loving regards,

Brian :smt039

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by kailin » Thu Nov 21, 2019 8:53 am

Thank you very much, Brian. I very much thank you and appreciate it. :)

Much love to you as well.
Kailin. :)

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 22, 2019 12:59 am

Dear Kailin,

The significant progress which you have been making in better understanding yourself and developing a future career direction since 2013, has clearly been further consolidated during the intervening 12 months between the last reading, and this one.

You are feeling much more comfortable in your body and with your thought processes, and this is reflected in your physical appearance. You have lost some weight (for the right reasons), and the puffiness especially visible in earlier photos around the areas of your eyes and in your cheeks, have virtually disappeared in 2019.

Which is probably a good thing for your long term survival and general health, as I feel that if you had not taken stock of yourself and had not reached out for help both through Mystic Board as well as through this support group, that you could well have gone on to become yet another victim of one or more potentially fatal eating disorders.

This would have been in addition to your existing mental and emotional health issues.

This is a credit to your determination and committent (some might say stubbornness) in leaving a lot of the negativity behind you. Michael Jordan's words, put into action in your life (this refers to the quote I provided you with, at the end of your 2018 thread).

During the same twelve month period, I have intentionally been moving away from using any formal divination methods including Tarot cards in my readings on Mystic Board, but an inner voice of mine has instructed me to make an exception to this rule, for the purposes of this particular reading between friends.I will as a result be using Doreen Virtue's "Magical Mermaids And Dolphins" set of cards, to base your reading around.

The first of the three cards which I drew on your behalf is called Friendship, and it includes the following message. "Make a date for a play day with one or more friends".

This is very much like the classic advice that having too much work or seriousness in your life, which is not balanced by playing and socially enjoying the company of other people (outside of your group sessions), can make Kailin a boring and unhealthy person.

Too much work and not enough play.........you know the one that I mean. I am not saying here that your group sessions do not sometimes contain moments of relaxed humour, or that being in such a group is not a valuable, healing experiencing, but I am suggesting that you also need friendship and companionship, external to these formal meetings.To learn to relax more and to slowly but surely brick by brick take down the protective wall which you had earlier built around your heart, in order with good reason to protect yourself from being hurt again.

The second of the three cards is called Ready, Set, Go!. It's message is as follows. "Now is the perfect moment to dive in and embrace your heart's desire".

This does not of course mean that you should do something which is outrightly dangerous, or that you should throw all caution to the wind and not consider for a moment the most likely consequences of the action(s) which you are about to take, both on yourself as well as upon the other person or people who will also be affected. In other words follow the desires of your heart, but do not at the same time throw out all logic and reason.

You will need to use both logic (mind) and your instincts (heart) in a balanced manner, when taking this dive into a relative unknown, It is vital for your success in whatever of your heart's most urgent desires you are about to follow, that you must take yourself less seriously, relax and allow yourself some time to "smell the flowers of your life".

Share life's simple pleasures with someone else, as life is too short to be wasted. This sounds like a continuation of the message of the first card. What is the worth of all the progress which you have up until now, if there is nobody else to share its benefits with?

The third and final card is called Music For Manifesting. It's message is "To manifest rapidly, think of your desire while you chant, hum, sing or play music".

I do not know if you actually play a musical instrument, or whether you feel that you have a natural talent as a singer, but that is not really of any importance here. Although it is believed that musically gifted people's brains are wired differently from the rest of us, so they may in turn be more likely to quietly sing, hum or whistle to themselves when nobody else can hear them, as well as perform in public.

Quietly or otherwise singing, humming or whistling to one self cannot help but lift your spirits, and music is also a powerful way for us to remember important psychological events earlier in our lives. For example there is a song that was playing on the radio on the day that my father passed away in 1989, that immediately brings back all the emotions which I was feeling at the time.

The song is The Living Years.

It was sung at the time by Mike & The Mechanics.

The lyrics are on the following web page.

https://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/mikethe ... years.html

The words have a special meaning to me, because they describe very well the overall tone of relationship which I had with my Dad.

But that is more than enough about me.

You have to find or develop your own life song/soundtrack.

Something which encourages and inspires you to keep going, when the going gets rougher and tougher.

But at the same time it must include an element of fun (even so called black humour is better than staying miserable), or it is unlikely to engage your creative abilities enough to make a positive difference, in your personal as well as your working life. Once again is all about finding the best balance for you between two extremes.

All relationships of any type which you have with other people in your life will be vastly richer and enjoyable and longer lasting, if you can only find the right life song for yourself, to accompany them?

Although from what I am observing, based upon your other recent postings on our forums, your creative/literary/poetic abilities are already doing rather well: THANK YOU! :smt002 :smt002

God bless you,

Brian :smt023

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by kailin » Fri Nov 22, 2019 6:53 am

Thank you very much Brian. I really appreciate you taking your time to do this reading for me.

I feel like I have improved since the last time I posted in knowing myself better and having more control over my emotions and dealing with them which is what is making me happier.

It is true I do need to get out and enjoy life more. I dont get around people very much these days but I know I need to.

I would have never guessed before you just told me that I would have developed an eating disorder but it does seem possible after you saying that because I was losing weight for unhealthy but now I'm doing it to be healthy.

I do hope to make new friends possibly through the groups. I dont go very often anymore though. I'd like to start again. In fact I went today.

I'd like to have friends. I'm still a little unsure or insecure but I think I could get over that if I just tried.

I dont think of myself as a singer but people have told me I had a good voice and I do karaoke sometimes with my friend who now lives further away (another reason why I dont hang out with a friend as often anymore).

Sorry to hear about your dad. :( ((hugs)). I have songs that remind me of family as well. :)

I just started writing poems again. It's fun and helps me figure out what I truly believe and I'm writing them.

Thank you very much for the reading Brian. It has helped me to see that I need to get out and enjoy life more or have fun which is a very good thing because I think that's what is going to move me forward. :)

Much love to you.
Kailin. <3 <3 <3

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri Nov 22, 2019 11:06 am


Please do not take my comments about you being more prone to develop a serious eating disorder during the earlier stages of your illness, as an actual prediction or medical diagnosis.

People who are not comfortable with the state of their bodies for a huge variety of reasons, as well as having a distorted image of how they appear to other people (body dysmorphia) are it is widely accepted more likely when compared to the average person, to suffer with anorexia, bulimia and binge eating disorder.

You do not need to be psychic to have heard this.

Being more likely is very different from saying that it is inevitable that the person will go on to develop such a condition, particularly if the individual gets the proper medical help and support early on.

With reference to my father's passing, that was 30 years ago.

Yes I miss his physical presence, but he is still with me on a daily basis, although in a very different type of body.

Sometimes he comes through so strong to me, that I feel temporarily that we are the same person. What mediums commonly refer to as overshadowing.

I only used my experiences of frequently hearing The Living Years being played and almost automatically being transported back to that winter morning in 1989 to illustrate the point I was attempting to make, about the potential of music to resurrect powerful emotional memories from earlier in your life (or in some cases from one or more of your past lives).

That having been said, I sincerely appreciate your heart felt sentiments.

Perhaps karaoke could be a means of you making new friends.

If you are relaxed enough to be able to sing in public and to laugh at yourself, then genuine and lasting friendships will become possible.

Just do not throw these opportunities away through the abuse of alcohol. There is nothing particularly endearing/friendly about a drunken karaoke singer, who cannot hold onto her stomach contents.

Yuck! :smt030

Brian :smt045

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by kailin » Sat Nov 23, 2019 2:44 am

Thank you again Brian. :)

I will keep in mind that not everything in a reading is a prediction but more of a possibility. :)

I tend to think of everything as a prediction in a reading sometimes. But I truly think you just broke that for me.

I'm glad you still have a special connection with your dad.
I'm not sure if this is spiritual or my mental illness or both but sometimes I also feel energies or personalities come through my body that feel like there someone elses and I feel like I become them or I share a soul or body with them.

I will keep in mind about the drunken part :) I dont drink very often and usually karaoke without the use of alcohol. But on occasion I do have a few drinks.
I usually don't though because i dont want to become a person who abuses alcohol in the future and because i also take meds that dont mix well alcohol either. :)

I can laugh at myself when I want to. I think what stops me from having friends is the fact that I sit at home a lot and dont put myself out there.
Time to start putting myself out there more.

Thank you, and lots of love and light to you Brian.

Kailin. :)

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Re: Hi. :)

Post by eye_of_tiger » Sun Nov 24, 2019 3:31 am

Message read, and your honest feedback is always appreciated.

Brian :smt023

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