-squeaky- heres my picure

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-squeaky- heres my picure

Post by tristakc » Thu Jun 19, 2008 6:43 am

Here I am.. its not the greatest picture but it is me... my baby is beautiful though isnt she? if her being in the pic is a prob i could crop it or take another :) I cant thank you enough for being so kind and going out of your way and sending me a message. thank you so much friend   :smt003

i tried for about an hour to upload the picture through here and couldnt do it..it kept saying "file is empty" i hope its ok i use photobucket instead  

I am anxious to see what you have to say..much love to you :smt007

Last edited by tristakc on Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:25 pm, edited 3 times in total.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Jun 19, 2008 1:07 pm

your gonna have to crop it first or do another picture only of yourself

Posts: 29
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Post by tristakc » Thu Jun 19, 2008 4:26 pm

ok their is a new picture.. sorry its so big

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:36 pm

makeup artist. do you wanna become one or is there one in the family? I see another face behind yours possibly a males, he watches over you. you have had alot of paranormal experiances in your life and i'm picking up that you can maybe see spirits as well and it runs in your family? One of your past lives you were a colonial woman but you were homeless and a widow with a few children. You have another spirit guide thats over your right shoulder, he guides you through hard times and out of bad places that can cause you harm. Your spirit guides also tell me you have some abilities that are locked up within you that you need to unlock and practice on because they could be helpful to other people, were you or anybody else ever sick alot as a kid? i see alot of doctors and nurses rushing around

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Post by tristakc » Thu Jun 19, 2008 7:57 pm

WhoseLineBabygirl wrote:makeup artist. do you wanna become one or is there one in the family? I see another face behind yours possibly a males, he watches over you. you have had alot of paranormal experiances in your life and i'm picking up that you can maybe see spirits as well and it runs in your family? One of your past lives you were a colonial woman but you were homeless and a widow with a few children. You have another spirit guide thats over your right shoulder, he guides you through hard times and out of bad places that can cause you harm. Your spirit guides also tell me you have some abilities that are locked up within you that you need to unlock and practice on because they could be helpful to other people, were you or anybody else ever sick alot as a kid? i see alot of doctors and nurses rushing around
wow its really hard for me to breath right now...in reading your reading because i have freaquent panic attaks and am constanly scared about my health thinking it is something "other" then anxiety..i am constanly freaked their is something seirously wrong with me. ive seen a caradologist and have had an ekg, ultrasound on my heart, heart moniter for a day..and some bloodwork from my doctor and he diadonsed me with anxiety..

also i am amazed that you said "make up artist" wow that is so cool because i did go to beauty school and have a licenses in cosmetology (but it has expired so i no longer practice in it) the make-up part was one i always wanted to learn more of but my school didnt get very much into that.

a few years ago i was very well with lucid dreaming and visited a place i considerd to be "the other side" i posted about it the dreaming forum. i however have never been able to go back to that place.. i have "seen" things before in my daughters room by and around her bed but i am to scared to look into it. in my old house i lived in as a child i believe their was a spirit their who played tricks on our family. if those could be considerd paranormal.

i do try to talk to my spirit guide through prayer or through "pictureing" in my head, i am always asking him for help but do not know how to listen to his answers. during some of my lucid dreams i would search for him.

i am extremely nervouse about the doctors and nurses.. i was not really sick as a kid, could this be something current?

oh and i just rememberd i have had alot of "weird" things happent to me as a kid that could be considerd paranormal..actually quit a bit and the encounters really scared me and i remember praying to god to make them go away
Last edited by tristakc on Thu Jun 19, 2008 8:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by WhoseLineBabygirl » Thu Jun 19, 2008 10:23 pm

well i did see doctors and nurses around you so i wasent sure if that was the past or present until you said something, you dont have any health issues(that i can see) except for the anxiety, have you considered asking your doctor to put you on meds so you dont have to deal with all the anxiety coming at you? For the make up artist my suggestion would be to look up any schools that are close or semi close to you so you can get back into it because it seems like thats where your heart lies. Theres no harm in looking up stuff about your abilities and spirits, this may be why your experiancing anxiety issues because your surpressing your abilities which want to come out, the best way to listen to your spirit guides is through your heart and a very quiet room with no noise, you'll be able to hear him better if you also relax and have no stress in your body when you try to contact him.

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Post by squeaky » Fri Jun 20, 2008 12:46 am

hi Trista,

you radiate a large yellow vibration at the left shoulder, this is where your panic attacks originate, this is more of a mustard colour and represents a holding pattern from when you were young. mustard is the colour of worry and to be this well developed means you were likely left to your own devices often when young and may have had little support through your growing up stages. when this energy is active it would encompass your face and you could not see anything else for a time, overall you would be cautious and worry would erupt and overwhelm you at any time, so it is not activated by needing to perform in any way.

i have a sense of lung issues as a child as well, you may have had early asthma or bronchitis. there is a darker emission over your left lung.

you have a lovely rose and purple combination at your throat, you like to be able to be helpful to others in your speech, you also like to do things for the right reasons and may have a high expectation of yourself and be fearful of doing the wrong thing. the mustard and purple in the same energy configuration could lead to feelings of inadequacy or feeling criticized.

you are very sensitive and i believe have not been treated gently, wanting to do things your own way but perhaps being corrected or over managed to date has left you without the confidence you need in day to day life. energy balancing could well help you here. am sending you a complimentary vibration to offer some immediate relief. sleeping seems to challenge you also.

your knees have a band of red around them, this may mean you tend to go along with others to be cooperative rather than because it is what you think you need to be doing and you may give in when pressured.

you have strong creative qualities which is evidenced by a lovely orange coming from your right shoulder through to your heart centre. you are at your best when you follow the things you love, even when others do not agree. you have a quiet air and enjoy positiveness in others. you would be a great friend as you love it when something good happens for another. this is genuine and not all that common, many can be happy for a friends good fortune but most have a tinge of wishful thinking that goes with that.

there is a healing energy around the back of your head, it is green in nature, you may be trying to resolve feelings of hurt and may have had headaches associated with this, it is lightening up now and becoming quite stable, so these symptoms will disappear if they have not already and any sinus or cold like symptoms will also go. there is a tinge of pale yellow which means you may spend a lot of time trying to analyze how you feel. meditation is a great way to get to the bottom of feelings and allows a more relaxed approach to self realization.

You are perfect exactly as you are, all that is going on for you is learning to integrate the disparate aspects of your life and how you will manage responsibility is a big part of that for you. the qualities that you take into your future leave an open path to your own business ideas which will be reflective of how you think things should be to help others improve there sense of self.

warm regards

Posts: 29
Joined: Wed Jun 11, 2008 6:29 am

Post by tristakc » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:27 am

WhoseLineBabygirl wrote:well i did see doctors and nurses around you so i wasent sure if that was the past or present until you said something, you dont have any health issues(that i can see) except for the anxiety, have you considered asking your doctor to put you on meds so you dont have to deal with all the anxiety coming at you? For the make up artist my suggestion would be to look up any schools that are close or semi close to you so you can get back into it because it seems like thats where your heart lies. Theres no harm in looking up stuff about your abilities and spirits, this may be why your experiancing anxiety issues because your surpressing your abilities which want to come out, the best way to listen to your spirit guides is through your heart and a very quiet room with no noise, you'll be able to hear him better if you also relax and have no stress in your body when you try to contact him.
relaxing isnt very easy for me to do at the moment but i will keep trying.. my husband is always telling me "im constanly on the go, i always have to be doing something" i think it annoys him. i use to take hour long whirlpool baths, just to lye in their and think or to read a book.. but i am just realizing its been a really long time since i have done that.  i think i will look into medatating

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Post by tristakc » Fri Jun 20, 2008 4:56 am

squeaky wrote:hi Trista,
you radiate a large yellow vibration at the left shoulder, this is where your panic attacks originate, this is more of a mustard colour and represents a holding pattern from when you were young. mustard is the colour of worry and to be this well developed means you were likely left to your own devices often when young and may have had little support through your growing up stages. when this energy is active it would encompass your face and you could not see anything else for a time, overall you would be cautious and worry would erupt and overwhelm you at any time, so it is not activated by needing to perform in any way.
my mom was a single mother of 4 who worked 3rd shift and i practically never saw her i was sort of in charge of taking care of my sisters and brother,as i got older my mom started treating me in a manner that really offended me  and she has said a whole lot of hurtfull things to me (that were competely untrue and undeserveing for her to say) that  still hurt my feelings today, i never thought of that triggering my anxiety. well hopefully i can work on getting rid of this mustard colour
i have a sense of lung issues as a child as well, you may have had early asthma or bronchitis. there is a darker emission over your left lung.
I was around a whole lot of second hand smoke as a kid im wondering if thats what this is
you have a lovely rose and purple combination at your throat, you like to be able to be helpful to others in your speech, you also like to do things for the right reasons and may have a high expectation of yourself and be fearful of doing the wrong thing. the mustard and purple in the same energy configuration could lead to feelings of inadequacy or feeling criticized.
I feel the need to council people who need it, whenever i think of a career choice everything goes back to being a councler, teacher, or pschologist..but i dont currently have time and money for schooling. when i think of the children and adolocents out their who didnt get the start in life that they deserve i just feel i need to go out their and do something for them so they can have a happy life, ..i do have very high expectations of myself and always feel like i am failng
you are very sensitive and i believe have not been treated gently, wanting to do things your own way but perhaps being corrected or over managed to date has left you without the confidence you need in day to day life. energy balancing could well help you here. am sending you a complimentary vibration to offer some immediate relief. sleeping seems to challenge you also.
oh thank you for the vibration that is very kind of you..and yes i am extremely sensitive my feelings are easy to hurt..and i am always looking for the hidden meaning in peoples words or expressions
your knees have a band of red around them, this may mean you tend to go along with others to be cooperative rather than because it is what you think you need to be doing and you may give in when pressured.
yeah i do want to fit in, and do tend to agree when i disagree just to go along with people..however ive never crossed the boundries on drinking or doing any kind of drugs, i guess its one thing i am proud of with myself is when i did not give into those things when i was a teenager
you have strong creative qualities which is evidenced by a lovely orange coming from your right shoulder through to your heart centre. you are at your best when you follow the things you love, even when others do not agree. you have a quiet air and enjoy positiveness in others. you would be a great friend as you love it when something good happens for another. this is genuine and not all that common, many can be happy for a friends good fortune but most have a tinge of wishful thinking that goes with that.
i love when good people have good things happen to them, it does really make me happy inside, although i dont mind it when bad things happen to bad people either, and by bad people i man people who intentally hurt other people
there is a healing energy around the back of your head, it is green in nature, you may be trying to resolve feelings of hurt and may have had headaches associated with this, it is lightening up now and becoming quite stable, so these symptoms will disappear if they have not already and any sinus or cold like symptoms will also go. there is a tinge of pale yellow which means you may spend a lot of time trying to analyze how you feel. meditation is a great way to get to the bottom of feelings and allows a more relaxed approach to self realization.
um yes their are some lingering feelings of hurt between my husband and i and it is getting better. meditation sounds like something i should start learning how to do
You are perfect exactly as you are, all that is going on for you is learning to integrate the disparate aspects of your life and how you will manage responsibility is a big part of that for you. the qualities that you take into your future leave an open path to your own business ideas which will be reflective of how you think things should be to help others improve there sense of self.
Thank you your reading has really made me feel kind of good about myself

warm regards

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