Would love a reading if possible...

A place where you can post a picture of yourself, and see what people can find out from it.

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Would love a reading if possible...

Post by Lovelife » Wed Oct 21, 2009 7:08 am

I've never heard of this kind of reading before, but it seems really interesting and cool.  I was waiting to get my bangs cut, but decided I couldn't wait any longer.  So, excuse my shaggy dog look lol.  The one in color is from a few min ago. The other is from a couple months ago.  Hope the quality is ok it's from a webcam.
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Post by Lovelife » Sun Oct 25, 2009 8:16 am

Do I need to take a better quality picture?  Any insights... I'm a little worried that no one has said anything yet.

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Post by thomasanthony83 » Sun Oct 25, 2009 3:43 pm

Hey LOVE-er! =-)

The first thing that I felt from your pictures is an overwhelming sense of youth. Not like immaturity, more along the lines of being in touch with your inner child. Because of that, I am going to say that you seem really young at heart and even as if your soul is pretty free-spirited. You could have been an artist of some-type previously and it seems as if it's following you into this life. Because of that "free" feeling I keep getting, I keep feeling as if your ability to love someone is tremendous in so many ways. Sometimes, you might try to shield yourself from things you think might hurt you only because you want to love them so much more. I also see the quality of kindness you posses is unparalleled by any of your friends. Do you ever watch the clouds outside? I get this glow from you as to how you can make the animal shapes in the clouds come alive and so forth with your awesome imagination and perception of things. I know how big of a dreamer you are and all the questions that could come out of your dreams, and not just the ones when you sleep, I see day dreaming to be a great past time of yours. It's going to sound a little weird, but you make me feel childish again, like I want to go outside right now and play in a grassy field. I hope that this reading I tried for you could be of some good for you.. Take care, and have a great day!

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Post by Lovelife » Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:00 am

Thank you Tom!

You are right on.  I am very much a child at heart.  It's strange tho.. growing up I always preferred hanging with the grown-ups and didn't do too many stupid kid/teen things that many of my friends did... but at the same time I haven't exactly grown up.  Everyone I know is married and having kids.. but I have never had an interest in that... all I want to do is explore the world and have great experiences in life!  I often have people think I am much younger than I am... which is I definitely think is great!  My friends all say I'm very free-spirited/young at heart acting... I'm not very immature but can be known to act somewhat irresponsibly when following a dream.  I'm always in my head... dreaming away.  I do often remember my dreams... but u are right.. growing up I always daydreamed constantly.  I haven't done much cloud watching since being a kid.. maybe I should start up again.  I am very logical yet at the same time I believe more in my dreams than most people I know.  I try my hardest to not be beat down my life/reality...  The past life thing makes sense.. I've always wondered what/who I may have been in a past life...  I think you've made me have an ah-ha moment... I love all things artistic.. and have always wanted to have artistic talents.. but I am not so fortunate... I used to dance and I loved it.. but started too late for it to be anything great... it's weird I always see these amazing things in my head.. but since I can't draw or paint I never can get them out in real life... It's very frustrating.. it never made sense to me until now.. so maybe I used to have artistic talent so it's still there in my head.. but in this life I just don't have the same abilities I guess.  Thank you for the kind words and uplifting reading!   Have fun in that field... sounds like a great time :)

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Post by thomasanthony83 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 1:39 pm

You kept saying that you don't have the artistic talent to draw or paint, but I think that you don't have to draw or paint actual objects in order to show how talented you are. Doodle and sketch things until you find something you love to translate on paper. Even grab some paints and let the brush do its thing in your hands. As far as being good at something like dancing and painting, it's totally up to you if it makes you happy, then do it! Live up your young ambitions because one day, you will look back and smile on all things from your past, so live every minute as if it's you last and you will have a blast at everything you do!! I'm glad the reading was good for you, and I hope everything works out well with what you do in life!


p.s. I didn't have a grassy field around yesterday(to go and frolic in), so I settled for laying in my backyard & picking out the imaginative figures in the clouds! =-)

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Post by Lovelife » Mon Oct 26, 2009 6:16 pm

Well of course there is abstract art... but I've just never been good at any of that.. I do love photography tho.. I just haven't had the financial means to try much yet.  I def plan to explore photography more tho.  I'm also thinking of trying to write some.. see how that goes.  Laying and staring at clouds sounds fun and relaxing.. maybe I will try to do that this wk before it gets too much colder where I am.... sadly it's almost winter :(

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Post by thomasanthony83 » Mon Oct 26, 2009 7:14 pm


Writing about your pictures will be a great way to express your creativity. Maybe you could write a poem or short story about a picture or sequence of pictures. You are definitely in the right state of mind to do so. I don't see the financial strains being a problem for you too much longer, but don't go out and blow all your money on a lot of equipment just yet, I think you will be satisfied with the way things are going to go for you soon.. You know the feeling you get after succeeding at something you have been trying at real hard for a while?? I keep getting that when I see your pictures.. Keep your chin up kiddo, things are going to change for you soon.


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Post by Lovelife » Tue Oct 27, 2009 1:09 am

Makes me almost cry seeing something positive about my finances.. I SO hope you are right... it has been really really hard for awhile now... but even more than the money issues my biggest stress has been about career path... I absolutely despise my job I have now... and I have such a desire and drive that tells me that a "normal" job is not for me... I hate working for people I really want to work for myself... I love freedom without schedules and I desperately want to travel the world... I am searching so hard to find what it is I'm really good at that I can do for myself, possibly online, and doesn't hinder travel... I have recently found out that I am receiving an inheritance which will help me a lot... but it's not enough to live that long on especially after paying off all my debts... so I'm still searching for that job/career that I will love and be able to make enough money at to live and travel... I have found cheap ways to travel.. but I still need some money of course.  SO I def hope u are correct and maybe the success will be me finally figuring out what I'm happiest doing job-wise!  


oh, and u crack me up when u call me kiddo and young since we are the same age... my picture must really make me seem young lol :)

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