Request a Reading from my Picture

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Request a Reading from my Picture

Post by kasgan » Thu Mar 17, 2011 6:59 am


Can anyone let me know what my picture conveys about me?

I have added 2 pics of mine. 1a is an older image. 0207 is a recent image.

Look forward to your insights

warm regards

Last edited by kasgan on Thu Mar 24, 2011 5:13 am, edited 1 time in total.

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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Fri Mar 18, 2011 9:32 am

Hi Kasgan..
Sorry in the delay in reply.. I actually did last night but my computer power source is kaput and went down along with the my reply..

ill try

Im looking at younger you, I see someone that was looking forward to his future, you chose study over play, you were confident that if you worked hard you will do well in life. Your family were encouraging of this... great ethics, they encouraged work and instilled a sense of reward in knowing you did your best.
 Im feeling ( before this picture ) a little boy that wanted to grow up and be successful, a doctor perhaps..

I see that your life has been defined by stages, clean separate stages..
I get a sense that your chosen direction had changed from image A to image B.. not such a bad thing, you chose the direction change..
Your a bit of a worry wart these days. instead of being excited to enter the future as you are in image A your more fearful in image B .. over examining your choices and loosing sleep wondering if they are the right ones..
still looking forward to the future but not so carefree.

Have you met your wife yet ?
Im feeling that this lady, if not yet, will become your balance.. a relationship that works though you two may appear quite different to each other.. yin and yang-

lol.. Im getting that she may be "pushy" in a loving way.. the boss at home, the boss that  encourages you to put yourself first sometimes, the lady that tightened up the purse strings for for fear of you giving more than you can afford to others and leaving yourself short..

will you be successful... yes.. a home with a family that bonds.. financial worries although.. you will never feel that there is exactly enough money to be a generous with your children as you would like, but in all honestly the wealth of the gift you do give your wife and children is in you, the gift of you and the home you co-create full of love is the greatest gift of all...  the time for you to leave this earth is far far away.. but when you do there will be a legacy of all that you have shared with family and friends that will continue well into the lives of your grand children even.

In other words. while the direction may have altered, the eventual success in life is still apparent, you just need to look at it through new eyes.. not what did not happen, but what did happen that takes you along the path of being your own man..

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Post by kasgan » Sat Mar 19, 2011 5:15 pm

hi StormGirl

Thank you for your wonderful and accurate reading. Yes I am married and have a one year old son.

My wife is extremely caring, loving, opposite and bossy as you mentioned.

you mentioned about legacy.. I guess everyone leaves something for their grandchildren. Do you think my finances will be very tight? Thats the only dampener but i guess it will make me a more worry wart!

Many thanks


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StormGirl Blue
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Post by StormGirl Blue » Sun Mar 20, 2011 9:53 am

Hi Kasgan,
You are very welcome.

lol, you are right most people do leave some sort of legacy. For your reading this was given to me when I asked about your measure of success in life, and for you came though very strong that you will have co-created a secure, happy family and that you will be well remembered in the stories that families share down through the generations. There will be many little words of wisdom shared and the values and principles you live by will be remembered and followed.

The finances area sounded like a dampener I know.. but in all honestly you will not lead the life of a poor man, I just feel that the family home will be a room smaller than what you would really like.. but within this home there will be a wealth of love. Dont look at a house larger than yours and feel that you fall short of success because yours  most certainly it will be more comfortable..

You will afford all that you need, some days you will wonder how, but dont stress on it, because you will..some luxuries may need a little budgeting for.. lol, listen to your wife where finances are concerned she does a pretty good job of letting you know what you need and what you dont. :))

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thank you for your reading

Post by kasgan » Sun Mar 20, 2011 12:23 pm

hi Storm Girl,

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time and doing the reading.

One thing I have may be realised that i am missing the precious present and wasting time thinking about future. Also I guess time will teach me that money is not everything and it does not guarantee happiness. Though i just want that i can give my family everything i might have missed in childhood and that does not include a palace! Just the opportunities ......  I have another wish that i can do something for the poor, under privileged...

I am not sure how I can help you back but if you need anything, if I can will deifnitely help.

I hope and pray that you are able to fulfil all your wishes.

Many thanks


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