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Please Read

Post by Birdy » Mon Jun 04, 2012 7:06 pm

Hi my name is Rachel and it would be nice if you could read me.
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Post by spiritalk » Tue Jun 05, 2012 12:34 am

The eyes turn more to introspection as opposed to outward visions.  The extra glass on the shirt indicate your interest in seeing more of your world.  Perhaps it is more that you would like to make sense of that outer world, and understand what you see.  There is a great curiosity to all things right now and it will never be enough information, until you understand what you see.

You have been in situations to see the worst of human life and come away wiser.  Use the value of your lessons to design and enhance that which is you and your inner self.  Do not let others define you.  Introspection will do that nicely for you on your own.

Several relationships have died or are in the process.  It has more to do with recognizing it is time, than hanging in for one last effort to understand each other.  Relationships will come and go.  Enjoy the journey and learn all the lessons.  

Straighten up and fly right.  Someone is trying to fit you into their box of expectations.  Seek your own and live with love in your heart - you will not go wrong.

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Post by Birdy » Tue Jun 05, 2012 3:25 pm

Thank you for the reading. You are definitely right about the introspection thing.

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Post by Celestial » Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:31 pm

Hi (((((Rachel)))))! As I intuitively tune into your picture I sense some resentment over issues that have happened and matters which have kept you from becoming the great person you were meant to be.

It is as if you have chosen to hide certain things from the world rather than face the problems at hand. Thus, a strong protective device is showing up here. You wish to break free from this "rat race" as you sometimes inwardly see it as and go forward with the kind of life you know you were meant to have.

But you need to consider all things that are happening right now in your life before you can find the right key to unlock the door that will push you out of your present circumstances and into the type of life you are so desirous of.

You tend to project an aire of mystery and disappointment to some thus, they may be echoing in kind right back to you not realizing that like a person who has experienced something less than adequate in their life they tend to reflect things with a less than harmonious vibration and what people most tend to pick up is not the good qualities of a person but rather that which they are presently seeing, thus, what is being presented to them.

If you feel tired in your job you need to find refreshing moments to help you through the day! Perhaps listen to motivational tapes during your break times that can help you pop back into reality with the fact that You Are Very Much What You Make Your Life To Be And What You Project Outwardly Returns In Kind To You!

So, chin up because tomorrow will be a different day but in order to move forward you will need to first search for the key, once again, that will open new doors for you that will make you feel like changing the present you in looks, thoughts, and deeds to become a dynamic fun-filled person who fully appreciates life. And, after all, you were not meant to live your life in cloister all of the time. You certainly have qualities that are worth developing and moving ahead with! That should excite you! Explore your inward self! Find that which makes you happy and concentrate on that and eliminate that which makes you unhappy, fearful, less than what you truly are, and decide once and for all that you want to turn over a New Leaf! And as you think, so you are apt to become!

I hope this has helped you in some small way. May you have a day filled with a passion for life, love, and that which can truly move your heart in the right direction for your future happiness and success!


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Post by Birdy » Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:24 pm

Thank you Celestial, much of what you said makes sense.

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Post by IannaFae » Mon Jun 11, 2012 10:47 pm

I come here periodically, so I do not have many posts, and it's hard to do alot of picture readings because for me there is a split second where I become you in the picture.  I feel your feelings, your judgements, and I see things that you have seen (not literal, but situational).  This includes both this life and your prior life.  In saying this, you are having an inner conflict with yourself.  In a pastlife you were on the "in crowd" list.  I'm feeling like it's the Elizabethean era, but you are not in England.  I see you in light blue dress, fluffy, corset, hair pulled up, very beautiful and men admire you.  You are not in a palace, but where ever this is, there are tall, really tall columns and arch's.  You are priveledged and come from wealth and title.

This past life is conflicting with your present life in that the pastlife remembers your ... what's the word.... um... not prosperity, but sort of like it.  This life feels robbed because you are having to feel the life of the "lower class" as to the "upper crust" you originated.  Does this make sense?

I see a constant struggle of you wanting more things, and you are not able to get them at your disposal like you once had.  You daydream about things you want almost like if you think about it hard enough it will happen, but it never does.  That is your punishment for this life (or how you look at it anyway).  Your inner soul feels like you are being punished for something because you have it "bad" right now.  But, you really don't have it bad.  You have it better than many infact, but you can't feel it that way because I speak of non-materialistic things, and you come from materialistic things.

Now that I have that out of the way.

Don't compare yourself to others, you are too hard on yourself when you do.  Be who you are and not what you feel you should be.  In saying that, I mean don't try to be something you are not.  You are a very level headed person and should have people around you that like you for who you ARE.  You have a family that loves you dearly and at times you know this, but you WISH they could be more than what they are.  Times have changed from old to new, and you shouldn't compare things to what they were but rather appreciate what you have now.  Instead of asking for more, or wanting more, sit down and analyze what you have compared to what others do not have.  Once you see that you have more than others your inner soul will see that you are still of "class" just that the things you have now are more of an emotional benefit.  I think that will lighten the turmoil that troubles you from time to time.

I'm not sure if you are following what I am saying cus I feel a defensive energy in your aura.  I'm not saying anything bad so please don't take it that way.  I'm saying that your past life was based on statis and materialstic items, and this life is based on emotions and mentality.  Once you can harmonize the two, your past and present will be aligned and harmonize with each other.  So you are one of the riches people I have read in that you have the priveledge of experiencing both spectrums of life.  Some people start out at the bottom and stay that way till the energy fades away.  I get the feeling that maybe you have set your own path of destiny.  Possibly in your prior life you wanted love and emotional attachments that you lacked, and you received those items in this life; however, you lack the priveledge and wealth now.  If you can find away to explain or understand that what you have now is of great value on a different level from materialistic and that not everything is measured by money, I think that will harmonize the two and then things will fall into place so that you can achieve both.

I hope some of this rings familiar to you.  And another thing, I get the strong urge, feeling, and want for a particular car in a dark color (either dark blue..almost midnight blue or dark green).  I wouldn't try to get this particular item or date anyone with this particular item until you are able to harmonize and align past with present, I think then there will be a more understanding appreciation for it.

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Post by Birdy » Wed Jun 13, 2012 10:02 pm

Thank you for the reading, IannaFae.

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