Variety of Quotes

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Variety of Quotes

Post by tourbi » Mon May 05, 2008 6:17 pm

Angels, like people, belong to families or clans. Many names have been given to them, but in the opinion of a number of angel historians, the most familiar can be arranged in three categories, or spheres, starting at the top with those closest to God, and moving down to those who are connected to the physical world.

-Alma Daniel, Timothy Wyllie, and Andrew Ramer,
"Ask Your Angels
Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.

-John F. Kennedy

All people have a major task, from cradle to grave, of defining who they are.

Na’im Akbar
Psychologist and educator
One does what one is; one becomes what one does.

Robert [Edler von] Musil (1880-1942)
Novelist and essayist
I do not believe in God. I'm an atheist. I consider myself a critical thinker, and it fascinates me that in the 21st century most people still believe in, as George Carlin puts it, 'the invisible man living in the sky.'

-Seth McFarlane, 'Family Guy' creator
I thank You God for most this amazing day; for the leaping greenly spirits of trees and a blue true dream of sky; and for everything which is natural which is infinite which is yes.

--e.e. cummings
When speech comes from a quiet heart, it has the strength of the orchid, and the fragrance of rock.
-Stephen Mitchell, Four Watercolors by Tao-chi

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