Strength- Healing a family

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Strength- Healing a family

Post by womanofthecraft » Sun Mar 22, 2009 3:41 am

Have you ever had angry thoughts about a sibling?
I do,very often.  I love my sister with all my heart but, at the same time I loath her!  I search for strength on a constant basis.  She has an addition to drugs.  She is tearing my family apart,I'm not sure if she even realizes it or even cares.  I've tried talking to her, reasoning with her etc.....  Nothing seems to phase her.  Yea, she says she is straight and has stopped but I know better!  She takes and takes from my parents, they complain and keep giving! I tell them they are the only ones that can do anything, such as telling her no, and sticking to it but, they are getting old and don't want to fight anymore!  I want to ring her little neck but I know that won't help, any input would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

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Hurricane Shannon
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An ex-addict

Post by Hurricane Shannon » Mon Mar 23, 2009 9:41 pm

As someone who has overcome an addiction to drugs (I was an IV drug user on methamphetamine) I have to tell you that the only person who can do anything about her situation is your sister, but the only way that will happen, if it does, is for her to lose those she cares about and depends on most.  Tough love.  By enabling her, your parents are only prolonging the problem... a person in your sister's situation normally has to end up with nothing and no where to turn in order to see within herself that it's up to her alone to overcome and change.  It is a struggle unlike anything I can explain unless you've gone through it yourself, but in my case, I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't gone through it.  I am strong and confident and have changed the things I harbored inside myself that led to the addiction and dependency in the first place, but I had to do it alone, with my God and no one else.  I'm not telling you to turn your back on your sister, but I know that often that is exactly what she really needs you to do the most, because you become part of our burden.  We will, trust me on this, HATE YOU while we are struggling through straightening out our lives, but once we do, we are so very grateful that you made us stand on our own two feet and trust ourselves to overcome whatever happens in the future and for giving us a real life that we'll never be able to explain or make that up to anyone except to help others in similiar situations as much as we can.  Good luck to you and your family, you will be in my prayers, and if you ever need someone to talk to or vent to (which is probably more appropriate!) or if your sister does, please feel free to contact me anytime:
Shannon (same for Yahoo Messenger)

PS: I haven't logged on to Mystic Board in probably 6 months and your posting here is the 1st thing I read... I believe that things in our lives happen for a reason if we are looking for the signs!  Thank you for your post!  It reminds me how blessed I really am at this point in my life!

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Location: Kentucky

Post by womanofthecraft » Thu Mar 26, 2009 4:45 pm

:)  Dearest Shannon

Thank you for replying to my post!
I have never been addicted but, I've tried to tell my parents that they were contributing to her habit and to stop giving, but I've not been able to make them understand yet!  Her and I don't really talk anymore and she knows why.  Anyway, I was about to totally disown her until I read your response.  I did'nt think there was no hope left and she would never change.  But you did and others as well, I'm sure.  You are an inspiration and a breath of fresh air, you are HOPE!  I will continue to try!  Once again: Thank you!   :smt002

Brightest Blessings!

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