A spiritual way to deal with difficult people especially during the holidays

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A spiritual way to deal with difficult people especially during the holidays

Post by PetraVanilla » Wed Nov 25, 2009 5:59 pm

I got this in an email... I thought it would help some people on this board greatly...

Difficult people cannot be avoided.  Everyone is plagued with a
difficult character or characters.

How do you define a difficult person?

A difficult person is anyone who causes you unnecessary stress,
self doubt, frustration.

A difficult person is someone who tries to stop your progress in

During the holiday season you are forced to participate in large
groups, whether with family or co-workers and in that mix
naturally you will find your group of naysayers.

How do you handle them?

1.) Be the observer. Say nothing, just watch.

2.) Look at them as if you have never seen them before.

3.) Examine who they are and the words that leave their mouths.

4.) Then examine how they live their lives.

As you put them under your microscope you will realize that they
have nothing on you.  They are often miserable in their own lives
and would feel no greater joy than to take you into their
miserable reality.

Thank them for this lesson.  Then going inside of yourself using
your imagination talk to their heart.  Thank them for the lesson,
then ask that they be blessed and wish them higher knowledge and
understanding to transformed their hate, envy, judgment etc.

Repeat those statements over and over until you feel that it
has reached them, then let it go.

Let go of the meditation and trust...

You will be surprise at how different they will become with you.
They may avoid you, they may taunt all others but not you or
more, they may endure the same difficulty they imposed on you at
a greater level of distress....

This is usually the case, as the idea of wishing others knowledge
forces that someone to see and experience what they have done to

We often cannot understand what we have done to others until it
is done to us.

Love, light and blessings! :smt006

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Post by happyme » Tue Dec 01, 2009 1:33 pm

Very insightful thanks for the good share :)

Posts: 4
Joined: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:48 am

Nice job!

Post by ingat » Thu Dec 03, 2009 2:36 am

I like what you have written I have noticed that clients seem edgy and immature around Nov and Dec, and alway ask if they are "going home for the holidays" They always seem shocked to realize that that is what they have been reacting to. LOL I work on the anxiety thru astrology, hypnotherapy and/or flower essences.

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Post by AyeCantSeeYou » Wed Dec 09, 2009 2:20 am

I can see many uses for this. Thank you for posting it.

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