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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:39 am

“Outsiders’ should not try to lord over the local inhabitants..”    Nana Patekar, Actor.

Whoa! Whoa! Actor Sahib, what exactly d’ you mean, being lorded over by outsiders? May we come with you to the studio? You are not going there today? Oh dearie me, and why ever not actor sahib? Because an outsider has lorded over you; taken over all the roles that were rightly yours! Tut! Tut! We can’t have that happening, can we? We have to make a noise, tell him only actors born here can have hero roles; that only you can lord over them!

                        Sir, that director’s calling you over, he has a part for you to play.”

“Just learn the lines of the script will you!”

“No I won’t!”


“Who are you?”

“I am the director of the movie!”

“You are an outsider! How dare you try to lord over me! You cannot make me learn lines if I don’t want to!”

“That was brilliant Actor Sahib, you should have seen the director’s face when you shouted at him, how dare he try to lord over you, but actor sahib, sahib, don’t look back, don’t look back; somebody else has got your part!”

                        “Come let us go home actor sahib! We have to take a train, come jump into the bogie!”

“I won’t!”

“You have to otherwise you’ll miss the train!”

“I won’t!”

“Ah its because you saw the engine driver’s face isn’t it? He’s not from here and yet he wants to lord over you by starting the train when he wants to?”


“Then move back, move back or you’ll be run over!”

                       “Come Actor Sahib, let us sit on that station bench and wait for a local motorman! You heard of Barack Obama?”


“Democrat senator standing against Mrs. Clinton!”


“He’s black! An African- American!”


“For years the blacks were slaves, and the whites their Lords! For years there was segregation in that country!”


“Today in that same country a black stands for President! Nobody is telling him he is the son of slaves, nobody’s telling him he’s an outsider, to go back to Africa!”


“The world is moving forward Actor Sahib, there’s no outsiders and insiders anymore, stop moving back; you’ll only become the laughing stock of the world, even if you’re a hero in your own backyard..!”

Posts: 2246
Joined: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:38 pm
Location: colorado

Post by karlenespellman » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:40 pm

Very true.

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