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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
Joined: Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:08 pm
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Post by Pravin Kumar » Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:54 pm

Author unknown

It was late at night in the monsoon season. The sky was dark and cloudy….
There was an atmosphere of gloom. A lone sannyasin was slowly walking along the road looking for a quiet place to sleep. Though his possessions consisted only of a small bag, a blanket and a lantern, he was blissful and carefree.

Suddenly he heard a motor cycle behind him. The motor cyclist was traveling very fast along the dark road, but he had no head lights. The sannyasin knew that he would have an accident, so he immediately decided to give his lantern to the motor cyclist. He rotated the lantern in circles to signal the motor cyclist to stop. However the motor cyclist did not stop..he went straight past and nearly killed the sannyasin.

The sannyasin called out “Stop! I want to give you this lantern otherwise you will injure yourself”

The driver shouted back: “what’s the point I haven’t got any breaks either!”

In life we come across a message in the form of an event, a person, a situation or a relationship. A particular person in such times plays the messenger who shouts at us to stop for the lantern.

This story is an analogy of the life of a man in these times; the dark road is the path of life, the motor cycle represents the human body which is reckless and thoughtless driving along a road, without the brakes of self discipline.

Life is a balance between rest and movement! To take out time from the many lives we live and reflect, we will have to begin with - A Pause.

So many questions run through our subconscious that we are floating in a sea of our own creation. To wake up one day to find that we are still there where we started!!

This is where your journey begins. This is the time when we pause, turn around to the sound of the sannyasin and let him hand over the lantern of wisdom.
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