Seeds of Greatness

A forum where you can post words which inspire you, or make you smile.

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Pravin Kumar
Posts: 7094
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Seeds of Greatness

Post by Pravin Kumar » Wed Nov 13, 2013 11:46 am

Seeds of Motivation: Winning from Within
by Denis Waitley

Put up the dream. Put in the knowledge. Put out the effort.

The two greatest fear busters are knowledge and action.

You can't concentrate on the reverse of an idea. A fear is a goal moving in the opposite direction from your desire.

We can change if we want to.

Think of your imagination as a skill rather than a talent and learn to use it.

Motivation is an inner force that compels behavior. Your inner drives will propel you further and faster than external perks.

It's not the experience of today that causes us the most stress; it's the regret for something we didn't do yesterday.

Motivation is motive in action.

The most important opinion you'll ever have is the one you hold of yourself.

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