Scorpio Compatibilities

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Post by scorpy1030 » Thu 11 Feb, 2010 1:14 pm

I can vouch for Virgos being a pretty good match for Scorpio. My soon to be ex is a Virgo and it was really good for more than half of our 6 years together. Problem is we let our shadow selves come out instead of working on ourselves we ended up in a power play, manipulation, greed and posessiveness. Although we are ending as friends because of our daughter he didn't work on himself spirtually and neither did I to grow and walk a path together, instead we grew apart and destroyed what could have been a wonderful long lasting relationship. He decided to move on with a Cancer woman that he fell in love with while we are together. I don't see them lassting and I predict he will be back to me but not before he has learned cosmic lessons and I learn mine.
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Post by VintageCharm » Thu 06 May, 2010 9:35 am

I'm a Scorpio but I found myself always attracted to Leo's and Aries'. Virgos were the ones I felt LEAST compatible with. They were often ones that annoyed me to the extreme! Often, but, not always. ;)

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Post by mangosun » Fri 28 May, 2010 5:14 pm

Hey there fellow Scorpio friends!   I was married to a pisces for almost 17 years. Incidentially, he is engaged now to another Scorpio so obviously he has a certain affinity to us! :) I am dating and will marry the love of my life, a wonderful Capricorn! He is the yin to my Yang and I've never been happier. Before him, I dated another Scorpio which was an extremely intense experience and one that I needed after my divorce but not one I would have been happy with throughout the rest of my life. This issue of who we are most compatible with is leaving out one component...the sign we are most compatible with depends on where we are in life, what we need to fulfill in our lives at that moment, what we need to learn or experience. I needed the pisces during that time of my life and subsequently, perhaps he needed me to prepare him for his new Scorpio in his life now. I certainly feel I am a better woman and wife because I remember my experiences with him, making mistakes, refining my sting, which prepared me for my Capricorn love now. Think back over past relationships and how grateful you can be for those experiences, even if they didn't work out...they simply were what you needed at that time in order to prepare you for a better, happier life (if we will but learn from those experiences).

What do you all think? Do you agree that compatibility depends a lot on where we are in our lives at that particular time? ~ jules

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Re: Scorpio Compatibilities

Post by Abhishek » Tue 28 Sep, 2010 9:00 am

racheal vaz wrote:hi there,
my first post   :smt003
found something to share with all of u!!

SCORPIO is most Compatible with: CAPRICORN and VIRGO

SCORPIO is fairly compatible with: CANCER, PISCES and TAURUS

SCORPIO is least compatible with: AQUARIUS, LEO, LIBRA and SAGITTARIUS

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Re: Scorpio Compatibilities

Post by Cyrenius » Sun 05 Aug, 2012 9:27 pm

racheal vaz wrote:hi there,
my first post   :smt003
found something to share with all of u!!

SCORPIO is most Compatible with: CAPRICORN and VIRGO

SCORPIO is fairly compatible with: CANCER, PISCES and TAURUS

SCORPIO is least compatible with: AQUARIUS, LEO, LIBRA and SAGITTARIUS
This is a very general statement.

I read that our compatibility is given by the position of the moon in our astrogram (for males) and by the position of mars (for women). The moon represents the inner women for the man and mars the inner man for a woman.

For example, my moon is in pisces so I can relate better with a woman pisces (this is very true in my case)
And if a woman has her mars in leo she will be more atracted with leo men.

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Post by AstroAndi » Thu 07 Feb, 2013 8:40 pm

I agree that Cancer is one of the best matches for Scorpio. My husband of 13 years is Cancer. There have been extreme ups and downs, passionate arguments, and times when I didn't think we would withstand the battle, but we seem to always come out the other side better for it.

As far as friendships, I seem to be able to get along fine with any sign except for Leo. I know a handful of Leos and the more I get to know them, the more I want to strangle them. What is it with Leo?? Maybe it's just me but it might have a little bit to do with being a Scorpio sun and moon. :/

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Re: Scorpio compatibilities

Post by Kalidasa » Wed 20 Nov, 2013 6:19 am

Unless you compare both natal charts (synastry), you are only dealing with generalities based on sun-sign.  There are lots of other factors, such as sun-moon aspects, asc-asc, sun-venus, venus-mars, sun-saturn, etc, that should be considered.  I personally adore Cancerians, Geminis, and Taureans lol.

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Re: Scorpio compatibilities

Post by Rohiniranjan » Fri 09 Oct, 2015 1:44 pm

Kalidasa wrote:Unless you compare both natal charts (synastry), you are only dealing with generalities based on sun-sign.  There are lots of other factors, such as sun-moon aspects, asc-asc, sun-venus, venus-mars, sun-saturn, etc, that should be considered.  I personally adore Cancerians, Geminis, and Taureans lol.
Yes, it is like a cake or multi-flavoured ice crème, even though milk-crème is at the core of the entertaining delicacy!

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