Scorpio Compatibilities

Meet people born under Scorpio here

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Electric Angel
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Post by Electric Angel » Sat Jan 20, 2007 3:46 pm

We settle into relations easily with the star signs you mentioned because we are drawn to them, but if we want a romatic relationship, a stable long lasting one we are most compatable with taurus, our balance in the signs.  Yin and Yang, we make each other whole :D

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Post by Freudianslip07 » Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:33 am

ok ok...

MOST compatible = cancers, pisces

Sorta = Virgo, Taurus, and Capricorn

Simple as that. :D

Leos & Aries = baaad relationships

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Post by Emerald » Wed Feb 28, 2007 3:28 am

Hey all, I'm also new to this site.  I just want to add that I'm a Taurus female and have been dating a scorpio, it's amazing the compatability we have, we actually worked together for about 4 years now and have liked each other since day one but both too shy to say anything...anyways, dating for about half a year now and haven't been any happier.  This scorpio is a keeper and totally has me on a pedestal.  However, another good point I must bring up is that not all scorpio's are exactly alike.  A lot of similiarities but some are worse that others.


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Post by amber.starfire » Fri Mar 02, 2007 6:11 am

I had always heard Scorpios were most compatible with other water signs. I am a Scorpio, and my BF is a Cancer, it's like we complete each other.  (just my insight....)

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Post by Emerald » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:09 am

Scorpio's are compatible with water and earth, canceris 1st on the list and a taurus is 2nd.  (At least from what i've read so far anyways) we balance each other out, since i'm so down to earth, I tend to calm his emotional Tidal wave.  My mom is a Scorpio too and I definitely know about the sting.  She gave me a good example today (A scorpio has a quick sting but then they'll slowly go away) ain't that the truth but they're very good people with huge hearts.

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Post by Emerald » Sun Mar 04, 2007 3:12 am

Oh I had a question,  I read about the jealousy issue with scorpios (and taurus for that matter)  but does that go for both male and female scorpios or are they both different?

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Post by Emerald » Sun Mar 04, 2007 4:06 am

Cancer Man & Scorpio Woman
He will give her everything she wants in a husband and she will give him everything he has always wanted in a wife, plus a few things he hadn't thought about yet.... :-) (Source: AquarianAge Romance )

This is tied with Pisces as your number-one soulmate match. First of all, the physical chemistry between you could power enough light bulbs to brighten an entire city. Your kissing sessions will be amazing! The chemistry will also last and get even better the longer you are together. The Cancer boy also has staying power emotionally. He will stick by you and devote himself to making you feel special. This will satisfy your need for security and you will find yourself relaxing with him and really enjoying being taken care of. It's a match that will make both of you feel really treasured. A perfect soulmate match!

Taurus With Scorpio:
This astrological compatibility combination mutually admires each other. With a strong physical appetite, both will find much in common from a physical perspective. Jealousy however is the big problem with this pair and seems to be always showing its face. Taurus must be careful to keep faith with the scorpion mate, or the house will fall down without warning. Beware to the one whom crosses the scorpion's path; the sting is considered deadly. All else considered, friendship factor, financial drive, etc, makes them a very good match.

These are zodiac opposites, but they are compatible earth and water signs. This usually manifests itself in a strong physical attraction at first. Both signs are intensely passionate, more so with Scorpio and both are the jealous and possessive types. Since they are opposites, they DO significantly attract and find themselves deeply in love when they go for it! This makes Taurus and Scorpio a great match.

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Post by ExtremeDiva » Sun Mar 18, 2007 3:23 pm

What about a Scorpio female {in this case, me} and an Aquarian male?

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Scorpio and Gemini

Post by SpiritualAngel » Sun Apr 22, 2007 6:31 am

I think I've got you beat in what you said...if anyone out there has any reasoning on what I'm about to tell you, I'd like to know.

Here is my situation...

I am a female Scorpio with Scorpio rising. Take a look at my chart included and tell me what you see. ..Now, I've been married to 3 Gemini's who all have had the middle initial "A" and I'm now engaged to another Gemini and you have it right, his middle initial is :A". Anyone have any suggestions as to why this has happened in my life? I am open for any suggestions or reasoning behind this. By the way, I'm not the one that chose the Gemini's, they always found or chose me, I just ended up with them. I would be very interested in hearing any points of view on this matter or on my chart at all...Thanks to all.
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Re: Scorpio and Gemini

Post by Nicole » Sun Apr 22, 2007 9:19 am

SpiritualAngel wrote:I think I've got you beat in what you said...if anyone out there has any reasoning on what I'm about to tell you, I'd like to know.

Here is my situation...

I am a female Scorpio with Scorpio rising. Take a look at my chart included and tell me what you see. ..Now, I've been married to 3 Gemini's who all have had the middle initial "A" and I'm now engaged to another Gemini and you have it right, his middle initial is :A". Anyone have any suggestions as to why this has happened in my life? I am open for any suggestions or reasoning behind this. By the way, I'm not the one that chose the Gemini's, they always found or chose me, I just ended up with them. I would be very interested in hearing any points of view on this matter or on my chart at all...Thanks to all.
I find this fascinating SpiritualAngel~!!

I'm married to a Gemini also...
Married 16 years this Oct 19th, but 19 in all, We dated before we got married...
I could not ask for a better best friend or husband and father to our sun...

I don't know how to do this chart I mean I see what your saying..
I just don't understand them...
Where do you get one done and how does it work~? lol

Congrats to you...
3 is a charm you know~!!  :)

Pleased to meet you also~!!  :smt006

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Scorpio and Gemini

Post by SpiritualAngel » Wed Apr 25, 2007 5:37 am

Hi Nicole,

 So nice to meet you and congrats on your wonderful relationship. I was with my second 23 years. These Gemini's really are great people and I respect them highly. They do have a wonderful nature to them that kind of blends with us.

 As far as charts go, I do them and use to teach astrology. I also do card readings and have been in the process of writing a book. I've got so many things going though, I can't sit still enough to finish it, hopefully eventually that will happen and sooner rather than later.

  If you'd like to private message me, I'll give you my email address if you're interested.

 Love and Light,
 Spiritual Angel

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Re: Scorpio and Gemini

Post by Nicole » Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:43 am

SpiritualAngel wrote:Hi Nicole,

 So nice to meet you and congrats on your wonderful relationship. I was with my second 23 years. These Gemini's really are great people and I respect them highly. They do have a wonderful nature to them that kind of blends with us.

 As far as charts go, I do them and use to teach astrology. I also do card readings and have been in the process of writing a book. I've got so many things going though, I can't sit still enough to finish it, hopefully eventually that will happen and sooner rather than later.

  If you'd like to private message me, I'll give you my email address if
you're interested.

 Love and Light,
 Spiritual Angel
Oh cool, Your B-Day is the day before mine..
Odd also I've read your profile when I first started last Year fall time..
And one other question- You live in Maine~??

I've been playing with a deck of cards doing readings..
Let me tell ya I love it so much better then the tarot...

It's very nice meeting you~!!  :)

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Post by SpiritualAngel » Mon Apr 30, 2007 6:09 pm

Hi Nicole,

 Thanks for your reply, so nice of you. It's nice to meet another Scorpio for sure. As far as myself living in Maine, I'm sorry I don't but you came close as I did live in New Hampshire at one time, most of my life was growing up in CT. I now live in North Carolina.

 So you read cards as well? Is it Cartomancy that you do? I'd like to hear more and also how you read them.

Always good to hear from other Scorpios that have the same interest.

Take care and God Bless...

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Post by bigbread » Wed May 09, 2007 1:47 am

The girl who hurt me most was a cancer

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Post by khb21603 » Thu May 10, 2007 2:38 am

scorpio and scorpio go well together I think. Although the fights can be explosive, the love and loyalty is always there. Even when we both are giving that die look.

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