Karmic diseases.

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Karmic diseases.

Post by marfa » Sun Jun 03, 2012 10:04 am

The number of people suffering from various diseases grows year by year. It warns us that people don’t live in harmony with the Universe and don’t follow its laws anymore. By means of an illness, our subconsciousness informs us we don’t do what we have to do and overreact to what happens in our life.

According to some bioenergy therapists and astrologists, it’s the sensitive energy shield but not the body which suffers first. People with extrasensory perception see this damage as some sort of spots and holes on the energy shield. It later damages the body, namely the organ which is situated under the hole. That’s why healers and people with ESP recommend to first cure the soul and then the body. As a popular wisdom runs, “There is a sound mind in a sound body”. The statement is confirmed by medicine too. It warns that mental problems affect physical health and vice versa. There is a notion “karmic disease” in astrology. It implies that diseases are sent to people by Cosmos for the sins they committed. Some people believe if they don’t work hard to fulfill their mission, don’t fight with their bad habits, don’t perfect themselves and lead a dissipated life that disappoints and stresses out their family and friends, then after reincarnation they will become victims and feel the pain they inflicted on other people.

Karmic diseases are the result of our thoughts and actions from the past. People who suffer from karmic diseases just reap what they’ve sown in their past lives. You should know that even a cold doesn’t appear for no reason. Thus, your heart disease is the result of cardiac abnormalities from your past life. It may be a heart transplant operation or cardiac surgery, stab wounds or a car accident. This information is stored in your mind and the mind, as one of the elements of the subtle body, transmits the information to another body. People with bad karma who were born in a problem family or have diseases have to understand what mistakes they made in the past and change their behavior to improve their karma. If a person was born healthy but then fell ill, the reason for it should lie in the actions of this person who broke the laws of nature and thus acquired bad karma.

As for children being ill, here we should speak about their parents whose thoughts and actions are reflected in their children. Yes, karmic diseases apply to not only those responsible but also their off-springs. If a baby is sick, it’s a warning for the entire family. Family members
should restore a friendly atmosphere in their family because nervousness triggers diseases.

People have energy shields and are soaked through with energy they give and receive from outside. Even-tempered, calm and optimistic people won’t make members of their family sick. They themselves fall ill rarely and live longer. Positive emotions and feelings increase the amount of your energy, while anger, irritation, disbelief, fear, envy and jealousy decrease it.

People’s aura which serves to protect them from misfortunes depends on the amount of their energy. Depletion of aura results in various diseases and sometimes death. Yet it’s possible to cure your karma – develop intellectually and spiritually, be strong-willed, patient and kind-hearted. Oriental philosophers believe that diseases are a test for people, and karmic death is an opportunity to reincarnate to correct the mistakes made in the past and work on self-improvement.

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Post by spiritalk » Sun Jun 03, 2012 11:47 pm

If we use past karma as an excuse for our suffering in this life time we will continue to suffer whatever the story may bring.  Consider you have only this life in which to make a difference and your mark on the universe.

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Post by marfa » Mon Jun 04, 2012 5:21 pm

Karma can not be viewed in one aspect. It consists of three parts. "Mature" - the karma of past incarnations, "generic" - the karma of our family, and gained, "the new Karma" - what we have done in our lives today. The fact that you say you are talking about the "new" karma. Yes, you can change it. I want to tell the life of the case. One woman walked down the street and saw that in her way is an iron hoop. "It would not step on it" - she thought, and at the same moment he stepped on a hoop, she fell. She had fallen very much, and if, at the last moment, did not have time to substitute a hand, you probably would have smashed his head on the curb. After that she got intsendentov to me at the reception. When we are together it was restored in detail all that had happened to her, it was found out an interesting pattern: while, when she just came up to this hoop, she had opened the karma that is responsible for her health. And at the time of the fall occurred practicing this Karma. Why is this possible? Yes, because a woman living in a relatively short period of time, managed to accumulate a much negative energy that it took the discovery of karmic knot to reset this negativity. The name of this negative energy - an insult. And the accumulated grievances were many. And the reason for the inclusion of bad karma was the following situation: she called home from work (I must say that she worked as a cleaner, and that day she had a day off) and asked to immediately go to work to prepare the room for the arrival of some important guests. "Why do I have? What am I, the extreme? Why do not other names?" - Offended she thought, going to work. This example shows how poorly remembered old wrongs.

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