trying to find my way

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trying to find my way

Post by jenisrn » Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:55 pm

Ok here it is. I was a nurse for many years. Have always had gift of knowing, reading tarot cards since young, runes and the I Ching. I am going to school right now for Chinese Shamanism and Tui Na. I have been out of work since getting hurt in 2007 and usually do readings for free (it makes me happy) but at this point I desperately need to earn money. My husband can't do it alone anymore and we are hurting financially.
I have NO idea where to start or what to do. I am extremely intuitive and have always had this strange (by most standards) ability to know things without having learned them myself. I made A's through nursing school and never studied, I just knew. I have dream abilities too. I but these abilities on the back burner for years but in the last 3 have embraced them again.
Any direction or advice is appreciated.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Nov 22, 2010 9:49 am


what's happened to you is really bad. you can definitely build a career out of your psychic abilities. but, you need to be sure about it first. they say, charity begins at home. start offering readings to your neighbors for free. ask them to finds clients for you. you can also advertise for your service. try to follow how others aspiring psychic readers are getting hold of the market.

if you are thinking of earning through this forum, i am not pretty sure if it is permitted. psychics here take part in discussions, interact with people, and sometimes offer free readings.

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