Payewacker's Tarot - General Discussion on the Aces.

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Payewacker's Tarot - General Discussion on the Aces.

Post by Payewacker » Sat Jan 09, 2010 2:07 pm

Hi Guys,

Let us discuss the Aces in this thread, and have a look see, what your ideas are?

The Google link;

The Aces ... ZjOQ&hl=en

Blessed be
Last edited by Payewacker on Mon Feb 08, 2010 3:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by pirbid » Sat Jan 09, 2010 6:21 pm

:) Mmm... Aleph and Yod in the Aces... Now, isn't that a coincidence coming from you?

Ok, the way I see the Aces is as potential, or the purest form of the suit. For example, the Ace of Wands I see as a great amount of raw energy, which as yet has no form, shape, definition or direction. But if you get it in a reading, it means you do have a massive store of energy at your disposal should you know what to do with it.
The Ace of Cups would be raw emotion, the kind that comes and fills your whole body and there are no words as can describe it nor any reason you can give for the sudden wave washing over you.
The Ace of Swords would be one of those rare moments of understanding, clear vision or inspiration, of the kind you can never describe afterward but which leaves an indelible print in your mind.
The Ace of Pentacles is harder for me, since Earth is matter. I would compare it to a lump of clay, but that is not overly useful in a reading, is it? Unless you are a sculptor, I guess. It could be an embryo, surely, but also the germ of a practical project.
Still, I am not as convinced by this as by the other Aces. Fire, Water and Air I can sort of feel their meanings rather than look for descriptions, but Earth is too tangible and it stumps me. So any Earthly input is more than welcome (as well as the rest, of course; I meant 'specially' welcome  :smt002 ).

BTW, I think I will take this chance to tell you a little more about the reading method based solely on element strength and compatibility, since the Aces represent the purest forms of each element. In fact, I seem to recall PW mentioning a certain element classification in one of his posts (sorry, it would take me ages to find it right now; he probably knows the one I mean).

Fire and Air are considered as the active elements and also as allies: they fan and reinforce each other. Air directs the energy of Fire towards a certain objective.
The problem in a reading when both Water and Earth are lacking is that the action will have little stability or permanence without an Earth base, and it will disregard any feelings involved. So, the nearest thing we could compare a Fire/Air action with is a military assault, for example: the cold minded rulers (Air) send their raw power (Fire) to destroy the enemy, regardless of any ensuing misery (Water) and not thinking about long term results (Earth).
Seen through these examples, isn't it hair raising? It certainly helps to understand so much better...  :smt010

Earth and Water are the passive elements (yin, I guess) and also great friends, with Earth usually containing Water, as in a vase, although Water can overflow and dampen the Earth, as with the Nile's yearly floods which make the Earth so fertile. But without focus, energy or direction, they stay stagnant and cold. It's like having great empathy and being ready to work hard at helping others, but not being able to decide how to do it or take a step towards your goal. You will sit in contemplation of what could be but never will.

Of course, Fire and Water are enemies, which should be quite obvious. Air and Earth are also enemies, although that is not quite so obvious, so we'd better imagine those permanently wind swept plains where nothing can grow.
The meaning in a reading when you get opposing elements is that the contradicting forces stop things from happening. BUT, since Fire is stronger (more active) than Water, it will keep trying to act, even if it gets dampened (or rained upon) once in a while, unless there is also Earth to back up Water, or Air to back up Fire (in which case the Cup card's influence would be negligible). Air, being more active than Earth, will push the querent to think in circles without being able to persuade his/her more cautious Earthy nature to act (no Fire).
See? a Wands card + a Cups card will probably mean bursts of aimless activity driven by raw emotion rather than thought, and with no tangible results.
While a Swords card + a Pentacles card will probably drive an unadventurous person mad with worry, guilt, insecurity and whatnot, while nothing gets done either.

Of course, we don't usually encounter the cards just by pairs, save on very specific spreads or positions (like one of Cedars I haven't been able to try yet). So imagine how things complicate themselves when you are trying to judge the weight of each element when 5 or more cards are combined, as in most spreads.
However, I have always tried to do that at the beginning of the reading, only not in such a detailed way. If you have read some of my answers on the Reading forum, you will see that I often count and translate the number of cards of each suit appearing in the spread and how I feel about it.
If there is one element completely missing, you have a lot of info on why things aren't working properly for the seeker: you know exactly what is missing or what is not being taken into account. If there is a clear predominance of one element over the rest, that also gives you a good hint as to the problem.

Come on, imagine with me a little and see if you get the same impressions I do from the following 'imaginary' spreads:

- Predominance of Cups and Swords, one Pentacle and one reversed Wand, plus the Hermit, the High Priestess and the Moon. What do you see? DEPRESSION. The whole feeling of the spread is cold and clammy, even the dark colors and the night scenes. No movement whatsoever. Death and decay.

- Predominance of Wands, with a few Swords such as the Knight, a couple of upturned Pentacles and the Sun, the Wheel, the Fool... What do you see? someone full of life and energy but utterly out of control. Probably a young man or teenager in his most rebellious and party going phase.

- Predominance of Cups and Pentacles, the 4 of Swords, the Hanged Man. ROUTINE. This is probably a lifestyle that hasn't changed in years, like an old couple living in the country. Same things day in day out, with a sort of dreamy feeling of contentment permeating it all, plus a few nostalgic memories to be fond of. They have sacrificed passion to security.

See what I mean? You can get a very good general 'feeling' of a spread or a random group of cards without even beginning to think about their individual meanings. Since I was trying to explain about this in the latest Learn Tarot thread, I think I will also post these findings there, to see if any newbie may be interested.

In the meantime, I hope to get some input from you guys: tell me if you encounter these 'feelings' also when faced with each spread. And, PW, sorry if I got carried away: you know, the raw potential of the Aces can sometimes take you to unexpected places... :smt003

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 10, 2010 1:52 pm

Hi Pirbid,

Your posting is absolutely so enlightening. In itself we can ponder and remeber the influences. I think to a large extend, few readers would in fact consider what you discussed.

For one, I learned a great lesson with your posting, and your explanation. It absolutely makes 100% sense!

The attributions, or the posting I "think" you refer to, is also but one in a million, to be found somewhere!!

Looking at the suits, we have "sister" suits.

Swords and Cups, and
Pentacles and Wands.

As you said, in Swords we have the RAW UNTAMED power. In Cups, Emotion, but also "diplomacy". In Pentacles, RAW wealing and dealing, in Wands, the UNTAMED focus on a person's ambitions and use of opportunities.

Regarding your posting! I need to discuss or let's say compile a topic--The Minor Arcanum Suit cards. I think the information you shared with us, is and should be part and parcel of that topic, if not, the predominant discussion.

Blessed be

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Post by Payewacker » Sun Jan 10, 2010 3:11 pm

Hi Pirbid,

I'm doing this on it's own reply!

You have in fact clearly simplified Aleph, of which we know, the value to be one.

If we look at each one of the Minor Ace cards, we see and understand that this card actually describe that which has been created, but not yet manifested, being the very first "spark" the thought, the action, the "falling in Love, the seed in the ground.

The explanation you gave, or the posting you did, makes sense of the the first letter in the Hebrew alphabet. The mere mention of the Magician, gives us a far greater consideration as to any one Ace, what is the real implication when we see an Ace in a spread? Can we only consider it to be a point in space, somewhere, or can we say, it is the beginning of a fundamental cycle in each person's life? Can we also assume that this Ace is what the querant have been contemplating, or perhaps busy doing?

Then, in being the initial spark, what did the querant do, with that which he received? This we can see, once we move beyond the Ace, to the next step of the road between one and ten.

I feel it appropriate to include the description and meaning of Aleph in this posting. We will now start seeing, how it is, that there is a significant involvement of the Major Arcanum, even if we consider the Minor as being more "mundane" matters.

Aleph, no. 1, is the unthinkable life-death, abstract principle of all that is and all that is not. Aleph is the supreme energy, subtle, alive, but not existing as itself in the space-time world we know, because it is relative. It is the primal energy, it is in all and all is in aleph. It is beyond definition, incapable of being defined or limited. It can be seen to move at infinite speed and thus evades time. It can be viewed as primal consciousness unknown to itself.      

The interplay of these two energies, Infinite Expansion and Infinite Compression, builds the universe in a process of creation that begins with the first word of Genesis, Bereshyt: Bayt-Raysh-Aleph-Sheen-Yod-Tav bringing both Aleph and Tav into existence in (as the) the universe.

Basic, constant themes of the Qabala, embedded in every level of description, are the two-way flow of the one energy between Aleph and Tav and Tav and Aleph, the constant reminder "Everything with Aleph and Aleph with everything; everything with Bayt and Bayt with everything;" and the theme of the two partners in the game of Life, Aleph (Life-Death) and Yod (Existence). These are the three foci of Qabalistic revelation in Genesis (Aleph to Bayt), the Sepher Yetsira (Aleph to Yod) and The Song of Songs (Aleph to Tav).

The non-thinkable has for its symbol the Aleph (1). The Aleph is always itself and never itself. It is ever recurring, though never the same. Aleph creates, it is creation, it is not created, yet it exists. It has no existence because all existence is continuous. It has no memory, having no past. It has no purpose, having no future. If one retains it, it remains retained,. If one buries it, it remains buried. If one sets aside its obstacles, it is action. It breaks down resistances, though resistances are never broken by it. Without these, Aleph does not become manifest. Without Aleph, there would be nothing at all. On a deeper level, the intertwined biological processes of Lammed (in Aleph) and Dallet (in Yod) link them together in endlessly repeated mirror images.

Such is the image of Aleph. Aleph itself is beyond all consciousness, human or cosmic. The image of Aleph is only an image, for Aleph belongs neither to time nor to space. Aleph is beyond the realm of our thought, beyond the reach of our mind.
Aleph and Yod are the two partners in the game of life, fundamentally in opposition and conflict: Aleph is timeless, Yod is time; Aleph is infinite life, Yod is limited existence.

Looking at the Aces, we find Yods, decending. The only Ace, not having a Yod is Pentacles. But, the main coincidence are the white lilies! We see this on a few other cards, and in the Majors. Specifically on the Magician. So, no matter the card has no Yods, we can see the Lillies as direct result of thought in that direction. When we count them, we find it to be 120.

Remember, the Divine has not only one way of being represented, but we see that the Aces convey, "The beginning, and the end"

The Yods on The Ace of Cups, calculate to 280, or 10- Yod, which is reduced to one again-the Magician. The beginning and end of a "happy relationship", creation of what is to be your family, how do you create your own family life?

Swords, the Yods calculate to sixty or six-- The Lovers.

Wands, 80 or 8--Strength.

But this is not where this ends.

60-The Devil
6--The Lovers

200- Judgement
80-   The Star

100--The Sun
20-- Strength

80--The Star

Looking at each suit, what do we make of the Majors connected to them?

This, an open question?  mmmmm Pirbid, how about some French?

Aren't we just so lucky, We all love each other!
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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 11:52 am

:) Yes, I'm interested in the links to the Majors, since that is what I was trying to do on the Fool's journey (oh, dear, too many threads open, I'll never get all those done!). I'm not sure I understand all the links between them, though, since geometry truly escapes me. The ones I do clearly see make perfect sense. I will have to question you about the more obscure number deductions.

Voudrez vous que je vous questionne à ce sujet dans quelle langue, si'l vous plait? Ou peut-être croyez vous que je ne serai pas capable de vous écrire en Français?   :smt002

I'm afraid there is nothing I can do about your red crystal, though. Miracles take a bit longer  :smt003

Ok, let's get serious. Thank you for your input regarding element weight in a reading. I'm glad you found it useful, and I hope others do as well. Note that my approach is much less academic than yours: I try to feel the cards rather than understand each symbol, but all together makes it so much more complete, even if we can't remember half of it when doing an actual reading  :) Still, it helps to understand the whole.

Now, the Aces and the Magician I see as clearly linked. In fact, the RW Magician has all four suits at his disposal, laying on the table. So the Magician's power also comes from being able to recognize potential energies and use them, giving them direction and shape. Needless to say, most of us aren't that canny. So getting an Ace in a reading does not necessarily mean you will be able to make use of that gift. Getting the Magician on the same reading would be a good thing, since he would lend you his ability in dealing with these raw forces.

The link between Swords and the Lovers is also clear if we see the Lovers as making a difficult decision, since most Swords are about thinking, deciding, worrying. In fact, I believe most Swords message is to warn us that the mind is a very powerful tool... which tends to control us, rather than the other way around. It tends to have a life of its own and can torture us day and night if we don't know how to 'shut it off' through meditation, questioning of motives and the like. The Devil can often be our own mind in the guise of tempting/accusing/embarrasing us for falling. Who is in control? Our mind is the worst enslaver we can encounter: beware!

Wands are also very clearly linked to the Strength card: they are mostly about taming our impulsive energy and channeling it into something useful, rather than letting it run uncontrolled.

Now Cups are harder to link, save for the Star, which is this healing emotional peace we sorely need after physical or psychic trials (also, the image in the Star is very clearly linked to cleansing, smooth waters). Judgment's and the Magician's link to Cups truly escape me: care to expand on this, please? You can even do it in English  :smt003

The Empress is a clear link to Pentacles and the pure enjoyment of our physical and material world (without feeling guilty, politically incorrect, or non intellectual). The Strength and the Sun aren't that clear to me. Explain?

Also, I find it strange that Majors like Strength, the Star and the Magician stand for several suits. I mean, we are agreed that the Magician stands for all of them in their potential form. But I find it very hard to link the Star to Wands (much more 'active', 'daylike' and 'dry'), or the Strength to Pentacles, since I don't see any material taming of energies, but rather of inner impulses and instincts.

My, how you must be enjoying getting me lost like this, you rascal... Never mind, I'll get my own back sometime soon... :smt003

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Post by pirbid » Mon Jan 11, 2010 12:45 pm

:) As promised, here are some Aces pics. The first three are the Ancestral Path's Ace of Swords and Ace of Cups, and Robin Wood's Ace of Pents.

While these are all Marchetti's: Legacy of the Divine on the upper row, plus the Guilded Tarot (his first) on the lower row (I'm having to make a lot of trials to get them a reasonable size).

Anyway, I thought if we are going to study all Minor Arcana from the Aces up, I could take this chance to introduce Marchetti´s decks for those interested in browsing them. The graphics quality is superb, even if my scanner does them little justice.  :smt002

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Jan 12, 2010 10:36 am

Hi Pirbid,

These cards are outstandingly beautifull. And as I said in my PM. we can see that some authors truly focussed on certain aspects. The Robin Wood, you know, I had this deck. This deck is the one I started with.

The history of it is colorful. It was bought at a garage sale by a friend's friend's brother, toghether with a book by P. Scott Hollander. Eventually my friend (Shirley) ended up with the cards and book as she is Rosecruction. She does numerology. We went to visit her on her farm and just started chatting. And being Wiccan, you know we have certain links to the Rossecrutions. Then she pulled out this lot. Well, that was me hooked. I "borrowed" the cards and book to see what it's all about.

Well, I merely let her know, your cards will not find their way to you ever! After that, when going to JHB, I used to buy decks which are available at the flea-markets. Got the RW, Celtic Dragon, Witches Tarot, Haindl and the "Celestial Goddess".

This now, the Celtic Dragon, I gave to my ex, The Goddes I gave to Shirley. It was to "fem" for me. The Witches Tarot I gave to anothe friend. And my Robin Wood, I also departed with, to another friend.

I decided that from now, when I buy new decks, I will have them floated in glass. It makes for a very, very interesting compendium and is absolutely not thousands to buy a painting. I think the first one will be the Guilded Tarot, who will sponsor?

Blessed be

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