Payewacker's Tarot - The Major Arcanum.-The Fool.

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Payewacker's Tarot - The Major Arcanum.-The Fool.

Post by Payewacker » Tue Jan 05, 2010 4:33 pm

This thread is dedicated to discussions on the Fool.

Blessed be.
Last edited by Payewacker on Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:45 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Post by Payewacker » Thu Jan 07, 2010 1:17 pm

Hi Guys,

Now, we are looking at The Fool. There are many attributions and links assigned to this card.

Although, we have an extensive description on the Fool and Symbolism. That does not mean, that you may have a differeing view on some of the Symbolism seen on the card.

We are studying the Major Arcanum, and this is our first Card. To immediately embark on "The Fools Journey", may or may not assist you.

In this Card we look at the "VOID", the existance of potential, not the direction or existence of energy.

Where can we see the Fool to be? If we look at your direction of study, associating you to the Fool, what is the significance of your learning and transcendance, from one card to the other?

We have to remebemr, the Majot Arcanum is a orginised structure and path followed by each person, and it's impossible to "define" a solid or even an archetypal behavior.

The Major Arcanum is associated to Archetypal, existential and cosmic. The Fool is our first step.

Where do you find yourself?

Blessed be.

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Feb 09, 2010 7:44 am


I'm editing the Fool today, it should take about an hour or two.

I place the Fool at the end of the deck in no 22, my theories regarding this will also be in the main doc.

I had to re-publish the doc and the link has changed to this one:

the link:

Publish Link:

If you have downloaded the original doc, it would not contain the additions, please download the edited doc.

Blessed be.

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Post by Payewacker » Tue Feb 09, 2010 9:53 am

This is the additional information which I edited into the main doc on the Fool:

The Fool has always had Tarotists in a bit of a “where, how, when, why?” Should he be as Aleph, or for that matter placed between any of the other Major Arcanum cards, what about the last card or at the end, in Number 22 (Tau/Tav), meaning “Cross”, in the Hebrew Aleph-Beth. This number is currently assigned the World, as it is perceived to be the last letter in the Aleph-Beth. However this theory is not entirely correct! We find five finals in the Cosmic level of energy, that which is beyond our space-time, therefore purely spiritual, but having an influence on a person actions via their thought processes! The thought on this, “A person’s mind is controlled by his/her spirit, by which; the mind controls the thoughts, body and actions in our space-time (Existential energy level).

Assigning or creating five additional cards to account for the five Finals, is an essential process to truly complete the associations of the Major Arcanum. The Five Finals must be seen as beyond our space-time, being Cosmic, but further to include the spiritual development, when we depart this space-time, in 22 (Tau/Tav).

In reference to Tau/Tav—Cross, we should give consideration to the “hanging of a Deity to a tree or Cross”. We see clear examples in most religions. To validate this theory, we need to go back one more step to

21 Shin/Sheen—300, Tooth, The World Card (numbered 22).
This card is associated to Saturn, having the following qualities:
The slowest planet in our galaxy, nearest to the Abyss of outer space, being the furthest away from the ancient seven planets. We associate this planet to the Gods, Chronos, Maveth, and Hades. Because of these qualities it is associated to the element of Earth and Water.

Responsibility, Work Ethic, Strength through trial, Solved problems (while Mercury rules problems yet to be solved), Time, Discipline, Diligence, Self-control, Limitation, Patience, Stability, Maturity, Realism, Reliability, Trustworthiness, Patience, Courage, Steadfastness, Integrity, Destiny, and Fate

Should we then assign our deck to the three sets of seven within the Major Arcanum, excluding the Fool? We find 21 being the Ultimate card of attainment. The development of our “being”, from Aleph to Yod and Ultimately to Tzaddi/Tsadde-FINAL, 900, Fish Hook, Water and associated to the Moon, starts making a lot more sense!
Placing the Fool in position 22 – Tav, Cross, is significant if seen from a perspective of the Deity (Christ and Odin) offering the highest sacrifice for the righteousness of the masses, and spiritual enlightenment. We continue our thought and include Osiris, The Egyptian Sun God. His sublime symbol is X. Today we associate X with ten, which describes attainment. The symbol X has also become the symbol of “Resurrection and Rebirth”; this symbol can be seen, especially among the Freemason, Rosicrucian and Illuminati societies.
Understanding the “Fools Journey”, we have reference to the 22 Halls of Artemisis in Atlantis (this is a hypothetical theory and has not been proven yet)!! However, let us use this hypothesis to see how the Fool’s Journey ends. The Fool is presented with 22 Halls, and 22 Major Arcanum Cards. He is not one of the Halls, or one of the cards at all. The Fool is led by a dark force through the 22 Halls of Artemisis; however we can not say that the Fool is led by a dark force when visiting each Major Arcanum card, receiving enlightenment and guidance on each teaching of the Major Arcanum Cards. He will then end at 21, after which he has achieved his mission or goal in life.
No person’s life is lived without a specific goal to be met, we may never know our goal at all, but once it has been achieved, we have no further use in this space-time, and have to cross-over to be “Judged” accordingly! We are not the one’s to consider whether we met our goal or not, that is in the hands of the Ultimate Creator, Judge and ruler of Life and Death. Having completed our Goal in The World card, we have to move on and be uplifted to God, therefore my theory of     Tav – 22 – Cross. We can see this example on tombstones Worldwide. The birth date of a person is displayed as a Star or Upright Pentagram, and the Cross as the date which the person moved on, and crossed over.
We all know that our soul do not die when the spirit is withdrawn by God. The body dies, to be returned from where it originated.  Our immortal soul has a road to walk beyond the mere Cosmic, before being reincarnated in another human being. Another life, with its own goals to be met. This is a necessary cycle for the soul to achieve purity and attainment.
Although the Fool is an unnumbered card, I assign him to Tav-22. The next step Kaf/Kaph-23 is then “The Throne”. In being the first additional card, it is also the most logical step beyond death. We will stand before our God to be assessed.

Follow this Link to the new doc:

Blessed be.

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Post by sweetsunray » Sun Feb 28, 2010 11:11 pm

Hi PW,

I'm going in depth into the Toth deck, and completed an analysis of the symbols in the Fool, which are often referenced again in other cards. It felt as if I was reading a book, going forward, backward, up and down, and then reflect back to the start. I posted my analysis of the Fool on my blog ... -deck.html

And in another post I just made a "reading the Fool" transcript, which includes the consequences if we regard the Fool as Aleph on the Tree of Life. ... -fool.html

I would personally argument for the Fool as 0 and Aleph, because as the 0 card it breaks the linear from 1-22.

When I compared the Fool and Aeon via the Horus symbols, I also mentioned how Aeon shows an egg form, and that the Fool's spirals seems to form an egg as well. This egg is known in many mythologies as the world egg, the cosmic egg and the Orphic egg. The Sanskrit scriptures, the Rig Veda, the Taoist Pangu myth, the Finns talk about how the cosmos was egg formed and then broke in half forming the sky and the ground. The god Mithras was born out of an egg. The Rig Veda gives it the name Hiranyagarbha, which literally means the "golden womb".

The Greek myth of the Orphic Egg tells the story of Eurynome, the mother of all, who rose naked out of chaos, and when she found nothing to stand on, she separated the sky from the ground, and then she danced. She thought she was all alone, but her dancing had created the northern wind Boreas. She caught it and wrung it between her hands until it took the shape of the snake Ophion, and copulated with it. Out of this union the world egg was created. Ophion coiled itself around it until it was ready and the sun, the moon, the earth and all that is living was born out of it.

The background within the spirals forming an egg on the Fool is golden yellow - the golden womb of the Rig Veda. Outside of the spirals at the top of the card we can see blue shapes that could be seen as clouds, sky forming. The crocodile at the bottom of the card lies in water with reeds, the Nile formed out of the cup. So, we have a cosmic sky separated from a ground where life will grow, a golden womb, and an abstract egg shape. In a way, we could see the spirals as the coils of Ophion around the egg. And within the egg we see several mythological symbols regarding the secret of life creation, transformation and formation.

The Magus, The Lovers and the Hermit depict the Orphic Egg, as we see it from the outside, hiding its secret within, a secret that only is revealed on the Fool. It is as if in those stages we are trying to understand the secret of the origin of life, cosmos and the world as we know it, through trying to create ourselves, through looking to unite with other humans, through self searching within, and yet we cannot crack the egg, nor truly understand it at those stages. But as I have shown there are other cards that bring us back to remembering the Fool's stage, such as the Aeon and the Hanged Man.

Aeon too shows a world egg, but not an Orphic Egg. We can see through the egg, and see both past and present in that card. The secret is understandable in that stage. But in its Orphic depiction, the egg is closed to us, protected by Ophion, and having a hard shell.  

I must mention the World card, the last Major Arcana card. And it shows exactly that myth from which the Orphic Egg is born. In the Orphic Egg myth this dance of the mother of all with Ophion would be chronologically seen as the start of the story, and the Orphic Egg the result. But the Major Arcana starts with the Fool, the Orphic Egg, ready to be born, and the series ends with the creation of the Orphic Egg. It reveals to us that the start is the end, and the end is start, that cause is the result and result the cause of life. The starting and ending card of the Major Arcana beggs us to ask ourselves the question: "Which one was first? The egg or the hen?" The truth is that there is no answer to that question.
On the number zero
The Fool's number in the Major Arcana is the number 0, one of the strangest number in our system. As a placeholder, zero functions to appoint a point in time, that we never experience. There is no year 0, even though we ascribe a 0-point to our timeline. Even the first second after 0 belongs to year 1. So, even though we have it as a placeholder to pinpoint a starting moment before everything else, it does not truly exist. It is as if time 0 falls out of time and space. We cannot measure it, nor touch it. And yet, it is there.

In math 0 has quite surprising effects. If you divide nothing by something you end up with nothing still. But if you divide something with nothing the result is infinity. And if you have several variations of possibilities divided by no variations you end up with the same several variations of possibilities. Nothing is actually something.

It is thus the ultimate symbol for a moment and place in life that has no time, no space, a moment that we cannot touch, nor measure, that is void and yet infinite.  
I have seen some readers assign Saturn to the Fool, but Toth assigns the Golden Dawn supernal triangle to it.

In the other Major Arcana cards we can see a planet or astrological animal sign, but there is none for "zero". We do not have a zero planet or astrological animal. So, though Crowley turned his back on the Golden Dawn System, he used the triangle to symbolize the Fool. A white triangle in the Golden Dawn System stands for the "supernal" universe. Supernal means divine, the "good". The crystal crown on the Fool's head is that white triangle, and then we have a golden one behind the Fool with its base crossing the middle of the card.
The Thoth Deck made it very apparent to me how much the Fool stands outside time and space. I now compare him to a baby in the womb, which does not have an independent life of its own. As the pregnant mother you can still imagine all what the baby is gonna be, and things might go frightingly wrong too. The life inside the womb is not dead, but not yet born either, belonging to a world that is not of this (psychological) world, but a pre-world. The number 22 would not fit such a concept for me, but the number 0 does: it's there, but not like any other number, and in a timeline it's a point in time, and yet we can never touch or grasp it.

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The Fool As a soul card

Post by littlespook » Fri Apr 02, 2010 1:29 pm

I read in the book Tarot for yourself: A workbook for personal transformation by Mary K. Greer that the major arcana can be represented in numerology.  By adding the numbers of your birthday "MM/DD/YYYY" M+M+D+D+Y+Y+Y+Y = Personality card and soul card.

Personality card indicates what you have come into this life to learn.
Soul card shows your soul purpose through all your life times.  

My soul card came out to be 22 and she attached that card to THE FOOL
My personality card came out to be 4 THE EMPEROR  

So in that case what would THE FOOL signify as being a soul card?

She said "THE FOOL - the number of great impulsiveness and great mystery a fine line to balance."

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Post by Payewacker » Wed Apr 14, 2010 9:26 am

The Fool is a "Joker" Card. It can be placed anywhere, in placing it at the end, let me take some excerpts:

Placing the Fool in position 22 – Tav, Cross, is significant if seen from a perspective of the Deity (Christ and Odin) offering the highest sacrifice for the righteousness of the masses, and spiritual enlightenment. We continue our thought and include Osiris, The Egyptian Sun God. His sublime symbol is X. Today we associate X with ten, which describes attainment. The symbol X has also become the symbol of “Resurrection and Rebirth”; this symbol can be seen, especially among the Freemason, Rosicrucian and Illuminati societies.

We all know that our soul do not die when the spirit is withdrawn by God. The body dies, to be returned from where it originated. Our immortal soul has a road to walk beyond the mere Cosmic, before being reincarnated in another human being. Another life, with its own goals to be met. This is a necessary cycle for the soul to achieve purity and attainment.

Although the Fool is an unnumbered card, I assign him to Tav-22. The next step Kaf/Kaph-23 is then “The Throne”. In being the first additional card, it is also the most logical step beyond death. We will stand before our God to be assessed.

The Fool’s dreams and objectives can stretch beyond the limitations of humanity and can include the quest to ascend higher than God. Becoming God or even higher, the folly in these thoughts and ambitions can only be directed and negated by the Creator. The obvious result is seen in the Moon card whereby even mental illness can be foreseen. However should the Fool gain enough wisdom, seek guidance from God, and consider his limitations, his success is depicted on the Sun card.

Blessed be

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