Payewacker's Tarot - Discussion on Dallet.

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Payewacker's Tarot - Discussion on Dallet.

Post by Payewacker » Wed Feb 03, 2010 6:45 pm

Discussion on Dallet.

Understanding the Fours. We must now follow the route energy has taken. First we find Aleph, moving into Beth, which is the container. Then into Gimmel which is the firs action or result, and is now becoming being or physical existance, being the responce to life, as we find in nature around us and within us. It becomes the biological or organic life, as a result of the activity in Gimmel. The discovery of Newton, that between two objects, there is the same responce to movement, but in the opposite direction. We see that Dallet is the concept of action and opposite reaction. In this resistance, we can see the continuation to the archetype of life in Hay (5)

“Dallet: spelled Dallet-Lammed-Tav, 4.30.400: Resistance/Response (Dallet) is a resistance based in its own controlled organic movement (Lammed) rooted in the capacity to resist to life-death (Tav). Dalet is a door which can be open or closed to the energy/movement of Ghimel. It contains its own movement (Lammed), which meets the uncontrolled movement of Ghimel with a controlled response. With Dalet, all the pre-conditions for life have been met, and it will be realized in the next letter.

The two letters on either side of Hay/5, Life, are Dallet and Waw, resistance and propagation. Life resists/adapts to the flow and reproduces itself. Dallet provides Life with the capacity to resist and modulate the infinite flow of Aleph. When the capacity to resist Aleph directly is found in a biological pattern (Mem), it is called Aleph-Dallet-Mem: Adam.”

Source: Revived Quabala and Hypertext.

Looking at Dallet;
We find it denoting the Archetypal number 4, (Dallet)
The Existential in number 30, 40 (Mem)
The Cosmic in 400. (Tav)

In essence we see that Dallet is the Primary source of resistance, but with it’s full expansion the hypothesis exist in the further resistance in the Existential, and Cosmic.

“ The interplay of movement and resistance, stimulus and response, at the heart of life is driven by Dalet and Lammed, which contain each other's letters, and permute endlessly, fertilizing each other in their interlocked expansions. In their roots, they are the same letter.”

On the Cosmic level it is Tav, that is why Dallet can resist Aleph, or keep it on hold, in order for life to sprout and come into existance. In containing both Tav and the Lammed of Dallet (resistance), includes Mem and is thus projections of itself, and seed within itself.

We can now expand to the fours in general with the rapid movement from 1-3, this is a needed, “resting period”, where everything is put on “pause” to gather and reflect, giving consideration to the development of Aleph. However, we shouldn’t view this as a period of total stagnation. There will still be movement, but contained within the square of  4 defined boundaries.

Published doc Link:

Blessed be.

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