Sagittarius - Color Of Choice

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Post by whiteheart » Mon 07 Apr, 2008 7:25 pm

Though I have nothing against Purple I am more the blue man or navy blue, but looking at purple it is a colour that is made up blues and reds and those people who like Virgo, makes me wonder how far our celestial calendar is out, more our yearly calendar taking into consideration the changes made to it by the Romans to fit in their Emperors like Julius, Augustus,
January: named after Janus, the god of doors and gates
February: named after Februalia, a time period when sacrifices were made to atone for sins
March: named after Mars, the god of war
April: from aperire, Latin for “to open” (buds)
May: named after Maia, the goddess of growth of plants
June: from junius, Latin for the goddess Juno
July: named after Julius Caesar in 44 B.C.
August: named after Augustus Caesar in 8 B.C.
September: from septem, Latin for “seven”
October: from octo, Latin for “eight”
November: from novem, Latin for “nine”
December: from decem, Latin for “ten”

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Post by adi4570 » Sat 14 Jun, 2008 8:25 am

wat color shud b used at any special day or important purpose

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Post by tamararaven » Sat 12 Jul, 2008 2:28 am

Heh, I MUST be a saggitarius, because I love that colour.

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Post by Rurk61 » Tue 22 Jul, 2008 7:00 am

Yeah purple is way cool. and Deep Purple what a band. They had a Sag bass player at one time and Ian Gillen was/is a Leo, and all of them had Pluto in Leo.. some " bad cats" as they used to say. Highway Star forget it. If it comes on I go from a law abiding school marm granny to Boll Weevil Knieval of the open road in the merest matter of moments. We Sags like to move fast, esp inspired by the Royal color purple. The Artist Currently Known as Prince annoys me though, so maybe it depends on the context.

I love orange, but maybe that is because I have Leo moon. I had a an orange Volewagon once. Green is nice in nature, but not on my walls or on peoples' faces for inst;

I hate yellow in clothing and on walls, but the Sun looks nice...and yellow flowers are quite beautiful.."yellow is the color of my true love's teeth in the mornin" Yeeeshhh. Donovon had a song mellow yellow too. Must have been Gemini rising.

Black is very cool I like to wear alot of black, mayhaps due to my Venus in Scorpio.

white is nice- an extremist like black- but not a particular favorite.

Red can be nice is nature, (cardinals, roses, w c field's nose) but I don't like red cars much.

Blue and purple are cousins I guess but I don't like every shade of blue. Again depends on where. Could be part of a nice t-shirt, or the blue sky, or someone's nice blue eyes, but when my hamster turns blue it is time for the vet to administer treatment for cyanosis.

So in conclusion I would like to say colors are nice.

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Post by mrs.rddbrown » Fri 10 Jul, 2009 7:20 pm

green is my primary color and yes purple is my secondary color

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Colour of Choice

Post by Lavender-oasis » Tue 05 Jan, 2010 6:05 am

My favourite is Purple but I do wear lots of blue and sometimes red.I like Yellow to but cannot where it as I have pale skin and blonde hair. And I think green belongs with nature.

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Post by Zaros » Wed 15 Jun, 2011 11:02 pm

Yes it is very true. I love the color purple. It has a good energy vibe to it, too.

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Post by lilsun » Thu 08 Sep, 2011 12:20 am

I don't think the color has much to do with the signs but i feel much more connected to the color Blue.

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Post by LavanderGirl » Fri 26 Oct, 2012 2:13 pm

My most favorite color is purple, I also do like all different shades and colors of purple, my second favorite is Red.

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How would you interview the newborn infant?

Post by eye_of_tiger » Fri 26 Oct, 2012 10:44 pm

Another member named Lilsun wrote........
I don't think the color has much to do with the signs but i feel much more connected to the color Blue.
I completely agree with Lilsun, and support the idea that any association between the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius and the color purple is purely arbitrary and in the eye of the beholder.

Personally I have always preferred ROYAL BLUE, yet my wife who was also born on December 9th (one year before I was) prefers EMERALD GREEN.

Now it may well be that if we asked a large enough sample of the general population of Sagittarians what their favourite color was that the colour purple could actually be at the top of the list as was suggested, but does that mean that a Sagittarian who prefers another colour does not have the right to be an individual in his or her own right?

Also as with numerology where the Life Path Number is supposed to indicate the individual's personality strengths and weaknesses at the exact moment of their birth, people's colour preferences often similarly change over time as they grow older.

In order to scientifically test the theory therefore that Sagittarians are born with a distinct tendency to prefer the colour purple but often later change it to something else, how would you go about interviewing and interrogating the newborn infant, just after he or she emerges from his or her mother's birth canal?

EoT  :smt017

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Re: How would you interview the newborn infant?

Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue 08 Jul, 2014 12:33 pm

eye_of_tiger wrote:Another member named Lilsun wrote........
I don't think the color has much to do with the signs but i feel much more connected to the color Blue.
I completely agree with Lilsun, and support the idea that any association between the Zodiac sign of Sagittarius and the color purple is purely arbitrary and in the eye of the beholder.

Personally I have always preferred ROYAL BLUE, yet my wife who was also born on December 9th (one year before I was) prefers EMERALD GREEN.

Now it may well be that if we asked a large enough sample of the general population of Sagittarians what their favourite color was that the colour purple could actually be at the top of the list as was suggested, but does that mean that a Sagittarian who prefers another colour does not have the right to be an individual in his or her own right?

Also as with numerology where the Life Path Number is supposed to indicate the individual's personality strengths and weaknesses at the exact moment of their birth, people's colour preferences often similarly change over time as they grow older.

In order to scientifically test the theory therefore that Sagittarians are born with a distinct tendency to prefer the colour purple but often later change it to something else, how would you go about interviewing and interrogating the newborn infant, just after he or she emerges from his or her mother's birth canal?

EoT  :smt017

Dear EoT,

I hear ya, loud and clear! (Although I am not clair-audient/sentient) <LOL>

However, since you are suggesting a 'scientific' (presumably meaning at least thorough, as opposed to haphazard approach or "I like it, hence it must be so!" approaches often seen on forums! Although, nothing wrong with those approaches and we are not judging those as black or white realities!

The biggest flaw that as an astrologer I see is that colour-preference is being tied down to the sign inhabited by sun at ones birth! We are not even going into tropical vs sidereal consideration, here, at this time ;-)

But sun and sun alone? How can that be adequate, despite millions of pages written by certain prolific writers who were astrologers also.

How can millions born during the month of sagittarius (as per sunsigns) worldwide be besotted by the colour purple? Or violet or even lavender?

Surely, something is amiss, one might say? Well for starters, I would suggest among factors missing: 11 signs, several planets (my set in use has a total of 8 other than sun, and a few secondary ones (not trans-saturnines!) and a couple of baker's dozens of other important indicators.

So much for science, but all that aside, my favourite would be purple (with a bit extra blue, though not quite violet!) and pink! <hehe>



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Post by Rohiniranjan » Tue 08 Jul, 2014 12:49 pm

Sorry, EoT, I missed addressing one of the points raised by you.

According to biologists, a newborn does not possess very well-characterized colour vision which is something that falls in place within weeks after delivery.

One of the possibilities of this once explained to me, scientifically, was that the foetus develops and is subjected to near darkness within the mother's womb. The colour vision involves certain biological dyes in the cones (colour receptors) in our eyes. They tend to fade and become less effective, if subjected to dark environments (visually and not meaning spiritually or psychologically ;-)) for prolonged periods. This is seen in individuals who had the misfortune to be subjected (punishment or other reasons) to total darkness.

So if a speaking infant were shown a bunch of colour cards, it would probably say, "It is all GREY to me!". And indeed the innocent, godlike infant sees the world as GREY, literally and figuratively/metaphorically!

In certain spiritual practices, monks go in for self-imposed seclusion retreats. Little food is provided once a day and sometimes remains un-touched. It must result in what I call a COLOUR-REBOOT and the renunciate emerges with all COLOUR and JUDG-MENTALITY washed out of his or her system.

They say that REALITY is actually GREY and our minds add colour to those! ;-)



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