How long do you want to live?

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How long do you want to live?

Post by ConfusedMind » Fri Nov 12, 2010 9:53 am

you may have heard many people saying they are willing to live till a certain age. they say that they do not want to live longer than that. however, the range vary.

most people i know will be happy, as they say, if they can make it till 50.
i was talking to a friend of mine last night, who thought living for 45 years is enough.
for me, i do not want to turn thirty.

what is your ambition?

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Post by spiritalk » Fri Nov 12, 2010 3:59 pm

This reminds me that the average age people died has increased immeasurably with the advent of good health care.  The average age for a man is 77 and for a woman 80, I believe in the latest survey of the matter.  

Around the mid 1880s - still not so long ago - the average age when people died was 45.  There has been a large jump in the industrial age.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Sat Nov 13, 2010 12:25 pm

thank you spiritalk, for the information about general life span having increased. However, i was eager to know how long people want to live. when do they think that it's been enough of living? true that it varies from individual to individual. but, that is what i would like to know from each of you.

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Post by Zetascair20086 » Sun Nov 14, 2010 4:53 am

I'm 26 and long tired of living. I never really wanted to live to adulthood, it's been a huge disappointment. Without modern medicine I would've died at age 17 or maybe earlier and would have been fine with that.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:50 am

why? what happened to you?

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Post by spiritalk » Mon Nov 15, 2010 2:57 pm

The older I get the less it seems to matter.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Thu Nov 18, 2010 10:05 am

is it like - live every moment as if it's the last moment? thus it does not matter how long you live?

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Post by Krain » Tue Nov 23, 2010 3:33 am

I would say I would like to live long enough for me and my family to reach a point in our lives where we all have accepted eachother for who and what we are; to look back on this life and laugh at what has passed. However, I woulkd not want to live long enough to be all alone and have most of my family die out so I would say...60 is a good number lol :D

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Post by ConfusedMind » Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:51 am

here's something very funny, but perhaps, this is how life is. i was talking to a friend of mine last week about this, who mentioned that living for 45 years is enough. when we had a conversation day before yesterday, she said, she wanted to live at least for 80 years, for she feels so many things are yet to be done. and living for hundred years is not enough.

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Post by ConfusedMind » Tue Nov 23, 2010 6:51 am

here's something very funny, but perhaps, this is how life is. i was talking to a friend of mine last week about this, who mentioned that living for 45 years is enough. when we had a conversation day before yesterday, she said, she wanted to live at least for 80 years, for she feels so many things are yet to be done. and living for hundred years is not enough.

Sunny Stream
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Post by Sunny Stream » Thu Jan 20, 2011 11:10 pm

I know this was posted a while back... and i dont mean this in a rude way.. but noticed mostly the posts were from under 30' nearing 50...

Looking back when i was young, 48 seemed ever so old and as me Dad died at 52, i suppose at that age i thought dying a possibility at 48..even thought it an acceptable amount of time..

As ive grown older and experienced a whole host of things in my life, including losing one or two friends that were far too young to die... i realise... i am not ready to die at 48, nor 68, i have too much to do, to much to see.. life is a gift... and i dont say this light heartedly it really is the most precious of gifts... from the age of 40 i have suffered long term illnesses.. all curable, but it takes its toll... i have a friend who had MS, COPH and a rare kidney disease too... she shouldn't be here... yet she clings and fights to stay alive, cus she has a young son, and wants to be there for him..

Life is never easy, but it sure isnt boring... it has its ups and downs, but when the ups come, they are worth it...

I have a motto and it was one i came up with when i was near death a few years ago... life is for living... so live it...

When do i want to die? I dont... im enjoying living too much (even the yucky times) to think about dying...
And when its time to go over then its time..., but i do feel life should never be wasted... what may seem a long time to a younger person... is so short a time... its over in a blink...

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Post by blackspring » Mon Apr 11, 2011 2:47 pm

Thank you for your post, Sunny Stream. I agree with much of what you say :)

I have no set age beyond which I am ready to die. Death will come when it does, and I will have no control over it. What I do have control over is my life now, and how I live it each day.

That said, I have always had the inexplicable conviction that I will end up living a very long life. I'm ok with dying eventually, but I have some things I want to accomplish first.

Ten years ago, I told this same thought to my sister when she asked whether I would be ok with dying tomorrow. She responded by saying that she would be fine with it. A week later, she was dead. Completely unexpected. An accident. To this day, her words still haunt me.

As we get older, we come to experience more of everything in life - the good, along with the bad. People we love die before we do. The grief we feel is the price we pay for the love we let ourselves feel, and although it hurts, there is also a realization that the love we gave and received was is worth the pain we must go through when someone we love is gone. Likewise, there is a realization that all of life is a gift to be experienced and lived in full each day that we are given.

i don't know how long I want to live, but I do know HOW I want to live.

Taoist Dragon
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Post by Taoist Dragon » Sun Sep 04, 2011 9:00 pm

I have seen many people in my life return, or nearly return to the Tao, the first being my grandma when I was 13. The sorrow and depression I felt put me into a very dark time of my life, and many times I was tempted to join her by my own hand. Death isn't an end, it is the turning of a page. In 2005/2006, New Year's Eve, I came very close to turning that page myself after being accidentally shot. I was laying there on the operating table, 40-45 minutes after being hit by the bullet, when just after I took one last look around, I couldn't see the room or anyone in it anymore, and could only see a warm light above me and around me. I no longer felt the table beneath me, as if floating, and I felt warm and comfortable, no longer in pain from the bullet lodged deep inside me. It was then, that I saw someone, who clearly wasn't a member of the operating team, wasn't wearing scrubs or a hair thing, come between myself, and the light. They said in a firm but gentle voice 'Not yet', and I saw and felt their hand on my chest, and felt myself gently pushed back into my body. The cold steel of the table underneath me and the rush of pain hit, but I knew I would be okay after seeing that. I feel that I am here for a purpose, I have far too many things to do before I leave this lifetime. If I have my way, I'd like to live to see 450 or so, for there are too many things, and so many people I will be able to see and meet and experience. There are certain Taoist yoga exercises and Qi distillation techniques, when properly practiced, that can allow people to attain astounding longevity, and even allowing one to 'ascend' as an immortal, back with the Tao. I intend to be one of those that attains such longevity, and hopefully, be able to ascend and become one with the Tao, without pain of death bringing me there.

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Post by farthirl » Tue Sep 06, 2011 4:29 am

I intend to live for a few thousands of years. I want the knowledge and the experience. I want the power. I want all those things, and more.

Taoist Dragon
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Post by Taoist Dragon » Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:15 am

Well, once you live so long, you may be able to ascend, like the Taoist Immortals. In that case, you would essentially live forever, and be able to come back to this plane anytime youlike, or were needed.

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