taurus man - capricorn woman

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taurus man - capricorn woman

Post by taurusguy » Wed 26 Feb, 2014 11:39 pm

So here is the scoop.

I have an evening once a week and met a capricorn lady. We haven't actually talked yet or at least not on a personal level. She asked me for help once because she was lost, so I helped her and that was that.

We have had 2 moments were we intensely looked into each others eyes. Once when I ended up sitting next to her since no more seats were left. I called the instructor and turned to my right and we just looked at each others eyes for about 5 seconds till the instructor came between us.

The other time was at a bus stop, I was walking towards her and she was looking behind me for the bus. Then her eyes darted towards mines and mines were already on hers. We just stared and as I got closer and closer and I just turned away to face the street once I got right next to her. I felt horrible for not breaking the ice or saying anything. Inside, I just wanted to tell her that "from the first day I saw her, I thought she was very cute, and want to get to know her better, introduce myself and ask her out to coffee to learn more about her". But, I failed and then her bus came and took her away.

I find we seem very similar, as in we are confident, but reserved and in class concentrate on our work. I'm not sure what has attracted me to here, but I've never gazed into a woman's eyes for that long and become lost in someone's eyes. It's the weirdest feeling ever but at the same time so relaxing.

I've tried on numerous counts to chase after her after class in the hallways. But usually she leaves the class so fast like she has something else to do. And this is in the late evening.

Then last week in class I noticed she never once made eye contact. She ignored me, or maybe she was just into her work in class so much. She was into her laptop non stop and only smiled and talked to a few girls around her. Normally, she sits in a corner and minds her own business. Where as for me, I know people in the class so I tend to be social with them.

Anyway, how do I approach this cappy lady? I guess as a taurus guy, I've been looking for signs. She is just like me has no emotions on her face, as we never smile towards each other. We only smile if others make us laugh. But we have made eye contact and for more than 5 seconds.

I'm thinking the best bet is to approach her at the bus stop. Since she has to WAIT for the bus, and it gives me a perfect chance not having to run after her and find her in the halls.

I'm a taurus and I've never asked a cappy girl out before. But she seems so interesting and you know when a taurus wants something.. they go for it full speed ahead!

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