Pisces and Love

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Post by spiritualworld » Sat Nov 01, 2008 2:33 pm

yes, it's true pisces are like that. you can check the site i made specially for pisces horoscopes: www.piscesfreehoroscope.com

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Hi - strange things afoot

Post by giddy » Sun May 17, 2009 4:09 pm

Hi all,

I can honestly say I have probably just experienced both the lightest and darkest two weeks of my life. I have just come back from an amazing work tri to Ibiza and met a wonderful man who I didn't think was my type but now feel inseperabe as friends - all very odd we have been in swimming costumes together in the pool loking at the stars etc. but nothing romantic has happened. He has told me that he finds it hard to trust girls but I have been told that I am probably one of his true girl friends and he is so fond of me by another grl friend of his. I have since met all of his friends since the trip and feel really connected to all of them. I blurted out the fact i may have a crush on him on Friday though and have no recllection of what he said back to me. Things are still the same and he gave me a massive hug before i left him on saturday but i am massively confused as i always trust my instinct and thought there may have been something there. I saw a clairvoyant in March who said i would meet someone and i would feel very fated, connected with a country with the initial S (Spain??). My Mother is in hospital recovering from a breast op  to try and battle cancer and my dad has been put in a home whist she takes time to recover. It all feels really confusing but somehow still right with him. He seems to have come into my lige at a very freaky time, my dad has been moved temporarily to a care home as he is losing it a bit and can't look after himself at home.

I can honestly say this man is the most soulful guy I have ever met but I think he maybe just doesn't fancy me or is ready for a relationship with anyone after getting so badly hurt by his last girlfriend. (he generally goes for tall, skinny model types and I'm not). Although he isn't my normal type either, I just woke up on a roof terrace with him last weekend, all snuggled and just felt so happy and perfect to be with him, even though nothing has happened. He spent all last weekend with me and gave me a lift all the way home (about 20 miles) on the back of his scooter. The dreaded alcohol was involved on friday and i honestly cant remember what he said to me. Help!!! I really feel this is something big in my life but not sure what is going on or how to process it. Should i just back off and give him some space. He sent me an email and lovely text yesterday, still with lots of kisses on. how do I know what is really happening here and if it's destiny we met in these dark times? i have been invited to go camping with this new bunch and him next weekend but feel I may need to give him space, even though i really want to be his friend still.


Posts: 26
Joined: Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:00 pm

Post by elevenat11 » Sun Sep 27, 2009 4:59 am

Hi giddy.  Well, what's up ?  What happened ?  Did you go camping ? Did that guy turn out to be Mr Wonderful or Mr Dud ?

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